
A plausible path to UBI. It follows the push for global demilitarization through empty pledges.

Costa Rica can start this off. They are demilitarized already. The Maldives can start this off. Any nation or people can start. We start with a simple pledge. It is a plausible path to fight climate change. It is a plausible path to make significant economic change. The pledge says: Our nation will demilitarize if every other nation does so as well. That is, every nation must make the pledge before it comes into force. That will just be the beginning of dialogue and planning. But nothing happens until the US, Russia, and China make the pledge. Countries can maintain minimal defense forces. A scaled back and unified international force, like the UN, can also exist. As these pledges are made, diplomacy becomes easier. Many border disputes become easy settlements. We can look to religions, usually beacons of peace, to guide the way. They can encourage their followers to take…


Additional rants before sleep time

I don't have a career, I just have a job to keep food and medicine on the table. I hate getting on the subway every morning- the only saving grace is I get to nap, thanks to sick Japanese social mores. Everyone around me is just as tired as me, so we all nap on the silent train that transports us to the hell site known as a workplace. I am on increasing doses of antidepressants, anti anxiety medication, and a whole load of other shit due to side effects of the first two and other chronic illnesses flaring up due to the constant stress. The system isn't sustainable. It is only sustainable if you buy into their matrix, and become a good little worker cog. Then your foggy brain never really contemplates reality- and society/media/smartphones fool you into thinking that you matter at your workplace, etc. That is why…


Should I invoice my (recent) former employer?

I worked in a medical office only a few weeks before they decided they wanted me gone. I was told prior to starting that I needed to wear scrubs. This was a part time job and one of the benefits was a uniform allowance. My boss sent me a link to Amazon so I would buy the specific scrubs they wanted me to wear. I bought two pairs. I was told the doctor pays for two pairs under the uniform allowance benefit. The day I started I asked if they wanted the info from my purchases to reimburse me. I was then told the doctor only buys scrubs for everyone in February and no I was not getting reimbursed. Then they fired me two weeks later. I am now out $60. I understand I could be fired at any time and that it is what it is, but they told…


Illinois has raised it’s min wage several times. Now you can’t get food stamps.

The income cut off equates to about $12.33/hr working full time. Well guess what? The Illinois minimum wage is $13/hr


Get hurt or sick? Don’t tell anyone – my job.

We were specifically instructed (verbally only) to deny any medications, treatments, etc if we got hurt at work. And not to discuss wages, and people lost raises over it. To go buy OTC instead. They’ll do anything to keep OSHA reports from happening.


How can I get out of going to a work holiday event?

I work a law firm and they’re very big on the whole “we’re a family” thing. They have holiday potlucks, birthday lunches, etc. and the occasional after-work event. I don’t go to any of them because I have no interest in hanging out with my co-workers. I just want to do my job and go home. All of the lunches and potlucks up to this point have been in the office. I’ve always remained at my desk to cover the phones and eat the lunch I packed myself. The problem now is that there is a holiday lunch next week at a restaurant. It is obviously during work hours. I really don’t want to go but I don’t know if the firm partners and OM will allow me to stay in the office totally alone…Should I just call out that day?


Cannot stand this anymore

I have no energy after the avrage week. If I manage to cook for myself, that is an achievement enough. Here at my toxic Japanese company, they force us to go into the office, despite our work being 100% online, with NO NEED AT ALL to be in an office. During corona, when the government mandated telework for a bit, oh…. those few months were glorious. I got like 1% of my usual personality back, could engage with hobbies sometimes, sleep more, cook more delicious, nutricious food that took more time than the shit that normally is made on the weekdays… but of course, that had to end, because we ABSOLUTELY had to be back in the office for REASONS the very next day after the government cancelled the telework mandate. Being in this office breaks my soul. Each foreign female worker has increasingly worse mental health due to being…


Manager chooses who to respond to…

So my manager has the habit of choosing who he wants to respond to. If I’m not on leave, I’ll just pick the email up and deal with it – it’s whatever to me at this point IF I’m around. If he begrudgingly responds to someone he doesn’t like, he will show it in his email. Like legit a single word email, e.g. “attached”. I was on leave last Thurs-Fri and today (Mon – I’m in Asia). My manager doesn’t like it when I attend to emails while being on leave, which I appreciate though I do check emails from time to time as some only addresses the email to me and requires assistance from my other colleague. But he as usual picked who to reply to. There was an email on Friday morning which is time-sensitive and required a referral to our HQ in the US – he ignored…


Around 100 people line up for jobs at small diner opening up with about a dozen tables in same city where college international student population is up +1500%


‘Return to Office’ declared dead