
Can someone advise me on scheduling laws in Michigan?

We have a new attendance policy at work which we will be discussing at an upcoming staff meeting. Our boss likes to change shifts last minute, sometimes as late as after 7pm the night before the shift. She has even done it the morning of the shift for some of my co-workers who come in later than I do. Im wondering if there’s some kind of law or guideline I can cite in this meeting to ensure that workers are not penalized for tardiness due to late shift changes. For example, if I go to bed thinking I work at 8, only to wake up and see my schedule has been changed to 7. Thanks in advance!


Dreading tomorrow

I hate Sunday nights. It’s so depressing. I have to drag through 5 days to get 2 days of “freedom”. I don’t understand how people do this their whole life. I’d much rather be fishing or hiking in the mountains than selling my soul 5 days a week.


If corporate is so focused on profits…

Why have they never considered the most logical way to trim fat is from management? Management are the ones who get costly bonuses. They produce little to no value for the company. They could regain a large portion of payroll and benefits in one fell swoop, give lower level employees higher wages to attract and KEEP good and talented people. In turn, customer service would skyrocket — no more surveys. Customers would enjoy doing business with you and everything would improve for the employees, the customer and the company. Most departments run perfectly fine with a team lead. Upper management is the most logical place to cut costs. So no one can “move up”. Maybe people wouldn’t want or need to move up if they made a decent wage. Lots of people would be content to just have a job that was designed for one person if their departments were…


The supermarket where I worked got audited by the NY State Department of Labor but violations still exist after investigation is completed.

Long story short I was the one who filed for unlawful detuction claim and reported to my investigator that the place does not provide meal breaks after working more than six hours. No overtime and no retirement plans for full-time workers. I got my back paycheck from the NY State Department of Labor a month ago and today I asked my friend who is working there to see if they started giving meal breaks and overtime to all employees. She said no. She saw even a new hire was not provided a single meal break after working for more than 6 hours. So what's going on?


Fired 1 month before Maternity Leave was set to start, end up uninvited to my own work baby shower

Title sort of says it all. I've been working for a small-ish nonprofit for about 2 years now. I've had disagreements with a couple members of management, but nothing I would have considered a big deal. All of a sudden, over the summer (yes, after I told them I was pregnant), they start talking about how my behavior is unacceptable, even saying things like “you can't talk to your BOSS that way. It's not your job to give US negative feedback. You talk like an executive – it's completely inappropriate.” I didn't really know what that meant, because I think hierarchy is kind of nonsense, but I was afraid of losing my job, so I said I'd work on it and started working with a coach. For MONTHs I have received nothing but encouraging feedback, and then out of the blue last week, my department head (without my direct manager)…


Dangling the carrot of bonuses

Approximately 3+ years ago I was sat down by the owner of our company and the COO and was told they were going to start implementing bonuses. At the time we had just gotten a new, very expensive business management software so it was very easy to see profit per job that was quoted out. I was told that I would be getting a percentage of the gross profit per the bid if it was won. Fast forward a few months later, the topic came up again during discussion. This time I was told the bonus would be calculated after the labor cost was removed. Ok fine, that’s called net profit but whatever. I was still cool with it as I never asked for a bonus anyways. We get towards the end of the year and it comes up again. “Well, you’ll only get a bonus if the job is…


I got laid off and I am extremely unprepared

Tale as old as time…. Got a random meeting with my boss and HR, and within the hour was locked out of my laptop and all accounts. Completely shocked, didn’t see it coming at all. I worked in corporate sales, made $81k a year completely remote as a 25f. I got a whopping 2 weeks of severance from my company, all 200 hours of my PTO I had saved for the holidays is not being paid out. Was also 3 weeks out from my 20% bonus pay out…ugh. I guess I’m looking for general advice, but some specific advice as well. How do I handle my next steps, job wise? Do I go get a retail job in the mean time, or is being on unemployment a better use of my time so I can continue to have my schedule open for interviews/job searching in my field (if I can…


Work has F’d up my pay multiple times. Canadian Edition.

I work for a parts distributor. Been in the business for twenty plus years. We (a few people) take turns being on call for a large steel mill. Over the last 18 months there's been multiple occasions where I wasn't paid the extra fee for being on call. Or it went to the other guy that WAS NOT on call that week. A payroll mishap from HO. We have a guy thats been there for 14 years that took an extended 9 days off and was underpaid upon return, HO stating he didn't reach the minimum time yet. Like fuck, he's entitle to his time! Yesterday I got my pre-pay stub for upcoming Friday… and noticed a problem once again. About 30 bucks too much. Upon closer look, I paid into EI exactly 1 cent!! Now I'm thinking, how many times have I paid the wrong amount to CPP and…


Sign at local restaurant

I thought y’all would get a kick out of this sign at a small local restaurant in my town.


This is why everyone quit and walked out of work. Respect vs fear and I was wrong for calling him a