
Spotify to axe 1,500 workers to cut costs

Swedish music-streaming giant Spotify has announced it is cutting 17% of its workforce, about 1,500 jobs, as the company seeks to clamp down on costs. Chief executive Daniel Ek said he had made the “difficult” decision with economic growth slowing “dramatically”. Spotify employs about 9,000 people, and Mr Ek said “substantial action to rightsize our costs” was needed for the company to meet its objectives. He added he understood the cuts would be “incredibly painful for our team”. “I recognize this will impact a number of individuals who have made valuable contributions”, Mr Ek said. “To be blunt, many smart, talented and hard-working people will be departing us.” Spotify cut staff earlier this year but these plans dwarf those previous announcements. In its latest results, Spotify had reported a profit of €65m (£55.7m) for the three months to September – its first quarterly profit for more than a year -…


thinking of quitting with no backup plan

i am a translation project manager (27m) in a shithole company. i work remotely. they constantly are in trouble with the freelancers because they refuse to pay invoices randomly (mostly because of my boss' unwillingness to spend money). the company is constantly called a scam online and last year my full name was also tarnished in several posts because i am the project manager. i am now seen as a scamming, non-paying project manager who can't do his job. when in fact payments are out of my job scope and i do not have anything to do with them. i have no annual leave, i work from 9 to 7 with no lunch break (you just gotta find time to eat during work hours), i had to fight my boss this summer for me to get paid ON TIME, and many many other annoying things. on top of these, i…


Contributions requested for gifts for the bosses.

So this is a first for me. Started work for a company last year but worked remote for the first 3 months so didn't deal with the holidays with them. Today I just received, not 1, not 2 but 3 emails, all requesting by supervisors to contribute money for gifts for other supervisors. They essentially all emailed on behalf of the other. I have never seen anything like this and it honestly disgusting. These people make somewhere around double to quadruple the majority of their employees. Really puts things in perspective.


Doing nothing is awesome

I have some money saved up, so when life decided to shit all over me, I just gave up on working. Life has never been better. I do nothing, all day, every day. I play games, watch tv, take naps, or hang with friends. This is the perfect life and I dont think I can ever go back to work. Work has never been anything but horrible. I hare the people, I hate how long it takes, I hate schedules, I hate being someone im not. People say that humans were meant to work, but ive never been happier without it.


It’s 1:14 am and I can’t sleep since I’m dreading work so bad

I know I should sleep since I need to wake up at 7:30 to get ready and commute but I just don’t want to. The second I close my eyes, the alarm is going to be screaming at me and I’ll have to drag myself up and go to work. I know I’m going to be tired and feeling even more shit if I don’t sleep but I just can’t make myself sleep. I just don’t want to go back


My workplace closed down … Now i’m starving

I worked for a Particular Infamous Pharmacy that declared bankruptcy started shutting down its stores in september. ive been struggling to get a job that keeps me housed since. im so stressed out, im failing interviews because all i can think about is how bad i need this, please hire me, why are you even asking me my 5 year plan?, and unemployment isnt helping (thanks?) any advice is accepted but god i just needed to vent. the situation here is ridiculous. now i know why the unemployment rate is “so low”


Retaliation in workplace?

Going to keep it brief and simple, answering questions in comments. The boss was on vacation for a bit over a week. Someone left a note for the boss stating that a group employees, are requesting higher pay to meet the living wages of the area because they feel they the current pay isnt enough, and for management to consider increasing pay across the board. The boss read the letter, flipped out, sent the letter to corporate and now everyone is trying to figure out who wrote the letter. The boss has announced they are getting rid of bonuses for everyone because of the incident. Is this considered retaliation? What would you do in this situation?


I’m sick as fuck but I have no pto/sick time/personal day am I screwed?

I'm sick as fuck and my job adds points if your absent without and pto or odo we don't have any sickdays in north carolina at my job I most likely have the flu can hardly move or anything when I got off work tonight I damn near feel like I wanted to faint. I'm fairly new to the place about 6 much and pretty much used up all my 2 days of vacation on thanksgiving. to get some time off. Do I have any options? Or do I need to just say fuck it and call in sick and risk being fired/ points added to my scorecard.


Got overpaid, still feels like I was underpaid.

At my first job, we had paper time sheets. At the end of the work week we'd have to fill out the days and hours we worked so we could get paid the right amount. Sometimes I'd forget, so when the accountant wanted to do pays she'd have to come find me to get me to fill it out, much to her annoyance. One week I didn't work at all because we got rained out, and yet I still got paid for the whole week. I can only assume that the accountant thought I didn't fill it out again but was too annoyed to get me to fill it out, so she just paid me thinking I did a full week. At the time I felt a little guilt over not telling anyone, but it turned out everyone in the main office were absolute monsters. They had this inner circle…


Dangerous heat @ work

So it's summer here in Australia and I work at a local chain bakery/Cafe. We sell bread, coffees, cakes and pies and we have a salad bar. This Saturday is forecast to be an intense 40+°C. I was hoping they'd close the stores for just that day but the owners are such stingey morally-bankrupt crooks that I knew it wasn't going to happen (I've been wanting to quit for a while but I want to wait til after Christmas). So I made an alternative suggestion to our operations manager. The conversation went like this: Me: Hi [manager]! I'm messaging to float a suggestion your way regarding the heatwave that's forecast for this Saturday. It's expected to hit around 40°C and I thought for the safety and comfort of staff it would be best if we didn't sell pies that day. At least at stores that don't have great aircon, like…