
Need a positive covid test

Can someone do me a favor and dm me a picture of a positive covid test? I don’t get sick days at work (unless it’s covid) and have had the flu this whole weekend. I still feel sick and can’t work but I can’t afford to not get paid. Thanks in advance.


Counterpoint: American workers have never been happier

For all the work negativity here, is it just a Reddit bubble everybody is in?


My boss gives away my supplies

So we have people that work in the field. I happen to work in the office and in the field. I have a healthy back stock of supplies for what I do. My boss just grabs my supplies and tells me we need to support people in the field. I'm like “whoa whoa. It's not my fault they can't think ahead and order stuff.” Meanwhile it takes literal months for me to get things replaced. Now I've started locking things up and when my boss asks if I have a certain product, I'm like “nope, sure don't. Maybe they shoukdve ordered it if they needed it.


Thoughts on professionalism?

I find professionalism to be kinda stupid. The idea that we have to act a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way, be a certain way to fit in what others think is someone in our position is… absurd to me. If your boss is being a dickhead, but he trips and lands face first in the snow, it's unprofessional to laugh at him. But come on, we're human. I'm going to laugh. That shit's funny. I can sort of understand it to an extent. Swearing in front of customers isn't a good move. Fair. But when it comes to a point of major inconvenience for no real gain… like suits and ties when it's really hot inside, then… why? I don't know. I just think for the most part professionalism is stupid, and feels much more like stifling our humanity than anything actually practical. Thoughts?


General strike of teachers in my province

Right now, all the teachers in my province are on general strike to get a better salary, better working conditions and a better environment for students in the classroom. They’re not paid to do that. For 4-year university studies, they are paid very little. They are with the children inside the classroom, have to prepare the activities of the next day, make intervention plans with the students in difficulty, also make the corrections and there is so much work, that the teachers rarely take their lunch in the day. Please be with them. Right now the government is engaging in emotional blackmail and we are on the verge of an unlimited strike.


I got the job I prayed for but now I hate it

I left my toxic work environment thinking that finally getting a hybrid job would save me from experiencing one. I was so wrong. I liked it at first, but the training is very very lack luster. I work at a private bank, in the trust department. There is a lot to learn about them, and 3 months in, im expected to do my own work after shadowing a coworker for 2 months for training. I was told it would take me 2 years to learn my role. My other coworkers are getting frustrated because I'm not doing the work correctly, but im frustrated because I haven't been trained properly enough to do the work correctly. I'm always asking questions and met with a “you should already know this attitude”. when i do something wrong or miss something, the narrative is that I “neglected” it. Not to mention my manager is…


This made me puke in my mouth.


Passed over for promotion despite being the ideal candidate. Job given to a friend.

As the title says. I've always been highly motivated and gone that extra mile just because I like to keep busy, help people and want us to do well. A role I have wanted for a while came up and I applied. I have been on many leadership, coaching, motivating etc.. courses as well as being very experienced in my line of work and knowing the other candidates, they shouldn't have stood a chance. But one did. A friend of the guy in charge. A guy who hasn't ever really shown any willingness to do anything more than his job. A guy who works under me and never tries to fix issues or resolve anything. I knew that a previous manager role was given to a guy who was told to apply and it was his because he told me. Also I've been told from others that the role should…


Company just started using Prodoscore, what does it track?

Is it tracking like mouse movements and keystrokes? It appears it's tied to Slack, and the browser extension from Chrome apparently tracks Hubspot but my department doesn't use that. From the dashboard, it looks like it's tracking Saleforce and Dialpad as well. How does this program work? What do I need to look out for?


Should companies stop holiday parties? They feel like an outdated tradition that doesn’t really work anymore.

What do you think? I personally hate them. There's nothing worse than feeling pressured to spend time with coworkers after hours and pretend like you give a shit about them or the company. What's worse is I have friends and family that have to TRAVEL HOURS to a city or another state to attend these things. Travel, of course, is not reimbursable.