
Crazy how absolutely brainwashed some people are…

I load trucks for a living and a trucker was signing in today and he said the words. “Nobody wants to work. They want to get paid, but they don't want to work.” This sparked an argument between my supervisor, another coworker, and myself. My argument is… No shit, Sherlock. It's like saying water is wet. Of course nobody wants to work. There's a million other things you could be doing right now other than working. We only tolerate working because we need or want money. It's a necessity, not a hobby. I was met by both my supervisor and coworker saying that was a really cynical and “sad” attitude to have. That they enjoy coming to work. “What would I do if I wasn't working? I didn't have a job once for a month and was about ready to start climbing the walls.” Thing is, my supervisor leaves every…


I sympathize with the term “unskilled workers”

That’s exactly who I am. I’m 20 years old, and I started working at 17 after I graduated high school. For the last 3 years I’ve exclusively worked restaurants and retail for minimum wage ($15.50 per hour in my state) and can’t see myself working any other type of job beyond that. I have no intentions of going to college, I prefer doing manual tasks over engaging with customers, don’t have a driver’s license and don’t plan on getting one. My only “marketable” skill is the art I make and sometimes sell, but I don’t expect to make a living solely off being an artist. I can see myself 20 years from now happily working at a grocery store while all my friends have careers. I AM an unskilled worker, and I don’t see “unskilled worker” as an insult. The world needs us.


My boss asked me to change my linkedin status?

Hey all, my manager just called me earlier today to request me to change my status on linkedin. Currently it's open to work, as, you know, I definitely would take a better offer if I got one. I already know I'm not going to stay with this company forever, as I'm planning to move away in a good half year, but I don't want my company to know yet, as I kinda need the money rn and no one is going to hire for half a year. And Im reasonably afraid they would fire me if I told them about my plans (I'm still in my probation period, so they wouldnt even need a reason). Because of that, I also don't want them to know that I'm considering leaving. The question is, should I just comply with them on this? its a minor thing and probably doesn't make a big…


Contribution for Company’s Christmas Decorations

Today, by chance I learnt that some colleagues, from my department, have gone out to buy Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree. Towards the end of the day, after they had bought everything, they told us that everyone should contribute 10 euros for the decorations and the tree. Up until then, I thought that the department”s directors were paying for the decorations since there was no prior asking if we wanted to contribute or not. Also each department gets a monthly “allowance” for general department costs(e.g. buying snacks for guests, buy office supplies etc.) How do I politely decline?


Team Leader just had a discussion about my Teams meetings activity

So just got called into a meeting with my TL. They proceed to show me a spreadsheet of the teams Teams activity. We have a team meeting every morning for an hour and a lot of times I stay in the meeting after they all leave to remain on red for the rest of the day. I had to play dumb and act like it was a teams error. They also said they can see whenever anyone on the teams is in a meeting removing the idea just to go into any old meeting. She asked me what was going on, only thing I could think was to continue playing dumb but they also said if it continues we will need to have a formal investigation. I hate Teams and their stupid 3 minute yellow away setting.


How do I handle being asked to do something outside of my job role?

TLDR; what options do you have when a company wants to keep adding to your workload? (ONTARIO, CANADA) I am an office administrator. Basic data entry and route scheduling, with customer service. Lately my corporate office has been cracking down on safety – which our division has been lacking in the 5 years I’ve been here. Essentially a lot has gone downhill because our boss refuses to most of the work he should do, and pushes it onto other people. He refuses to do any computer work – and makes our other office admin do it for him. She begrudgingly does so, but refuses to speak up for herself. So she gets lumped with more work until she’s spread so thin that everything else suffers. Lately she’s at her capacity so I’ve been worried that he was going to do the same to me. One of my bigger bosses came…


Everyday it is the same

The boss comes through and chats with coworkers and ignores me. I am not sure if this is a good thing or bad? She has been like this towards for many years.


Wrong job description and I think I took the bait

Hi folks, ​ need some advice please. ​ At my last company, it started to become very toxic so I searched for a new job for about 1 year. It took me so long, because I need to work 3 days remote because I'm living not close to a bigger city, so traveling is needed. ​ The hire process for my current job was awesome. First I was sceptical but everything was looking very good.- Started the new job a month ago. After the 2nd week I realized that the job offer/description is very far away from what I should be doing. But I thought to myself, maybe I can dig into it. ​ Co-workers are friendly, but not helpful. If you send an email or contact a person via teams/telephone they won't pick up. If you ask for help they tell you: No problem, set a meeting and one…


Collective and individual labor what the owners get away with?

Is it just me that notices that all companies, corporations etc are individual human beings agreeing to trade labor for the bare minimum in return financially, (just surviving) to pay rent, eat or feed our families, that all of us as a collective could hold our labor to ransom and still get paid, that we could demand more rather than taking a “day off” to “strike” on a “scheduled day” why not just do nothing and still get paid, or is that already the workplace, then we deserve what we get when it comes to the paychecks being handed out?


I know y’all hate dentists, but…

I can’t fucking take it anymore. I spent my 20s pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into schooling for a job that has an extremely specialized scope just to fucking hate it. I’m in public health – I don’t think it’s ethical to charge people money to get out of pain. I want to help, I really do, but the percentage of people who care to help themselves in the first place is maybe 1% of my patients. Brush your teeth, PLEASE. I give you a tooth brush, I give you tooth paste, it’s free, it takes 2 minutes, please please please. 98% of situations are avoidable. I do fillings all day on people who are pissed that they’re losing their teeth but they show up every time with plaque EVERYWHERE. If you don’t take care of them, they will rot. If you drink sodas all day, they will rot.…