
No Ideas for Work

I've taken nearly a year off work. I went on medical leave last February and ultimately quit my job a few months later. I've been in therapy and trying to recover from some severe burnout. Now my financial ability to stay home is ending and I need to figure out what's next. I've spent hours and hours on the internet to try and find some perspective and nothing resonates with me. I don't understand the obsession with productivity, except that it makes someone else more money. I don't understand the desire to learn new job skills and equating that to growth as a human being. How does learning how a particular machine or computer program works improve my life as an individual? I don't understand how people regard work as fulfilling, rewarding, and engaging, when I have never felt satisfaction or accomplishment from a position I have held. Many people…


Pay to shadow a job???

My workplace is now wanting students to pay to come shadow. I work in the environmental nonprofit world so I understand the need to raise funds but I feel like asking children to pay to see if they're interested in this field is exploitative and privileged. Any advice on how to bring this up to my boss?


My manager says I’m too slow but I’m one of the fastest

I was one point away from top 5 last week but he said I need to hurry up before I get pulled into the office (which I took as a termination threat) It's only during his shift that my uph is low. I get crazy heavy picks (4 bags less than 20 items but there won't really be anything in the bags, just hella cases of soda or water) Or a short pick, lots of bags, only laundry detergent I go at my normal pace, trying not to hurt myself or customers trying to to impress and please him (my coworkers say he doesn't know what he's talking about. His yelling and insulting makes me feel overpowered though)


Let’s make …

Let’s make 4 day work weeks, let’s eliminate payroll taxes, anything over a 8 hour day or 40 hour work week is overtime, regardless if you are salaried or not, let’s reward longevity and not have caps on wages or time off, let’s make it so upper management can at max make 4x more than their lowest paid employee, let’s make upper management only able to receive up to 4x the lowest paid employees profit sharing (if someone isn’t receiving profit sharing then the upper management gets zero)… management want more? Take care of your employees, becuase you don’t deserve 10-20 times what your lowest employee can receive?


Unbelievable cheap holiday party.

SpaceX had a holiday party and now we are talking about a billionaire owner. Rented a big space and had all these concessions like a stadium. All the food was nachos, hot dogs, chips, ice-cream, candy… Many packaged stuff. You would think for such a company as SpaceX, they would have better food.


Is Italy a “good” place for work hours? If not, where in Europe is?

I am American and deeply dissatisfied with working conditions here, among other things. I am lucky to have supportive parents who are letting me stay with them until I can afford accommodations overseas in a different country. I love Europe, especially Italy aesthetically and culturally and all that. What also stands out is European countries' relatively wonderful PTO policies compared to here. My other concern is with lunch policy. If I am, say, a medical coder (which I am considering starting school for), is it reasonable to assume I could work through my lunch/eat while working? Because I have OCD and autism and bad anxiety, so I prefer to get all my responsibilities done as quickly (and productively) as possible so then I can relax fully the rest of the day without thinking about work. If I HAD to take an unpaid break, as is often the case in America…


Never gift up

I've now read a couple of posts where people are pressured to buy things for their boss. The phrase you need this time of year is: “I never gift up.” That's it, no other explanation is needed. Say that now, say that at every Boss' day, every holiday, and every “we're taking up a collection…”. Don't get involved with “secret Santa” if the boss or supervisors are involved. Start now and be consistent. It's easy to say, it spreads easily, it's a simple policy — and what workplace doesn't like policy? Gifting up is always inappropriate, coercion, and buying favors. “But we're all a family here!” Well, my parents and grandparents don't need gifts, they'd just prefer I visit and spent time with them. My nephews want gifts. That's how family works. Can you gift your peers? Absolutely. Be generous, open-hearted, and have fun. Can you gift your team members…


I want to give an honest review of my company without repercussions

Hi Everyone, I've worked for a company that caused me a lot of (mental) pain and stress and I want other people to know what to expect when joining the company, so I was thinking about leaving a review online for the company, but I'd like not to have any repercussions. I'm very relieved that I'm not there anymore and I feel bad for some people that there are still there. The review I want to leave is the following: “I’ve never written a review for a company before, as I never felt the need for it, but for this one, I’m writing so that whoever decides to apply for this company knows better, in my perspective, what to expect. I do not know how it is for people that are not working as analog design engineers, but for people interested in working as analog design engineers, this is for…


My job has changed and I’m too anxious to work now

My job has changed significantly since I started three years ago and to be honest I’m too shy to effectively do my work, long story short my job used to be checking people’s identities via video consult and recently has turned into being face to face with scammers via video and needing to basically interrogate them, if we don’t stick exactly to the standards of practice we get defected in our metrics, I am too shy of a person to effectively do this as I hate confrontation. Is this kind of a tough luck situation, leave the job and find a new one or would it be possible to speak with a doctor and get excused from face to face consults for anxiety related reasons? It’s the best paying job I’ve had and I can’t really afford to make less money than I currently am.


Marijuana is legal for recreational use in 24 states as of 2024

Yet employers can still refuse to give you a job based on a positive result on a drug test. If obscene amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are not an issue shouldn't we change the law to exclude weed as well? Or at least we need to add in alcohol and drug dependence tests. It should be one way or the other rather than picking and choosing who to target. Sorry for the rant, ty