
This has been getting me through endless days of fuc*ery

May you be similarly inspired.


Always Remember: No Matter How Friendly They Act, Management Never Cares About You.

I've been working my butt off for my current manager for 3 years, always volunteering to take on extra work, working for free just to get stuff done, helping her with things she struggles with, etc. She started after me and came from a totally different field, so she needed a lot of help. This week I got sick, possibly covid. I have barely slept in days, I'm in pain, I and let her know I would have to work remotely. Instead of showing any sympathy for my situation, she gets mad at me, like how dare I abandon her during a busy week and gives me an attitude like I'm worthless. I've saved this person's ass more times than I could remember, and the second I need something in return, she considers me trash and makes no secret of it. Just remember folks: they may act like they're your…


Most jobs have no meaning

It is pointless to force everyone to work when the vast majority only do bullshit jobs that produce little to no value. The technology we have shouldn't be used to churn out endless cheap plastic environmentally wasting crap, but be used to automate as many jobs as possible to free as many people as possible. But unfortunately, no society will prioritise health and wellbeing over productivity (aka how much dollars you can make for someone in X hours), because the rich ruling class of billionaires, and in a lesser (but still way unachievable to the masses) capacity, politicians, will never let it happen. They benefit through us being a cog of the machine. And thanks to the work propaganda they shove down our throats plus sheer 9-5 exhaustion, the average person can't even see the matrix they are trapped in. Then, they spew out propaganda like 'oh, you can't do…


How does one look for work if I have to give 30 days notice in Maine? (I work in education.)

Working in education sucks, I work as an Education Technician, and less than 20K isn't worth the crap I have to put up with. I'm genuinely worried that no one will hire me since I have to give 30 days notice as part of my contract. I don't exactly have a stable work history as I job hopped out of depression and then took a few years hiatus to focus on my health. I feel like I'm kind of in a screwed position, but education is really taking a toll on my mental health and makes me genuinely read going into work everyday. I fear that if I have to give a 30 days notice, that a company will get impatient and hire someone else who can start sooner. I know it's not great to quit without something lined up, but should I resign now, and start applying to a…


Anyone else feel the need to protect yourself against your employer

After so many bad and illegal experiences I have had with employers, I feel the need to know my rights and laws to protect myself. All we hear over and over is how the employer can do anything they want because they can or we are at-will (which is true to a point). What’s wrong with defending yourself against illegal things an employer tries to get away with? At least in my experience, protecting myself has only benefited me and held a sketchy employer accountable.


What job would you like to have if the pay and benefits were better.

I would like to work as a bud tender at my regular dispensary but the pay is a joke.


My manager asked if things were okay… How do I take the conversation forward?

My manager (who had started off a promising leader) has become a typical “everyone should work all the time and vacation days are against our culture” ass. She also has a tendency to push her work onto other people, shirk things that are her responsibility, etc. and as her direct junior, the repercussions on me are immediate. After a year of this crap, this year I've been doing the bare minimum, refusing to take on her workload, not responding to emails and messages after work hours. There have also been several instances when she's thrown me under the bus with coworkers (who are supposed to report to me directly), made decisions that affect me without taking my input, tried to involve me (i.e. pass off) an event that is supposed to be her responsibility. So now I just don't respond. A few days ago, she tried to pick up a…


Should I ghost my current employer?

So this is U.S. based, im a very young (19m) supervisor where I work I moved up in the company faster than anyone did before in its history and I worked really really hard for that. I currently make a really good wage for the state I’m in plus my age but here’s where the problem comes in. Recently the outsourced a new assistant plant manager and he doesn’t like how young I am as he’s an old creep who believes my generation is just a bunch of lazy kids. I work my ass off every day because I have to prove myself that much more. Well eventually he talked the Plant manager into posting my job up with a 3 dollar raise to anyone who wanted to apply. He was extremely rude about it when I found out and didn’t even tell me when it happened. I found out…


Bezos Bucks for Unionizing?

So I had a bit of an idea while trawling this subreddit. I'm primarily an Uber driver, and can afford to lose a day or two (or a week) of Uber money. There's an Amazon warehouse nearby that is known to hire anyone. If at my first day of working at Amazon, I showed up in a union t-shirt, posted union stuff in the breakroom, etc, I'm pretty sure I would get fired, right? Could I sue them for wrongful termination? Would I be able to get some of those Bezos Bucks or does that lawsuit just get me back into a job I don't actually care to have? Need some startup capital to start my own business sharpening people's knives and trying to come up with good ideas to fundraise the cash.


I wasn’t paid for four days, a month after my company was unionized

This is mostly a rant. I didn’t get paid by my job due to their error for four days past standard billing period. We’re supposed to be paid on the last weekday of the month, and the fifteenth of the month. I got paid sometime yesterday. I am still seething mad, but I’m absolutely going to file a grievance with the union about this. I’m so glad I now have protection against this garbage.