
Not showing enough “initiative” at work

My boss had a talk with me last week that’s really bothered me. So for a little backstory, I’m not trying to sound like I’m bragging, but I’m very good at my job. I learned some really advanced skills and techniques from a decent mentor when I first entered this field and that kinda put me ahead of the curve. Because of this, my day to day tasks are a breeze. It’s very easy for me and I can power through my tasks very quickly. So, that’s kinda made this job I’m at currently kinda nice because it’s gravy. I zip through my work, it’s easy to me, it leaves me a lot of downtime to just kinda chill and since I’m salary, I get to leave early a lot. Now comes my meeting. My boss said she’s unhappy with me. Not because of my work, she’s very pleased, but…


Haven’t had a single (15 min) paid break since I started a year ago

I am currently working a warehouse job where everyone in the small warehouse team hasn't had a single paid break. We do have an hour unpaid lunch but they seem to think that the hour lunch makes it okay?? This job otherwise is pretty meh, it doesn't pay enough and honestly isn't worth it. I'm planning to leave in April as I don't want to stay here too long as I'm in school. I've been playing with the idea of suing, as I am in California and I know that it's by law to have two paid break times of 15 mins each throughout the day. I work 8 hours usually. Any advice would be great, thanks!


“thanks to WFH, I don’t have to take sick days anymore”

Was out with some friends the other day, and while discussing plans for vacations, time off, and recent milestone anniversaries at work. One of our friends had just reached a number of years, and so was now moving up to more PTO and more sick days. I mentioned that one of the things I had begun focusing more on was my health (both physical and mental) and making use of my sick time, such as feeling under the weather, or needing a mental health day, I'll take a day and fully recover rather then try to work through it. This friend then proudly mentioned that even with more sick time, he won't take sick days 'since i work from home'. And talked through how, hes not at risk of making anyone else sick because hes at home, so why take sick time? Blew my mind. He is someone who continually…


Just got laid off again

I just need to vent, so I apologize if this is long. I'm devastated. I have worked so hard to turn my life around and have come so god damn far. I've worked shit jobs my whole life – like truly shit jobs; I had no self worth. During the Pandemic I took a very long, hard, and uncomfortable look at myself to made some changes. I got a job in a skilled trade – from there I moved to high tech. I didn't get the support I needed and it was my first while collar job (without a college degree) and I was let go before Christmas on the same day I got a lease to city I've been trying to move to for a decade. It broke me and if I'm being honest, I spun out. I eventually got some traction and landed a new job; High tech…


Spotify’s Layoff Outcome

Layoffs to increase shareholder’s profits! Good job, Spotify. Sounds like your business needs are being kept…


This is what we have to warm up an entire 200 metre warehouse at my work (notice the ice around the gas cylinder)

My work reaches -8c daily, it’s literally warmer outside than it is in the building, our bosses gave us these heaters to warm up, 2 for an entire building, I think they want us to catch pneumonia


Why does the BLS project almost double digit declines in trades such as machinists, power plant operators, welders etc?

These are the professions that build the world. All the tech, capital going into STEM and new infrastructure… somebody is going to have to maintenance this, build it, etc. Why is there projected decline in these professions from 2022-2032?


Sick of greedy companies

For context I work in a deadline driven line of work. I’m fine with that (and eventually want to escape corporate gigs to work with my own clients) but companies are often under hiring or keeping their teams as lean as possible to save money. My current job has become pretty terrible and is getting worse so I’m trying to leave. I had an interview last week and overall I think I crushed it but there were a few red flags: 1) my job involves sitting behind a computer all day everyday but while the job advertised a hybrid arrangement; the hiring manager said they actually come in 4 days a week for collaboration. There was no mention of working at home during periods of extra deadlines (at my current office people talk so much that during those extra busy days we are allowed to be at home so we…


Burned out and depressed

Have been working only for about a year but, i cant do this anymore, 12 hours a day with only 2 days off a month, with a pay of only 1700(1000 in cash/700 in card) and thats not even the worst part… stuff like holidays are not even a thing.


I quit my abusive job today

Y’all, I did it! I just left my abusive workplace 😀