
Just found out that my boss has been making me do work not in my contract

I've been in my position for around 6 months now and only because someone had injured themselves loading and unloading boxes has the company said that it is not our responsibility (the store we work in has an agreement to do it – this was specifically outlined by hr). My manager asks me to perform this task almost every shift I do and it contributes to back pain and adds an unnecessary time pressure on an already busy schedule. Im now pretty pissed off that all that work was not my responsibility and am looking for some a grade antiwork suggests so fire away


does my manager have the right to tell me to cover up my self harm scars?

Im pretty angry and upset about all of this, for context I used to cut a lot, none of them are fresh (im two years clean of cutting) so they are pretty faded. but with the amount of them and how deep I went they are still pretty noticeable especially if you get a look of my whole left arm. Ive come to peace with all this and I stopped trying to cover my scars. I dont really care if people judge me or anything, they are a permanent part of my body now and a reminder of my past and that things get better. I recently got a new job as a cashier and on my second day I wore a jacket that covered about only half my arm. all was well until about half way through one of my managers came up to me and told me a…


Working Christmas

I work for a contract company in healthcare. Prior to the start of the year each employee has to select a minimal of 2 holidays to work throughout the year. You get a day off of your choice to use within 30 days, if you work a full 8 hr day holiday. Before covid, 1 employee was to be on call for Christmas. You got no benefit for working the holiday because it was an on-call coverage and not a full day of work. Fast forward post covid. My new boss has now made it mandatory that 2 people work a full 8 hr day on Christmas with the choice of working remotely however even if you choose to work remotely you don’t get a day off to use within 30 days even if you are putting in a full day of work. If you go into work in person…


Any members of antiwork also into FIRE?

As someone who does not like to work and is interested in working less or finding ways out of the rat race. I want to know what to you guys think of the FIRE movement? While I mainly post here, I do lurk around the FIRE subreddits if someone else was in my position and managed to get out of work. Who else visits both subs and what do you think of the whole FIRE movement?


WORKPLACE GIFTING: Boss harassing me to ‘pinch in’ for awful coworker’s ‘care package’

amongst your typical toxic and bitchy workplace environment where everyone pretends and rims the bully's assholes.


Sign On bonus being withheld

Hey guys! My large healthcare company recently got bought by an even larger company. The new company is refusing to pay out installment sign on bonuses offered by the previous company. What recourse do I have? Any advice?


Even though you’re poor, you’re in the top 10% In the world.

I get why it's said, it's to shut you up. It's like calling someone a communist or what ever. It's supposed to shut someone up and make them fall in line. What does being in the top 10% in the world get me when I'm struggling too?


COP28: Open secret at global climate talks: The top temperature goal is mostly gone

Researchers injected a sobering finding into global climate negotiations Sunday by saying the world will likely fail its most important warming test. For everyone that works outdoors or depends on a steady environment for a living in industries like fishing or farming, this looks really really bad. ​


I got asked to work an unpaid shift as part of the “interview process”

The “waiver” was a document that said I wouldn’t seek legal action for compensation


Freedom vs Work