


How to deal with my anger in the face of corporate bullshit?

Hi guys, First of all, and that needs saying: I don’t mean to sound entitled, I know that having a job at all is lucky, and that the corporate world provides invaluable financial security. I know what it’s like to not feel safe, I come from a poor family, neither of my parents could even go to high school and both had to do crazy hours at underpaid jobs which eventually wrecked their health. So I really get it, in many ways, a corporate job is a privilege. BUT I am really desperate for advice right now: how are you supposed to survive in there!? Nobody is straightforward, it’s almost as if by being too authentic upper management would run the risk of having to face the fact that none of what we do here matters. We’re not making the world a better place (in fact, for the most part,…


How do I survive working for a manager that bullies me?

I recently handed in my resignation because of my toxic manager. I went over her head and told the boss that she is abusive. The boss tried to convince to stay and work temporarily for him until he talks to her but I refused. Apparently he confronted her and now I have to work with her for two weeks (I am obligated to give 2 weeks notice). She is texting me, telling me that she will put me on this very difficult project and that she will call me regularly for follow up (micro-management). I called in sick today because I can’t mentally handle her anymore. She proceeded to harass me on the phone, laughing and saying that I am faking sickness. I emailed this incident to her boss and he said he would talk to her but I am still expected to work for her. Can I demand to…


We forget how hard it is to find a new job, while working a job.

I've been at my first job out of school for almost two years now, and although there are things that could be better it's hardly the horror show that some of you here have to deal with. Still, it feels like a good time for me to start moving on to bigger and better things. That being said however, they work us hard. Not unfairly so, but to the point where if I'm not switched on for the whole day I don't always finish what I need to. When I get home I'm often mentally exhausted, and the very last thing I want to do is go and focus on a computer for 1-2 more hours when that's exactly what I just spent the last eight hours doing. Looking for a job is a full time job in and of itself, and doing it while you're working a different one…


Got targeted as a solo QA.

Somewhat long rant post So recently I was laid off from my job even after busting my ass off, sometimes working over 16 hours everyday. I was hired as a QA Lead for a gaming company, getting there I got to know I had no team to lead and I was the only QA. So after 5 months on the job, sometimes testing 3-5 builds everyday(each build had over 300 sub features), working my ass off sometimes reporting over 70 bugs per build, my project manager and associate project manager decided to put the blame of low downloads on me and lay me off. (The game is in almost perfect condition now, with only minor polishes to be done) Guess they just didn't want a QA Engineer anymore as the game is almost bug free now. Just thinking how easy it is for the managers just to put the blame…


Thoughts on this conversation with my boss?

Some context: I’m 22m first full time job outta college, very white collar cubicle job, about 9 months into it. It’s a mostly on site job but also remote with 4 other people on my team. Work has been slow and our whole team knows it; we have each fully worked remote or half/half two or three days a week with not much to do (big company, waiting for other teams/red tape before we can start). All this time my boss has given me no direct instruction or corrections; we meet as a team once a week and put stuff to do on the board. I have done everything I’ve been told to do and even volunteered a couple times for some light tasks. Today I told my boss I was headed home after lunch to finish the day remote (as I’ve done several times before) and on the highway…


I didn’t cover a 12-7 shift and now my manager hasn’t given me any hours this week

My manager asked me if I could cover a 12-7 on the Sunday night before Monday (literally 11pm), and I said no because I had to get some work done that day for uni, and thought it was last minute to ask just before midnight, to which she didnt respond to my message so ik she read it but left me on open. Then she released the rota this Monday and gave me NO hours this week, everyone else got their days and I was the only one left blank. Also the previous week I only worked once on Monday. I don’t want to assume but I’ve never felt like the manager has liked me, anything I did wrong, any mistakes I made she’d have a fit and get mad. This is a new restaurant and she expects us all to get it right off the bat, what should I…


Just quit my IT consulting job

As the title says, I just submitted my resignation from my consulting firm (gave 2 weeks notice as required in my contract). I'm currently on a client and have been being trained for the past 3 months to pickup basic data entry/email response/support tasks from one of the seniors, but I was constantly talked down to and verbally abused by my direct senior and generally did not feel welcomed or supported. The IT work I do is mentally numbing and tedious at this position, and I've come to learn that I despise staring at a screen for 10 hours a day. I'm so glad I quit, but am worried about any backlash in the next two weeks. Account manager is pissed and is telling me not to let anyone on the team (or the client) know that I'm leaving yet, and blamed me saying my departure will cause them major…


California Poultry Supplier Illegally Employed Kids, Stole Wages: Labor Department

Regulators say Exclusive Poultry Inc. had kids as young as 14 working to debone chickens with sharp knives and “operate power-driven lifts to move pallets.” A California poultry supplier agreed to pay nearly $3.8 million to settle allegations that it endangered child workers and committed wage theft while processing chickens for major U.S. supermarkets, according to the Labor Department. The agency announced the settlement with Exclusive Poultry Inc. on Monday, accusing the company of behaving “recklessly” by violating child labor law, stealing wages and firing workers who cooperated with the investigation. Officials said Exclusive Poultry, which is based in La Puente, employed kids as young as 14 to “debone poultry using sharp knives” and to “operate power-driven lifts to move pallets.” A federal judge granted regulators a preliminary injunction to prevent the company from transporting “hot goods” ― that is, poultry produced in facilities where laws were allegedly broken. Exclusive…


Writer argues his friends daughter in her 20s who works 6 days a week in the office from 6am to often midnight is a role model! Wtf?!

So just finished an article where the writer is complaining about wfh saying it is basically slacking and everyone should be like his friends daughter who sounds like a robot to me. Why oh why are we celebrating people being work slaves??? The only reason I work is because I have to.