
Don’t let your boss make you lose yourself at work

Yes, certain work places are highly toxic mainly due to a toxic lead manager/boss, but don’t let that be the reason to quit especially if the pay is decent. Remember a job is just something you need to live your lifestyle and pay your bills, and you have to put up with certain bullshit that comes with it when you’re ON the clock, you have to be ignore certain things, and focus on being highly productive and completing your tasks at an effective and efficient rate level, nothing more, nothing less. Your manager/boss has the power to terminate you without any warnings and for any bullshit reason he or she can pull out of his/her ass, with that being said, once you understand that concept, there shouldn’t be any reason to let them try to bully you especially for stupid things like OFF the clock activities that by law you’re…


Do you support all school levels to be virtual?

As the title states. Are you pro wfh? If so, would you support JK all the way to post secondary schooling to be done 100% remote? I'm very interested in both sides of the argument.


wasn’t aloud to go home after car accident

This morning I was driving up to work and got in a car accident. (I work at a ski resort and we got a ton of snow this morning). My coworker/friends dad was driving us and we hit the barrier. Not too bad of an accident but still. We texted our managers and without thinking we were just kind of like yeah can you come get us we are at the middle of the canyon. So they did, while highway patrol was assessing the incident. When I got into work it was soooo busy and I thought I would be fine to work. After a couple hours my back started to hurt a little and I wanted to go home so that I could rest, it also affected my mental because I was so scared when we crashed. So I was just exhausted. Anyway, they wouldn’t let us leave so…


(Rhode Island) Sunday and Holiday Pay Laws

Very curious about the ins and outs of these. As far as I know if you work in an industrial environment like General Dynamics Electric Boat, you are paid double time on Sunday. I would like to know why that is.


I am planning to convince my bosses to raise the minimum wage from $10/hr to $15/hr, but I need some help with number crunching

Revenues: 2019: $565,458 2020: $589,780 2021: $823,452 These add up to 1,978,690, which divided by 3 years gives us an average revenue of $659,563.33 Expenses: 2019: $543,555 2020: $543,282 2021: $790,535 These add up to 1,877,372, which divided by 3 years gives us an average expense of $625,790.67 All of this give us a net revenue of $33,772.66 Number of office staff: 50 people out of an unknown max. I am working on finding out the max number of open jobs that my company has to convince my bosses that a $15 minimum wage would attract more workers. For more information on that topic, click here: ​ How much net revenue would my company make with a $15 minimum wage versus a $10 minimum wage? ​ I don't know if this statement will help, but the place I work for is a non-profit organization.


Cover letters = corporate fan fiction



Manager Harassment Continues

For months one of my managers has been using various methods to annoy and anger me into quitting. Im actively searching for another job, but job searching is incredibly difficult in my region, so I'm still stuck here. Today she's pushing her luck and I want to know what I can do if she takes today's bs too far. When I come in for a shift, I store my jacket, wallet, car keys, lunch and hydro flask in the storage closet since I don't trust putting it in the lockers with other employees' stuff because people have stolen from in there before. I walk into the closet to find all of my stuff gone. I walk out into the hall and see her walking away with all of my stuff. I intercept and ask her to give me my stuff. She obliges without resistance and walks off. I store my…


How to deal with a coworker that’s deliberately lazy but management turns a blind eye

So I share a receptionist desk with someone who is lazy and all around terrible coworker while we do generally different duties his spill unto mine because when customers come for assistance i'm automatically the only person they see, he comes work late almost everyday and when he's at work he finds time to do everything but his job. Now I don't care about his actions but when it's affecting me and I speak up about it my supervisor and manager basically gives me the run around. Can someone give me advice on what to do?


I’ve never had a “real job” and I’m running out of ideas

For context I got an art degree (delusional) and I have been working in the service industry for the better part of 8 years. In the last 3 I’ve been doing substitute teaching which works really well for me but it’s not guaranteed all year round. I opened an Etsy store this week and all year have been trying to grow a small art business, and I’m really burned out. I am in a predicament now where I have started at a new bar and quit the one I worked at for years because I thought I would make more money, because things started to dry up at the old place. Now at this new bar I make less and work more hours on top of feeling lol I’m being robbed by greedy bartenders who come in at the shift change and keep all the tabs I started. I’m a…


Coworkers paid hundreds to travel to our holiday party and were compensated $20

The division of my company just had our holiday party this last week and I was shocked how many people actually attended and the lengths they went to to attend with little to no compensation. I was hired during Covid as a remote worker but prior to Covid our main office was located in the center of a large American city. A majority of my coworkers have been with the company for 5+ years and thus lived in the city and many rent or own condos nearby. However, during Covid that main office was shutdown and the company is renting out a small office space ~40 miles outside the city for those that still choose to go in, this is located in an affluent suburb where a lot of the executives live around so no surprise why that location was chosen. The first holiday party since I’ve been working here…