
It’s just that easy.


question about “mandatory overtime”

So i just got promoted from hourly to salary and my employer mentioned “dont forget about the mandatory 5h overtime a week”. I never signed anything saying i had to do this. I understand it can be company policy, but there is nothing that says I HAVE to do this, right? For context i work 6-3:30 but now they are expecting me to work 6-4:30 daily with no compensation for the extra hour (bc i’m salary now).


Why are real estate commissions 6%? – and why that’s about to change. This is fantastic!

A lawsuit has helped win a huge victory in real estate by taking on the national Association of real estate exchanges This group is a pretty big bully. Hopefully their appeals are lost and the judgement holds.


Say no to Jobs

Think abt it … literally what r jobs … it’s a requirement in the market which someone else is ready to pay for … And in near present Artificial Intelligence can do literally everything if you know how to implement it … So no requirement & no jobs … it’s inevitable in the future .. People have to find an identity & a purpose outside work … ️🫶 Now slavery will be taken over by robots , don’t compete the robots with ur slave mentality .. move on


Does anyone else worry about blood clots re: not being able to leave their desk?

I have a terrible call centre job. I know, I know. It sucks, but it's work I can do from home during difficult personal circumstances. Anyway, everything we do is timed to the second and we can only take three short breaks per day. We have to announce when we need the toilet (it's like being back at school). Just really degrading and undignified. Like yeah, it's my third toilet break this morning because the manager being a massive bitch gave me anxiety diarrhoea. I've been stuck at my desk for hours this morning and I started wondering… this is how DVT forms, right? Long periods of inactivity. I'm a hypochondriac so every leg twinge at the moment is making me nervous. If someone developed DVT, or even worse, a pulmonary embolism, could they sue their employer? Are there labour laws pertaining to this kind of thing? Are there documented…


We don’t think of ourselves as an office – we’re more like a family


One way interviews

Why is the trend moving toward one way interviews? They are like you are send ing in audition tapes. If you don’t have time to interview me then will you have time for me in the future when I work for you? I find it unprofessional and disrespectful.


The economy is not good when the average person has to send 100-200 applications for one job offer!


Found out last week my job is at risk of redundancy, HR can’t even get my name right

My workplace is a mental health organisation. Supposedly, they care about staff mental health and have good support for wellbeing. The vast majority of staff have their own lived experience of mental health problems. Last week, I was told that my job is at risk of redundancy in the new year. Nothing is set in stone but I don’t have much hope, and won’t find out for sure until end of January/start of February while they go through the consultation process. I have not been in this role for 2 years yet, so I’m not entitled to redundancy pay (UK). I’ve had a complete relapse in my depression and I’m really struggling to cope. All they do is signpost us to the EAP, like that’s going to help. This morning I logged on to find an email from HR confirming my job is at risk, and I was addressed by…


My manager retaliated against a coworker for using sick time

So I just got of work after talking to the coworker in question and I'm still pissed off, but I'll try and keep this as coherent as possible. Quick details: none of the names used are the real names for the sake of my privacy and theirs, this took place at a major fast food chain, this is happening in California (I did my research and know this is illegal) and this is an ongoing situation where I will try to give updates as it goes. Recently, my manager Sal vented to me that my coworker, Carter, gave him almost no notice with no reason that he needed Saturday and Sunday (which was November 25th and 26th) off, I don't remember the day he told me but it was between the 23rd-25th. He said that he was going to write him up or something like that, and this is where…