
Companies should offer half-days on Fridays

​ It's simple. Instead of the traditional 9-5, an employee should have the option to work 9-6 on Monday to Thursday. They can then work the remaining 4 hours on Fridays. It would be an early start to the weekend and would make a happier, and therefore more productive employee. This should be a thing.


Think I need to quit my job for my health

I used to really love my job. I've been working at the thrift store near where I live for almost two years starting next month, but right now I'm in the hospital for an anxiety attack and I'm thinking that for my health, I have to quit Everyone's quitting, we lost a manager recently, everyone around me is miserable when it used to not be like this when I first started I applied for another job that pays way more, and I will only be working 3-4 days a week The regulars constantly harass us and my boss will never do anything about it. One of them was aggressive with another customer and nothing was done. It makes me sick how they can just get away with that and we do nothing because “we get most of our money from them” I was at work today before I had to…


Do they really think that back-to-office propaganda like this will work? Pathetic.


For those of you who started a union at your company, how did the initial negotiations go?

I have recently been talking to my coworkers about unionizing, and most of them are on board. There is some hesitancy in some people, even ones who agree that it would probably improve our work conditions and our laughable pay. Most of this is centered around trying to join a preexisting union (Teamsters or others that work with our field) and what that would limit us to. Most people like our merit based approach to promotions instead of strictly based on time at the company, and they are worried that by joining a larger union, some of the aspects of management they enjoy will automatically change. I haven't really read anything that says that's necessarily true or not, but I also don't have any experience organizing. I'm just trying to make a change in my field of work. I also think my coworkers would be more comfortable if we started…


Lowballed Assismanager pay

Ive been working at a car wash for about 10 months now and I started from the bottom as a team member and have worked my way up to shift lead. I now have my second promotion opportunity to start as a assistant manager of the wash. Its alot more responsibilities of maintaining the equipment and overseeing sales of membership, guest experiences and overall team effort. I started with a base pay of $16 as a team member then went up to $18 as a shift lead and now im being offered $22 as a assistant manager. The hours would stay the same at 37 a week. My manager has been very supportive and pushing for me to be assistant and says the opportunity to be management is one I should take advantage of given I have no managing experience outside of being a shift lead currently. But there is…


No bandaids. Scotch tape it up, finish the shift, don’t show customers.

Wasn’t serious and stopped pretty quick… but how does a restaurant/bar not have bandaids?! It’s not like we ran out either, we NEVER have them.


My take on the antiwork movement.

Work is a necessity, because it literally fuels civilisation. People can complain about capitalism, and yes, it is not a perfect system, definitely favours the rich, and needs reworking, especially in America, but the bottom line is- people have to work to keep everything running. Millions of people have worked just for your everyday lifestyle to remain intact. Work is also a fundamental necessity, not just for practicality's sake, but to keep people busy. There's a reason the term NEET exists and isn't exactly associated with the happiest of people. Overall, I think that worker's rights should absolutely be maintained, protected and improved, and those who are completely unable to work should not be forced to do so. However, people with this subreddit's mindset need to understand that work is an inherent feature of civilization that, for the time being, cannot be removed. If you refuse to work and have…


Boss is withholding my commission

Hey everyone, I’m a salesman for a landscape company, they pay with salary and 2% commission on whatever I sell, lately they’ve been super greedy and every time something goes wrong on a job, they discount it from the workers paycheck, this time they took my commission off because the job did not reach the profit margin they require, from a $35k job they are getting $9400 in overhead/commission. So because I only reached 27% when they request a minimum of 30% , they are withholding the full commission. Some background to the story is that the client is super picky, he’s super cheap, and I originally did not want to take this client, the only reason I did is because my boss insisted, (the client works for a commercial construction company that my bosses company has done work for). I told this to my bosses when they mentioned that…



Had my final interview in the Chicago area last week for a Target security position (TSS). Pay starts at $19.75 an hour and comes with 40 hours a week and full Blue Cross Blue Shield with dental and vision. Pro’s: Both of the store managers and I had a chill interview. It was more of a shoot-the-shit sesh than anything, but we all got our points across, picked up on each other’s demented sense of humor, and it sounded like we’d be able to work well together and get along. Con’s: Final interview with the Area/District Manager was a cringe fest. Guy tried to boast about the amount of stores he oversaw -that are currently being ran and staffed like shit- and about his undying loyalty to the brand. Job sounds like it’s more of a glorified greeter position since I’d basically be standing near the entrances and greeting/helping people…


What are the best excuses to call in to work a day early?

I have work tomorrow but I’m planning to call in right now to give a proper heads up to my manager. I just feel like calling in the day of is worse than giving at least a nights heads up. I was thinking of saying my mom lives by herself and she has a dryer delivery in place for tomorrow and she’s scared to be home by herself or something in the lines of that. Thank you for the help. Also the last time I called sick was 2-3 months ago…