
Ex job ignoring unclaimed property emails & calls? What can I do here? I’m in California

Hi, thanks for reading my post. I got a notice in the mail around Thanksgiving for a past job I had. The notice was that I had unclaimed wages and payroll, and that I needed to reach out to the company to claim it. Well, I've reached out. I've called multiple times and been told the only way to reach accounting or HR to claim my wages is via email. I've emailed over four times now. I've been ignored. Every. Single. Time. And every time I've sent a photograph of the notice from the state, the amount number, and the total amount reported. This company has been under fire before for not giving owed wages to their employees… as well as not giving breaks, etc. But my question is – what can I do about this? This is my property, and I'm being ignored.


My boss just gave me additional responsibilities without compensation.

Wtf is this shit? Why does every scumbag corporate website tell me to “appreciate” being given more work? “Do additional work to polish your skills!” “Your boss will appreciate it!” “Your CV will look good!” (This negates the fact that by working within your current job scope, your CV probably already looks good). I work to be PAID. If I wanted to develop my skills, I’d go for a course or apply them to something I actually care about. My boss appreciating my work means nothing as it’ll probably mean they’ll take advantage of me in the future. I’m unlikely to get a pay raise or promotion from my boss just “appreciating” me. The worst part is I can’t deny taking on these additional roles without being retrenched in this shit economy. My country isn’t like the US where I could get unemployment benefits or anything. There are almost no…


Illegal in the EU, should be illegal everywhere


The tolerance of HR at this company baffles me… my poor team

Hey guys! I will disclose that I do have a manager role at a high stress company, but for the most part I have an amazing team… except one. And HR continues to accommodate their bullshit and it is negatively affecting my team as a whole. I am angry but also feel like I am posting on my team’s behalf. My assistant manager was offered the job by our supervisor with the hours obviously being disclosed. There is documented proof of this. Once hired, all of a sudden, she is claiming that she was never given the hours and is demanding accommodation. I told staffing no because this will negatively impact my team. If one person works less, the rest of us have to pick up the slack. HR figured we should give her a chance. My team is obviously very upset because they all show up for their schedules,…


quick hr rant from friend. help?

So my friend is talking to her department's HR representative about a getting promoted (she's three years already in a construction firm) and here are her observations: Questions her use of “uh-huh” as a way of nodding her head to every statement she hears (e.g. “What does 'uh-huh' mean?”) Insists on being professional, yet gets defensive pretty quickly. Kinda gaslight-y too. Tells people to raise concerns to proper authorities (that is, their own managers) when confronted with valid concerns that HR can raise to proper authorities. My friend has reason to believe that their conversation is being recorded without her permission. I never worked in corporate (I'm a stay at home wife) so I don't have any idea to support her. But I hope you guys can.


Is it really lazy and entitled to not want to work full-time?


At least they’re honest


Struggling with the 9-5 Grind: Took a Staycation, Now Dreading Going Back

I need to vent a bit and see if anyone else has been in a similar boat. I've been working in the corporate world for the past 7 years, and what I thought would be the dream 9-5 gig has turned into a soul-sucking routine. Back in college, I worked retail and couldn't wait to escape the unpredictable hours, weekends, and holidays. Fast forward, and now I find myself coming home exhausted, emotionally drained, and mentally checked out. I recently took a week off for a staycation, hoping it would recharge my batteries, but it's only made me dread going back to the office. I believe my perspective might shift if I had the option to either work remotely full time or have a four-day workweek. The weekends used to be my sanctuary, but now I'm so depressed and burnt out that I don't want to do anything. Is this…


3.5 years gap in resume. Need some help please.

Hey everyone… I'm 27m and I've been unemployed since September 2020. So, the degree I'm pursuing has two levels with articleship and I've completed the first level and articleship by 2020. The pandemic hit and I didn't work for a year and I don't know how it happened but I just felt lost and depressed and just felt stuck. But after a lot of work I'm finally ready to give the final exams this week but I'm worried that I won't get recruited after such a long gap. Please any advice or encouragements are appreciated.


If you didn’t have to work for the next 3 months, what would you catch up on?

I never been lucky enough or smart enough with my money to take such a break, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I picked three months thinking about the rest of the winter season. I think I’d spend the time decluttering, job hunting for a remote job, visiting family, and writing. It’s very hard to get out of bed in the winter for my 9-5 & I don’t even live in a cold place