
Laid off about a month ago and just randomly got this in the mail.


WFH exaggeration

WFH exaggeration I work as an accounting supervisor in a large team. The company I work for offers very good salaries with the possibility of working from home, a pension plan and lots of employee activities or gifts. One of our technicians seems to be having motivation problems lately. She no longer shows up for team meetings or arrives late, starts her day at 9:30 a.m., and always has excuses for missing work (appointments for her car, the cat, her kids, etc.). I think she's really stupid to exaggerate so much, especially as she's really good , but her attitude is irresponsible and when you work from home, you already have a lot of freedom. One of my colleagues wants to complain to our VP. Should I warn her to be careful? I don't want to embarrass myself and I don't consider myself close to her.


Need advice – Sales Manager needs me to respond to a documented coaching session

My manager and I have good rapport and he always acknowledges my growth or goals with the company and we get more 1 on 1 time than my coworkers because I'm in a development program where he is one of the mentors Lately our company has been focusing on one metric above anything else, but it has nothing to do with actual effort or how you get paid commission. It's never clearly explained and the sales staff isn't as concerned because we're always told our main goal should be to just produce. That metric has been low for me this quarter and when my manager and I have a 1 on 1 he goes over ways to improve the thing that doesn't affect my bonus – since that metric is still below the company goal, he said he had to send me a documented email that I'll have to acknowledge,…


Working is making me do something I don’t want to.

Is it better to quit or wait for them to fire me? The major reason is I’ll be away from family during Christmas time but there will be overtime and significant pay. In Nova Scotia, if it matters. Only downside to firing would be that it’s a small industry and I may not be rehired with them (ever?)


Managers don’t communicate, and it’s my problem?

Obligatory I'm on my phone so formatting may be a little messy. STORYTIME! The day before yesterday, I was at work and ended up getting physically sick on the clock. No, nothing was wrong with me. Not sick, just tired, a bit overheated and dehydrated. I was sent home early and the manager on duty (MOD) let the General Manager (GM) know that I'd gone home because I was sick. About an hour after I get home I get a text from the MOD telling me that I cannot come back to work without a Doctor's Note. That I would not be allowed to work unless the MOD had a copy of a Doctor's Note or something to prove that I'd been looked at and checked out. I let the manager know that this would be difficult and I'd have to wait until my paycheck came in to do so,…


Need assistance in finding out WHO to contact within the Depart. Of Labor (PA)

My employer direct deposits my paycheck into my account – no pay stubs. If I want to see a paystub, I must ask for it. Not sure this is legal and I would like to run it by someone in the Department of Labor. But who?


I prefer to work for actual MONEY. Thanks but no thanks.


Refused to cover a 12-6, now manager gave me no hours this week

My manager asked me if I could cover a 12-6/7 on the Sunday night before Monday (literally 11pm), and I said no because I had to get some work done that day for uni, and thought it was last minute to ask just before midnight, to which she didnt respond to my message so ik she read it but left me on open. Then she released the rota this Monday and gave me NO hours this week, everyone else got their days and I was the only one left blank. Also the previous week I only worked once on Monday. I don’t want to assume but I’ve never felt like the manager has liked me, anything I did wrong, any mistakes I made she’d have a fit and get mad. This is a new restaurant and she expects us all to get it right off the bat, what should I…


I quit my work because my introvertedness ‘jeopardized’ our department’s goals

A few months ago I started an office job in the finance department of a medium-sized marketing firm. Basically, my boss didn't like having me around because he felt I would get in the way of our department's goals. Our goal was how we as a department can be more appreciated and seen within other departments of the company. My colleagues were fine with me, my boss was not. He said introverts like me were not a good fit for the department and the company. This hurt me when it was said and caused me a lot of stress over the following weeks. I did not isolate myself from the rest, that was not the case at all. I just socialized to a lesser extent. So I worked on this and tried being more social with people from other departments which worked out great. I had some great conversations with…


US Politics: Guess which party thinks cost of living rose $11,400 since 2021, and which party thinks your disposable income increased $21,000 in that period? The answer may surprise you. Republican members of the U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee claim the cost of living is up $11,400. Democratic Biden administration called the analysis “flawed” and said disposable household income is up $21,000 since December 2020. So which is closer to what you're feeling? Have expenses outpaced your income growth for the past 3 years, or do you have tens of thousands of more disposable income (after expenses)? To be clear I don't blame or credit either party directly; economy is more complex than Red vs Blue. Neither party is committed to addressing the foundational problems in our capitalism. But how they report our economic reality is certainly going to impact their policies. No wonder Jerome Powell thinks workers need to be disciplined by higher unemployment (and death).