
I got sent home for cultural/religious jewelry.

I live in Texas and work at a grocery store in the Bakery department. I wear a pair of plain black Locked hoop earrings that require pliers to remove. I wear them specifically for cultural/religious reasons; wearing a simple pair of earrings is a tradition spanning Generations in my family. It is based in both our Hispanic culture, and in my familys Roman Catholic beliefs. We get our ears pierced the day of our Baptism. My Grandma has stated it's based on a part of the book of Ezekiel. Its a symbol of humility. Now, heres the thing. I stretched my Baptism piercings, and my mother and Grandmother were so distraught that they brought me to get my ears pierced a second time, so I can continue to wear the “family earrings” (plain or simple rings/studs. We can have other piercings, but any others are purely secular.) Basically, I have…


The person who has my old job will not stop bothering me.

I (M24) was a communications manager for a local synagogue. I got COVID during the High Holidays and I was fired. A month after I abruptly lost my income and my health benefits (two weeks after I got them might I add) she messaged me on LinkedIn asked me why I left- I told her that the congregants treated me like shit (which was true, they treated me like a glorified secretary). Long story short, she takes the job and now she has decided it's her duty to message me everything. She has now taken it upon herself to message me advice for my next job, telling me that it's my job to be a self starter and work on projects without being prompted to. I have ADHD. Sometimes I spend a little more time on my phone than needed, yeah, but I'm not lazy. I just need a little…


Gf was fired after being sick with covid.

We live and work in Kansas, she is a social worker and was working with developmentally delayed children. We recently got Covid and it hit her pretty hard, her work gave her a few days off but she ended up having to take a few more due to lingering symptoms, she had gone back to the doctor and received additional prescriptions as well as a doctors note advising her to stay home. Shortly after returning to work they fired her for “not being a good fit” but it seems clear they fired her for being sick and having to take some time off. It feels wrong but I don’t know if there’s really anything we can do about it. Posting to vent but if anyone has any advice, or if there is a more appropriate sub to post in please let me know.


I Miss Feeling Excited Around the Holidays…

December always feels like a high stress month and I just want to be able to look forward to the holidays. I used to work as a contractor employee for this company, so I never got the week after Christmas off they always get. Now that I work for the company itself and was told prior to being hired about having those days off, little did I know I still have to work those days in my department since I'm salaried. I'm also just stressed and worn down by the current workload. Who else experiences a similar pain around this time of year?


Sales People – Is this normal in sales

Work in refurbished / new hardware sales. When I started this was an inbound sales position. Since the market has been lackluster we have switched over to both inbound and outbound development. During the course of the day we handle: Returns Customer service complaints Inbound sales KPI'd outbound development Live chat system Drop shipping out of stock orders Product research / procurement of items that is needed from my pipeline customers. Keeping up with personal pipeline 1000+ contacts. Is this normal In the sales field, to wear so many hats? I was pulled from the floor about 3 months ago and told that I had a negative attitude about how the company is changing and that if I did not like it I could leave. I have been with this company for 6 years and have sold 15 million dollars worth of hardware in this time frame. MTD I do…


Rejected from a Job Application 128 days after applying….

Honestly, why bother? I get ghosted so often anyway, this feels almost worse. Has anyone gotten rejected over four months after applying? Such a joke….


Accused of Insubordination for Stapling Copies (yes, seriously)

Got accused of insubordination for stapling a stack of photocopies together. And I'm now absolutely over this job, and I spent some idle time at my desk finalizing my exit strategy. I now fully understand why it was vacant for 18 months prior to me taking it on. For context, I started this job about 2 months ago. Basically I'm supposed to teach anger management courses, among other skills, to a 'mandated' population, if you catch my drift. I work alone, under 1 supervisor, for a total team of 2 people. Now my 1 and only coworker/supervisor, is probably the biggest micromanaging psychopath I've ever dealt with. Like for example, I had prepared a set of handouts for the next class I was supposed to do. 4-page handout, 6 copies total. I go to verify that it's the right one. Supervisor looks at it, says to take out one of…


For anyone who likes creepypastas (online scary stories), you’ll definitely love this that’s definitely relevant for this sub. No spoilers, but Team Phil


How to protect yourself against a new toxic manager?

Team restructured and this chump was brought in before then. Now I’ve worked with him loosely for a couple of months he is a walking red flag. He is combative (especially towards our manager in meetings), he never shuts up (his way is right ofc), he disagrees with almost all company plans, and even makes derogatory passing comments about people in manual jobs etc. He just seems like a thoroughly angry man with a veneer of “I know everything about anything”. He is already taking passive aggressive pops at me. In the past I’d be a fixer and try to improve the relationship, now I just want to get to a place where I don’t care. Thing is, I kind of suck at public speaking and he won’t shut up. He’s one of those archetypal middle management characters. I don’t see how making meetings run over, constantly talking about yourself…


We can learn a lot about modern work by examining the norms of roman slavery. Cambridge University classics professor compiled all the advice to slave owners from hundreds of texts.