
Fastest way to find a replacement job?

I don't even know if this is the right place for this. I need out of my current job, fast. I work for a small business and was meant to be the supervisor, but things got weird and so now I have most of the responsibilities of a supervisor with none of the authority and some of the pay. I come into work every day with high anxiety, terrified the owner is going to call and yell at me for things beyond my control. I do what I can to follow his orders, only for him to ask me where I get the audacity to do things he just asked me to do. Today alone I was shaking and nauseous because he kept calling. Long story short, I need a new job as fast as possible. The only issue is that I have no idea if he will give me…


Legit question.

We see crappy companies that treat their employees like crap. The only thing is we don’t publicly share their name. Is there a reason for that? Wouldn’t it help to have the names out there so they could be public ally shamed and (possibly, not likely though) change their businesses practices?


Um, no. What a weird request. I’m not going to call multiple times to leave a VOICEMAIL answering 9 questions!


SO was fired…

…and a few hours later he saw that his former boss was watching his stories on social media. Creeped out, he blocked his boss and a few hours later, noticed that his boss’ best friend was watching his stories on social media!! (This is when I told him to make his accounts private.) It sucks to be navigating unemployment during the holidays, but I’m so glad he’s no longer working for such an immature and toxic person. How are you gonna fire someone, yell at them when they calmly ask why, and then a few hours later creep on their social media? Especially when you work in marketing and know that he can see you being a creeper?? What an idiot.


Apparently resumes get rejected if the Partner does not provide feedback within 15 days.

I work in Big4. I had selected an amazing candidate. Everything went smoothly, even the HR was satisfied as the guy was asking for a raise that was fitting our budget. For the final approval, the profile was sent to the Line of Service partner, who was out on holiday, and we were strictly told NOT TO ASK FOR UPDATE FROM THE PARTNER so we could not even send mails to him requesting him for an update on the profile. Since he was out on holiday for more than 15 days, the candidate got auto-rejected by the system because there was no feedback within that time. The partner came back from the holiday, saw the expired profiles (a total of 12 candidates) and asked us why we didn’t call him or email him, but everyone knows nobody emails the partner for an update.


Enforcing a caregiver non-compete agreement in Arizona

We have a caregiver through an agency that works on weekends only they charge us about $36 an hour and they pay her about $15 an hour. We really like this caregiver and would like to have her working for us directly so that we could give her more hours. I am uncertain of her non-compete agreement from what I understand, she's prohibited from working for any clients for quite a period of time I think it's at least a year. That doesn't seem really fair it's not like by her leaving she would damage the company they're not giving her any more hours other than what she's working for us. I'm sure there's some sort of penalty involved I'm even considering offering the employer half of the penalty amount just to let her go. They could of course deny this and file a lawsuit but I wonder do they…


Layoff Alerts App – Worried about job layoffs? This iOS app tracks layoff notices for any company up to 60 days ahead of time. Get notifications early if you might be affected so you have time to look for other job opportunities before layoffs happen.


‘How Unions Crush Capitalists’. This video on unionisation is amazing.


Have you ever been Surveyed by Co-Workers?

Upper management put me in an awkward situation at work, Or at least feel like they have. An opportunity opened up at my job for about the 7th time in the two years I have been there. Whenever I approached this opportunity, I was given multiple reasons, most concerning States and performance. I have exceeded the goals provided for me each time, and my goals were double, if not triple, co-workers in the same role. Long story short, while my performance on the spreadsheets is impressive, and my stats are some of the highest in the company, my treatment of co-workers is abysmal, and this is why upper management was passing over my submission based on reports that my manager was submitting. They were under the impression I was making marginal improvements. This caught me off guard and floored me. I was not sure how to defend myself. Besides knowing…


Do you get tired of making accounts when applying for jobs in company websites ?

It's fairly quick and easy to apply through indeed and LinkedIn but hate it when the link opens to the main company website. Everytime they keep asking to create an account first. Like so much usernames and passwords to create, and you can't even autofill sometimes. Then some assessments are like two hours long. It's really time consuming and irritating, when you receive email about not getting accepted. Sighs. Sometimes I feel like going at temp agencies to apply for jobs than doing it online. Some job posts looks so sketchy like a website like indeed and LinkedIn are trustworthy yet so many scams posts are there.