
last day of pay…

i quit, loaded up my shit yesterday and used up my last day of pto today, already started the new job. Might call in tomorrow and let them know or no call till im fired. 4 other coworkers, 1/2 the team, actively looking.


It’s Always Reagan



Empathy is dead


How to stop being anxious about calling in to work?

I'm a college student, and I've called in to work a fair few times this semester, and I feel guilty about it every time. It's just a retail job, so I know it's not too big a deal, but I don't know if I'll get in trouble for it or what. I'm used to being yelled at for infractions, and my anxiety always flares up every time I call in, that this will be the time they write me up or fire me. I always have a reason for doing so, whether being sick, having family obligations, or being busy with schoolwork, but that never helps. I'm usually a good worker when I'm there, but I know they'll just remember me calling in all the time. Any advice on what to do?


Depressed to be out of work and looking for advice on what to watch

I know this sub isn’t about negativity so I’m looking for some advice on who/what to watch on YouTube to lift my spirits. I don’t want to hate on the way society is or my place in it if I don’t “play the game”. I want something uplifting to watch because hating on the way things are doesn’t lift my spirits.


My boss wants me to travel to canada for work. I want to find some excuses why I cannot go. It’s not essential for my job he just wants me to present at a conference. I need excuses why not to go. Help me out please


Boss pockets freebies that come with regular supply orders.

So my department and others have to submit an order every month or so and it is known by everyone that you can choose on the supplier website one free item after a certain price has been reached. The shipper at our department had to throw his mug away and asked our boss if next round of ordering he could get a mug with a handle in the next freebie, boss said yes but he never got it after months. Everytime I come down to check our stuff I see various items such as Bluetooth earbuds, backpacks, jackets etc. but nobody in any department gets any of that stuff, it vanishes after our boss looks through the supplies and distributes them. Is it too much to think we could maybe get some of the free stuff since it's company money? P.S. First post thanks.


Should companies prohibit employees from asking colleagues for money for birthday gifts?

Over the course of the year I've probably received five or six “invitations” from colleagues to take part in birthday gifts for other colleagues. Financially it wouldn't really make much difference to me, but there are two points that bother me: 1) I have no relationship with these people at all. These people don't even work directly with me. 2) Not everyone receives a gift, but everyone is “invited” to take part. Recently, not only the person who was organizing sent an email to the whole department asking who was willing to contribute, as the person also sent one final email listing everyone who had already joined asking if someone else was interested. Shouldn't companies intervene in this kind of initiative? Isn't it a form of abuse? Although you are invited, it always sounds like an imposition and intimidation, which ends up indirectly interfering in the dynamics between employees. I…


Any tips to appear busy when you’re slacking?

I'm working in IT, entry level job, I stare the laptop screen all day long. The office has an open floor plan and I've got reprimanded for playing mobile games, browsing reddit, taking a very long toilet break, talking too much to other colleagues. The job is mindnumbingly easy since it's an entry level job but I've just started this job for a few weeks, I don't plan to resign in a short time since looking for another job is exhausting. I need something to kill the time for 4-6 hours a day without getting caught or I'll lose my mind.


need to vent, I can’t take it anymore

I am so tired, everything has been going so bad for so long… I am 45 y.o. and I want and need to work, and I have +20 years of experience in my field, but it is becoming more and more challenging to just get some feedback from the 10s or 100s of applications I make. Left my last job due to pretty serious burnout, thinking hey, I deserve better. But… It has been a terrible year, one frustration after the other, endless processes with 5, 6, 7 rounds, ghosting, no replies… I feel like I have no value, that I already lost the last train and I am just now descending into the end. Sometimes I just think all this is a nightmare and I will wake up to a more normal life. I just want to give up, I cant take more hits, over and over again. This…