
Left my job no notice, Mostly my fault and resentment after many years

I quit my job today. Long story short: I did not prioritize an important task and felt immense pressure and disappointment that i just left. Super irresponsible and I am disappointed. I know that jobs can drop me like that and i probably shouldn't guilty, but deep down i know i was at fault. Lets start in the beginning. First boss, she was amazing. Helicopter mom a little? Yes but in the best way possible. She would watch my work like a hawk and check to see if there were mistakes. If there were, she would send me a quick email. I could ask her almost anything and she knew the answer or she would do more research to figure that out. That was my boss for a year. Then she left and I was left with the boss above her. I have never worked under someone who knew so…


Burning out

Burning out, ask for a demotion, or say screw it and leave? I'm currently burning out really quickly and I'm not sure how to go about it. 3 months ago I was promoted to an account manager. I'm a travel agent for the ultra wealthy and arrange their travel plans.(Business or personal) This new role I'm in requires me working 7 days straight on call 24/7. I then rotate to get 7 days off. I'm really struggling with this schedule. Some days are fine and I only work 8-10 hours but others are so long. It's not uncommon for me to have three 18 hour days in a row. Between this and my email buzzing all night (I have to monitor to ensure it's nothing timely) I'm going crazy. I don't sleep and barley take care of myself during my 7 days working. At least 3 of my off days…


I got my first written warning in my career

I've been working in the financial sector as a backoffice payments employee since August 2019. I was always ambitious and loved my job so I managed to be promoted to Head status within a couple of years after that. I was great at my vanilla tasks, as well as management and always had great references because of it. Cue my employment with this firm since October. A startup where I had a manager who didn't intro me or train me much but had high expectations as they hired me due to word of mouth from a previous employer. I was hired as Head to setup the department. My days were spent in a typical sink or swim, trial by fire kind of scenario where I kinda had to “guess” how their systems worked and finish tasks despite not exactly knowing how to use them efficiently. I was made to feel…


A legal right to sit?

Am I reading this right? That workers have the right to sit as long as they can complete their job duties and it doesn't create a hazard? Are there actually “the right to sit” laws or am I insane? I moved out of MA and now live in vermont and had to dig through the labor laws and workers rights to find it but it's also similar here. You are allowed to sit at work and it's in the same subchapter as providing employees with reasonable access to use the bathroom, eat, and drink water. Are we actually allowed to sit legally if it doesnt get in the way of job duties? Is it just because people aren't aware? Should I be telling every cashier in the state that you are legally allowed to sit if you choose to while performing your job duties of ringing people out? Is it…


Write up at work.

I work for goodwill and today at work I overheard the manager talking to one of the employees. The employee was receiving a write up for not getting enough round up change at the end of a transaction. So at the end of the transaction the cashier has to give the total and then ask the customer if they'd like to round up to the next dollar amount and the extra change gets donated to goodwill. This employee asks every customer and they are still giving him some form of corrective action because he isn't making the customers say yes. This is just baffling to me. I'm so angry for this employee right now. Just not sure what to do about it. The employee doesn't understand social cues and isn't very good at communication and this makes it even more frustrating because I feel like they are taking advantage of…


Applying & interviewing after starting a new job

Basically looking for some advice and guidance for my current situation. Accepted a job offer back in July and I’m now realizing I got catfished on the job (what I’m actually doing to what the job listing posted is not accurate), I took a massive step down career and skill set wise, there is no career growth for me internally, overall this company and function is not a good fit for me and I want out. I did my due diligence when reviewing this company before accepting and reread the job posting after I had started also. For people who have landed interviews and job offers after starting a job less than 6 months, when asked “why are you leaving” what reason did you provide or have heard used that will not raise any flags to a recruiter? I have had no issues interviewing and answering that question in the…


Workman’s Comp Issues

Hi, a few months ago I fell from a ladder in a clients garage when the ladder snapped underneath me. Luckily, it was a short fall. However, I pulled a huge cabinet off the wall which fell on top of me. I went to urgent care where I was given an X-ray and a concussion screening. I was given a clean bill of health aside from bruising. I filed all the paperwork my employer provided regarding workman's comp and even spoke on the phone with our HR rep who advised me to fill out said paperwork. Months have gone by and my claim has not been processed. The urgen care is pursuing me to pay the bill. For context, I live in CO and have emailed the department of labor. Do I have any legal recourse, or do I need to just pay the bill?


Fired from an airline because I didn’t want to become a captain.

I currently work at an airline. As a first officer. The public doesn’t know, but their forcing brand new pilots in the commercial airline world to be captains. This is specifically regional airlines and because of the pilot shortage. This is extremely dangerous. A majority of these dudes and ladies are terrified. Majority, including myself only have maybe a year and half of experience flying jets. The companies response is up or out (terminated). They don’t care. They don’t want to give their pilots more experience to become captains. Captains whom have the final decision for the safety of the flight and the passengers. And the thing is, I don’t have a say whatsoever. I can assess my self and say I’m not ready. And the company does not care. They tell us to apply for another airline. It’s unsafe Happy travels everyone.


9-5 feels like a death trap

Working 9-5 feels like a literal death trap. When the world (mechanic, home repair, bank, DMV, medical/dental, etc.) runs during business hours, but you spend all day at work, it makes it difficult to tend to matters in your personal life. I get that 40 hours is standard, but 9-5 makes me feel trapped. I’d rather work 40 hours from like 3-11pm or something, because at least I could get things done during the day. I believe it would reduce the feeling of being trapped. Anyone else relate?


PSA For private sector salaried employees making under 55K

The President has introduced a proposal to the department of labor (DOL) that increases the exempt level salary threshold to $55,068. It also proposes automatic increases on the threshold every 3 years. Although the DOL welcomes comments, the proposal is expected to be published in the Federal Register as it stands and go into effect January 1st of 2024. What that means is that if they have you on salary as exempt and your salary is $55,067.99 or less on January 1st, 2024 you should start tracking any hours worked over 40 during the work week and demand overtime pay for them. You could also proactively approach your manager/supervisor and ask if the company will be raising your salary to meet the new minimum requirement or if they will reclassify you as non exempt and how should you go about tracking your hours (am I clocking in or submitting a…