
Any tips on working for someone dumb as dirt?

Posted here before about a supervisor that is really testing my patience. He wants to talk all the time, says the same things over and over, and majority of it is him talking about how we should talk more. He is one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. My guess is he’s just rarely had power or people to ‘boss’ around before. He’s not a hard worker, by any means, except when it comes to his projects. He’s spent his time here re-vamping our shop- which really is just him making unnecessary, inconvenient changes to the structure and turning it into his little clubhouse and personal storage area. (For which he made me and my other coworker remove our tiny amount of furniture being stored there…so he can fit more of his in) But what really sucks is he is nice. He’s just too dumb and lacking social cues…


Company profit is up 68%; when asked for raise he cackled

My company meeting just concluded about 10 minutes before writing this. Our product prices have increased over 40% this quarter compared to this time last year and we produced the most amount of product last quarter than any other quarter in the 25 years this company has been here. When someone said “we can't pay rent, when is our raises coming??” the plant manager cackled and said, “your cost of living adjustment will come in March just like it does every year.” No raises, even though $16.50 in my small town, with overtime, doesn't pay all of my bills and most of my peers' bills. What a joke. The rest of the places in my small town pay about the same, maybe a little less. Meanwhile I can't afford the surgery I need, as well as rent to live on my own.


Is this a realistic expectation?

Went in for an interview for a lead position. This is for an org in social impact space but is a CSR wing of a larger org. Other than lofty goals for the year, the expectation for anyone applying to this role is to build and scale four brand new verticals. However, they’re not open for me to hire anyone under me and ‘can provide one intern’ because we don’t have the budget for this.


Just walked after day 1

Had cult vibes, half things didn’t work, and they booked me in for several days they weren’t even open and offered zero compensation/fucks for lost pay. I did the right thing, yes?


Company wants us to pay for annual ski trip

My company does all sorts of social events and retreats but is always looking to cut costs. Now the pressure is on to RSVP to the annual ski trip for $100 (food and lodging- this is definitely a deal but we can’t bring family or plus ones so it’s hard to appreciate the savings) plus an optional $100 for the lift tickets. They don’t even mention the ski rental but that’d easily be at least another $50. Where do they get off thinking anyone wants to spend $250 to be with the same people they’re with all week?


I was let go because I wouldn’t wear a MAGA hat for a holiday picture

As the title suggests, the company I worked for let me go because I didn’t want to be part of the conservative themed holiday photo. They said they’re down sizing and that’s why they let me go but that’s clearly not the case. What do I do? Let it go and move on? Also, I have all their business information. Everything from tax docs and client/vendor lists.


Found out a coworker has been secretly recording audio of our shared office space on his phone

So a little context, this coworker has a habit of looking to start drama and has already falsely accused me and three others of wrongdoing by going to HR. Well today I was in early and I was at my desk and something was just nagging me and couldn’t tell what it was. I noticed his phone on his desk and flipped it over and lo and behold he was recording us. I legit love my manager he’s the best manager I’ve ever had he always has my back and he knows this coworker is a lying asshole so I’m going to speak with him tomorrow (cause he’s out sick today) just wondering if this is something that is grounds for termination. I did take a picture of the recording on his phone which is timestamped.


Am I being selfish or should I get paid more

I’m 19 working retail, I plan on leaving for a trade shortly however that’s not what this post is about I was asked to go to a different state for 5 days to help at a store. It’s about a 5 hour drive each way. I’d be spending the nights in a hotel. Now, being a stupid 19 year old I said, “sure, sounds fun.” I assumed I was going to make bank that week and I was excited because I’m trying to save up as much money as possible. They are paying for my hotel and gas, which I expected. However I’m getting no extra pay for the hours I work at the store. It was stupid of me not to ask, but am I selfish/ignorant for not seeing the point in going away for 5 days when I could make the same money at my normal workplace (5…


I’m crying at work and I can’t stop

So this lady I work with is insanely nit picky and she’s been pretty mean since the beginning. Just making comment non-stop. Watching me make a mistake then following it up with “you need to get to the point where you know this” then proceeding to tell me to figure it out myself when I ask for help because “you should be able to tell by looking at it” Okay well maybe I’m fucking dumb. I’ve never worked for a construction company before I don’t know what’s on invoices. Second time I ask for help it’s a huge “uuughh”. Then I get told by my boss I’m messing things up and I need to ask more questions. Today a customer came in. I only handle the paperwork and property management side of things. So when he came in and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about I told the…


AITA for this

Context,ima chef and extremely busy throughout the entire week. Was looking to change jobs for a change of pace.