
Seems like a lot of redneck/blue collar people down here got this sense of “fuck you I got mine” mentality.

It's really annoying. They'll go on about how they work harder than anyone else but then look down on people who actually do work hard once they move up. Like they forgot what it was like to be at the bottom once. I live in the south and can barely stand rednecks, but I really can't stand the ones who think they're better than you.


Isn’t it unreasonable to use an interview to provide an in-depth orientation on the company?

I applied for an international sales position. During the first interview, the interviewer told me that I am better off working in a project management roles as I have the relevant experience. I took it to mean that the company is not proceeding with my application. However, I then got a phone call from the interviewer about a week later asking me to attend a second interview. He said that he will give me an in-depth look at the company's product lines during this interview. Based on what he said, it sounds like I will be trained while I am still in the job interview process. To me, this effectively means that if I proceed, I will not be paid for training. In my view, any orientations or training should take place only after the candidate has been hired, not during the interview process. Otherwise, this feels like the company…


How do you cope with it?

Hi there. I'm super stressed trying to be an adult I work a full time job, a good one even. A few bucks over minimum wage for very easy work AND it's work from home. Despite all the benefits, I find it increadibly hard to work full shifts. It's like my whole soul is being sucked outta my chest So my question is, how do you cope with being a full time working adult? Especially those of you new to it aswell


I work at a dealership and they are always seeing racist. Comments what should I do

I’m a black man that works at a dealership in Florida and I do experience a lot of racism between my managers and coworkers it’s a little subtle jokes but they are not funny and I laugh along because if you know about the car business if you go against the grain you’re fired. if they don’t fire you then they will starve you until you want to quit. Honestly I’m so sick tired of the hair jokes and even saying the N-word multiple times also, I experience racism and favoritism. Sometimes they are cool with me but I know at the end of the day I’m only liked because I produce .this is a corporate company. What should I do because I am a good salesman. It’s funny you make good money but a lot of these managers are egotistical corn balls and they hate to see a black…


Hours cut for trying to prevent coworkers exploitation

Sigh. My work history consists of a lot of different management positions, but the job i am currently at is the first time that i havent had that kind of responsibility. Kind of refreshing on some level not having the added stress but it is shocking how little my coworkers know about their rights as employees. They had never even heard of a meal penalty before i got there and our clock in system relies on self reporting for meal penalties so they missed out on a lot of money. Some people were not even making LA minimum wage which i pointed out during one of those anonymous survey things they give us every once in a while, so thankfully everyone is at least bumped up to that. Fast forward to the last few weeks, we have a meeting in which upper management claimed to have spoken with legal, and…


Kinda desperate to get a new job, accepted an offer from a retail store that out me to go through a drug screening.

I accepted a retail associate position that pays almost minimum but apparently we get some tips because there is also a coffee bar inside that we can work at. The reviews for the company are mixed but I need a new job asap and I went ahead and accepted. The job is like 13 miles away and I don't drive so that will be an average of 2 hours commute especially with the Los Angeles traffic. This certain employer asked me for a drug test. I don't do any drugs but didn't have time to take it immediately and supposedly it's a rapid test. I went and had it today but they expect me to work tomorrow morning. The lady in charge hasn't texted me about outfit and all tomorrow. She said she would text me when cleared but it's a rapid test, shouldn't results be immediate? Anyways I kinda…


Ghosted by an employer

I have a friend who is lookin for work. Last week I checked in with her on how her applications were going and she said she had an interview that went alright and they were talking salary. I said, “That's great.” Usually when that happens, they want to hire you. Well, this week she texted me that the employer ghosted her: “I’m not sure what happened. I got a form letter that stated the position had been filled so I don’t know what’s going on and I’m not going to reach out to them. Maybe it wasn’t for me. I was taking a slight pay cut.” I wonder what happened. That seems pretty unprofessional of a company to just drop an applicant during salary negotiations with no communication. Thank God I have a job and am done with that crap for now.


i’m sick of covering shifts when no one covers mine

that’s it, that’s all i got. i’m too nice and have been saying yes to covering shifts but i’m DONE.


Work hasn’t paid me in 3 weeks (going on 4)

They’ve also decided to start removing dates from my schedule, so I don’t have to work! I’m not sure if I’m fired or what. But for the past month or so, they’ve purposely been messing up my schedule. They also do this thing during the holidays (when people need money the most) to start pruning their staff, “to make room for new employees”. When the real reason is to save money in paying said employees. I’ve been trying to find a new job, but to no avail. I actually just got rejected from Target.


Don’t know what to do with my life

I (24m) have been working as an environmental technician/engineering trainee for the past year and a bit. At first it was great, I was doing minimal work and being able to disasociate work from the rest of my life. My company has two offices, one bigger (30 people) and one smaller (5 people). For my first year, I worked at the smaller office. Everyone was nice and laid back, I didn't have to stress about my job (especially outside of work hours) and was happy. Since then, I switched to the bigger office to be closer to family and it just feels so different. The smaller office allowed me to take my days slowly and be able to organize all my thoughts but now things are much faster paced despite this office being described to me as “chill”. I've began making more mistakes and although, I haven't had any truly…