
Being the quietest and most reserved in the company is HARD. Why are the Teams chat spammers the most celebrated and liked? (Vent)

Being my quiet self, it is hard to be the lone person like this and have people thinking I am crazy. I am naturally a quiet person. But to the company, the louder the better. Context: I was hired at the same time as another person. My workload is very independent and self-directed. I do my own thing and that’s it. I make no fuss or noise. The other colleague (quite a bit older) is EVERYWHERE. She transferred everyone onto Teams and created a company social chat. Already a red flag for me. She non stop posts memes, jokes, family things, and now this noise is catching on with other colleagues going the same. She’s already making other channels too: food, music, physical activity. It’s becoming a platform for her and the other staff. I don’t care about the rain storm and broken tree in front of your 1 million…


Publicly traded company can’t afford pizza party

I work for a publicly traded company in the tech space as an engineer. They told us they want to have a virtual Xmas party but they can't pay for pizza. 40$ limit for the team.


Thought this was appropriate this sub


Work requiring credit card be tied to personal credit

My girlfriend recently started a new job and they added her to the company credit card. About a week ago she checked her credit score and noticed it had dropped by about 40 points because the outstanding balance on the company credit card was now being reported on her personal credit score. When she asked HR about this they told her that American Express requires all authorized users to be personally tied to the card to be able to use it. I have never heard of anything like this and I think it’s absurd for someone to be required to tie their personal credit to something work-related like this. She was also never even notified that this was going to happen when she started working there, which makes me think they just signed her up for this using her SSN and personal information without her permission which I’m pretty sure…


Workplace I was fired from asking for help…AGAIN! Do I negotiate or leave them to suffer? – England

So about 18 months ago I was fired for a very annoying reason…I realise now after a lot of anger about it that what I did was technically wrong and so I am less angry about the reason I was fired. Now the company are asking for my help and to potentially come back as they have been in their words “completely screwed” without me over the last 18 months. Just for a quick note on why I was fired, for 5 years I was asked by multiple managers in my company (a large multi million pound corporate company) to sign in on their logins and approve payments for our workforce. The previous 3 years to that we had had a system that did not require any approval process so the managers were all not bothered by approving as myself and a lot of the other administrators had been working…


Hilarious job compensation

So, my husband just retired from military service and is looking for a job. He received an interview offer from a small company who was somewhat vague about what they actually did and said it was for a customer service role. I told him to go for it, but not to get his hopes up. Interview #1 was yesterday and he was invited for interview #2 this morning. He went this morning and was offered the job. Basically, this is a nonprofit company who helps other nonprofits raise funds and meet their target fundraising goals. You already know the pay is bad. The offer: Work 9-5 in person, Monday – Saturday. Yes – 6 days a week, every week. The pay is $350.00 per week plus commission based on the amount of funds you raise. They would not tell him the commission percentage and said it “varies.”


I honestly cannot make this s*#% up ***rant***

After months of searching for a new position and with the help of my recruiter, I landed what I thought was the greatest job at an amazing company. My first day was Monday, November 27 so just over a week ago. Today, day 7 I was told I was being let go for….drumroll please…..I wasn’t learning the 3 different systems and everything the job entails fast enough. I know my face looked just like Slater’s “duh” face from Dazed and Confused because I truly was, still am. So, forget about the 90 day probationary period, which mind you the other employee in the same position apparently needed to grasp everything, I’m tossed out after 6 days and 2 hours this morning. WTAF? I’ve never been so insulted in my life and certainly never let go for such an illogical reason. I could fully understand if I had been there past…


Signs of burnout at your job?

What are the signs of burnout at a job? I think this is something that a lot of us overlook, often believing we are just “tired”. Maybe it is more than that however, and I believe that society has somewhat brainwashed the masses into ignoring their job as a potential source of anguish and stress. At what point did you realize that your job was a major source of stress in your life?


Slow march back to the office…

Just had an email from the top dogs stating that our 40% office policy is moving to 60% – so three days instead of two in office. We’ve been working from home for three years, coming into the office two days a week. It works. There was no drop in productivity, if anything more gets done. Anybody slacking off at home was also slacking off in the office, so no noticeable difference. The rest of us are happy to put in an extra hour or so here and there because we’re not commuting. Net gain, not loss. There is no need or benefit in requiring bums on seats in office an extra day a damn week. And to top it off, the email included the sentence ‘this is, of course, not a long weekend’. There’s no need to infantilise us by assuming we do not know that work from home…


How the fuck do people work 40hrs a week?

I started at Walmart a month ago and after every shift I hurt all over. I walk an average of 8-10 miles a day. Walmart employs millions, who all seem to do what I do without complaint. I just don't get it. ​