
Layed off right after my job related stitches get removed.

I work with glass as a glass glazer (residential windows and commercial windows) so you already know the job is really dangerous with a lot of cut skin every day. So the Wednesday before thanksgiving, I’m working on an especially tough window and my knife slips which causes my gripping hand to punch part of the broken window. Basically a stab cut on my index finger knuckle. This then took almost three weeks of healing with stitches which really sucked honestly. I couldn’t get the usual tetanus shot since im unfortunately allergic to it, so i was extra careful with this cut and ended up with a little time off for recovery. Today i call my work back letting them know they finally are removed and i can safely work again. Im simply told that im now layed off because “theres not enough work”. Meanwhile the last time I called…


My job shafted me because they know I can’t do anything about it.

I work at a regional company with several locations in my area and recently got a new job there that will start in a few months. Until then, my job is dealing directly with customers when they come in to our location. Originally, this job was pretty great. I worked at a location that was super close to my house that typically was pretty relaxed, which gave me enough time to take my time helping and getting to know customers. However, a few days after I got news about the upcoming position, I got transferred to another location, which is where the problems start. For starters, the new location is twice as far from my house as the old one, so now I’m waking up earlier, using more gas, and getting home later, for no extra pay. This location is also insanely busy. I’m talking line out the door before…


My company wants me to come in Saturday at 6am (I do second shift)

This is BS and I hate when companies make you do Saturdays, but to make the second shift guy get up so early is just a new low that I've never experienced before. The thing that really pissed me off about it was the fact that I knew they would ask me to do Saturdays and they would be optional, but then they turned around and demanded I do it. Very scummy; what do you all think? Should I negotiate a better time to come in or should I just refuse and risk getting head counted? Also should mandatory OT be illegal? I certainly think it should.


Work from home warning: Future of ‘obesity, bad neck, hair loss and wrinkles’

Just seen the most insane anti WFH article.


Cant Wait for the next pandémic.

God going to the office for absolutely nothing Is soul crushing and throwing money un the fire. Cant Wait for the next pandémic. Hope my brain soon Makes the cognitive dissonance requires for me to find good sides about this.


Is a 4 day work week best allocated as a 3 day weekend or wednesdays off?

To visualize it: M T W T F S S M T W T F S S Long weekend to truly unwind or a break in the middle? What do you reckon ultimately. Maybe another way entirely even? Ofc no work is the ideal but we'll have to gradually get there, unless we can achieve revolution.


Danish union joins strike in solidarity with Swedish Tesla workers. Norwegian unions may follow suit


Thoughts on “meals served by leaders” events?

Does anyone else find those “meals served by leaders” events kind of humiliating? Today my work had a “breakfast served by leaders” event where they had a lot of the top brass serving pancakes to the employees. It’s catered from a brunch place down the road from the office. When I went to check it out- it was clear that they had spent well over $500 on this with all the different food options. I thought it was a nice idea at first but when I stood there watching the vice president of operations or whatever, the lady who makes more in an hour than I do in a week, ask me if I wanted one pancake or two I sort of felt like shit. The same company who said it just wasn’t viable to give me a raise when I presented my literal bills compared to the cost of…


This appeared on my LinkedIn today. These people are just delusional.


My promotional secondment denied.

Hey all I’m writing this just to see if I can get any advice or help. I currently work at a bank in a retail position and I’ve been offered a role 3 levels above mine with a much higher salary within the bank. I interviewed 3 times over the course of 2 months, aced every interview and my manager was in the know of this secondment offer. Knowing this I planned for the move where said work would be, 100kms from where I live. My start date would be in 2 weeks I was told and I planned my move around it – securing a lease in the cbd with my new expected income of around 125k from my current 40k so I was super excited, a quick rushed decision that I’ve shot myself in the foot with. My issue being is now my manager has denied my secondment…