
How Capitalism Works

This is just something that came through my mind while I was sitting and playing games over the weekend. The point of capitalism is to have workers working for just enough to 'pay the bills' (and sometimes not even that) but not enough to ever be able to stop working. Even what are considered to be 'good' jobs, ones that pay more than $20 an hour, still barely give you enough to save even in the cheapest parts of the US. That's not even counting that health insurance, 401K (why even bother as an hourly worker?), other investments and taxes are already taken out of every penny that you make, by both federal and most states, which reduces the amount of 'take-home' income that you have. So that $20 is more like $15 after taxes on the low end. ​


Owner won’t update (incorrect) prices…

I work in a large retail shop in a big city. Patrons are typically in a “hurry” so they don't bother to look too closeley at their receipts. We had a price update about 6 months ago and most/all of the prices went up. Some of the prices only went up a few cents, but others a few dollars…. Up to $4/item. The owner REFUSES to update the prices on all the labels. So as a result when I ring up an item it shows as a higher price than the price tag the customer saw when they picked the item. I notified the manager and they want me to charge customers the higher price. I told them I thought that was “against the rules” but he just said “too bad…. We have to do what we have to do to stay in business”. This leaves me in an awkward…


Assignment before an interview

A job prospect reached out to interview me, but before I do the interview, they asked me to complete an assignment. I understand more and more companies are giving out assignments but I have never heard of one prior to the interview. for context, this below six figures



FUCK COVER LETTERS! Who has time to write a corporate fan fiction? Just use an AI generator. At some point, the job market might get completely flooded with AI generated cover letters. And then maybe people will just stop expecting them. Then what, you might ask? Then MISSION FUCKING ACCOMPLISHED! That's all. Have a good day. *tips hat*


is this legal or can something be done?

my partner’s employer is going to run out of work the week before christmas. his employer is telling the employees that they will need to use their pto for the time they won’t have work. he will be paid from the 25th to the 1st as holiday pay, but he doesn’t have enough pto for the entire week prior. can his employer force their employees to use pto even though they failed to provide work?


Paid volunteer hours

I'm volunteering to read to kids virtually today for an hour. Good way to break up a WFH Monday. WIN, WIN. Now that's an idea … how much can be earned by creating a forum for kids to sign onto a virtual story hour? ​


So I Go This Quest Right…

It's like working at target for 20 years and getting 20$ to buy yourself something nice.


I had a horrible realization today (Update). Now with extra horror about American Healthcare…

Follow up on: I had to follow up on this post as it got a lot of comments and was even reposted by four websites. The TL;DR of the article was HR wanting me back in the office even though I my heart had stopped for five minutes in the ER. My original horror was that a company could financial support you even though you were incapacitated. The Family Medical Leave Act forces companies to give you your job back or at least a job that pays the same. To me, this is just political pandering; the politicians can say they did something and companies can still not support you. Everyone else's horror was that HR wanted me back days after my heart had stopped for five minutes. I can't prove the HR is evil or stupid but I can prove they are willfully ignorant. The whole HR process…


Tax customers instead of paying a living wage


Company wants to charge money to attend a holiday lunch

Either that or have a potluck. We’re talking a corporate company traded on the NYSE and worth billions. And I’m supposed to decide whether to contribute my hard earned money or use my hard earned food supply to feed my coworkers? How is this even an option. I’m going to use PTO to save myself the secondhand embarrassment of being associated with that. Which is unfortunate because I earned that PTO and now will have to use it so I don’t get peer pressured.