
Danish dockworkers join Swedish strike action against Tesla


My boss is a Bi-polar narcissist and I hope he gets what is coming to him.

I just need to rant for a minute. Currently laying awake at 2AM loathing my boss, like I have on many other occasions. Feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of… My boss is an awful human and a worse manager. Here's some of the many things I deal with on a daily basis. Constant micro managing and huge mood swings. He's always saying things shouldn't take as long, even when done faster and more efficiently than ever before. Has massively unrealistic expectations. Very rarely gives praise. Only talks about himself except when he's complaining about other people. Doesn't listen to advise from anyone. Completely lacks any sort of empathy. Doesn't pay fair wages or on time. Gets defensive when asking for payment. Makes bullshit promises of bonuses when hitting certain quota's (then makes excuses why he can't give them after they are reached). Tries to minimize any problems I have (either…


I was supposed to work during a natural disaster

I am currently sitting in my home one day after we were hit by a cyclonic storm. It has passed and we are safe, but it has ruined all internet lines, cut off power and flooded roads. The government has also passed an orange alert and advised all educational, and private sector institutions to not function. And I then got a mail from my company. We, underpaid freshers with 3 months of experience, are supposed to work at home during the cyclone. Needless to say not a single person worked because of revolt, or union or anything. It was simply because we didn’t have the power or internet to. Why was it so unfathomably unacceptable to give a day of leave for those who are literally incapable of working? Worse of all a few people were at risk of illness, injury or death. Is the upper management so disconnected from…


After years of being an intern and working student at the same company, I will not be hired full-time after graduating despite being promised so

I did a 8 month internship for this company in between my bachelor’s and master‘s. Worked my ass off. A year later I managed to do my master degree’s mandatory internship in the same department at the same company. They were so satisfied they hired me as a working student to replace one of their full-timers who was on parental leave. Worked my ass off even more and they extended my contract and offered me to write my master‘s thesis while working for them about a topic that is relevant for this field. The whole time they promised me they would love to offer me an unlimited full-time contract once I will graduate. I really specialized in this field now, gaining all my work experience with this one company. I will graduate in March and that’s when my contract will end, too. Just got the news though: I won’t be…


The return to the office scam.

The Trifecta. The banks, the rich and the real estate corporations. why? the banks lend to the rich for office buildings, the rich borrows on those property values.. they are empty/overvalued. the real estate values don't fall! appraisers (real estate agents) won't drop it = higher commission sales/leases. The value doesn't fall = banks don't lose money = profit = highest bank shareholder dividends. back to the office!!!!


How to work alone in an office.

Help me redditors, you're my only hope. I work for a company that is slowly outsourcing the office overseas, there is barely a dozen permanent employees left in my office. No one cares about the job, and are simply hanging on to maximise redundancy payout and to have somewhere warm to sit on social media all day. The office is arranged into clusters of desks pods of 4 with no privacy screening. I turned up today to find that two others from another office that is also shutting down slowly, have been assigned to my cluster meaning I now have to pretend to be actually doing something. I need to figure out a way to get them to consider some of the many other desks in the office and leave me in piece. I am 40yo F so flatulance isn't an option and I would not wish to offend them.…


Considering Resignation from New Job after 2 Months, Need Advice [F26]

Hey reddit community, I'm reaching out because I'm grappling with a tough decision. I started a new job two months ago, and it's been more challenging than I anticipated. The workload, coupled with the pressure, has taken a toll on my mental health. I'm at a point where I'm seriously considering resigning.Has anyone else faced a similar situation? How did you navigate the decision-making process? I'm concerned about the impact on my mental well-being, but I'm also unsure about the professional repercussions. Moreover, is it acceptable to tender my resignation via email, or should I go for a face-to-face conversation? I want to handle this situation with grace and respect, considering the impact on both my career and mental health. Any advice, experiences, or job leads would be immensely helpful right now.


Questions about pay..

Question regarding my girlfriends pay structured at her hair stylist job and wondering if this is legal or morally ethical as a business. She gets paid hourly wage of 12$/hr OR Commission and work strictly 32hours per week, If she makes more than her hourly wage she will then make commission which is 45% and 5% of any retail sold. (Let’s forget about the 5% because 75% of the time they don’t even add that on to the paycheck) However I have a few questions.. I can see how much she makes in total sales and they take out 10% of every pay period for “Back Bar / Product cost” See example below. Example: Current Period Net Service Sales = 715$ However the total Sales on her check is only 643.50 (Her paystub does not show her making 715$ only the internal system) And then the salon takes out the…


‘Flex Holidays’ are total BS

About 18 months ago, my company got bought by ‘capital investors’ (AKA quick buck profit drainers). You can all guess what happened. ‘Streamlining’ – AKA 3 rounds of redundancies that totally decimated the workforce and our motivation. I survived this, probably because I’ve worked there so long that there are product lines we still support that only myself and a couple of other colleagues understand how they work (software). This started a waterfall of panic leaving and suddenly we were understaffed, overworked and the whole workforce had zero morale and zero trust in our new owners. In an attempt to counter this mass exodus and angry mob (company Town Hall meetings were getting more and more heated) they introduced ‘Flex Holidays’. No longer was there a limit to how much holiday you could take. You can have as much holiday as you like, as long as your boss approves. Immediately…


Is a company allowed to pay employees under the salary band for their job?

I work at a company that exposes the salary band for your job title (you can see your own salary band, but not others). I have talked to several employees who have been “promoted” to a higher title and they found out that they get paid below their salary band. Is this normal? Would/can they bring on a new hire under the salary band for the same title (I believe they are advertised on the job posting)?