
Employer asks for employees to donate PTO to sick employee of 17 yrs


‘Walk on water’ or return to the office, Bay Area tech CEO says amid layoffs


Karma’s Relentless and Merciless Strike

In June/July 2022 I was in the process of applying to another job. My boss was the quintessential model of narcissitic ass. To list a few things: Insulted my military service Made 3 women cry in 1 month after royal ass chewings over report format (these women were also annual company award winners, not your average people) Bragged how no one leaves his shit list Denied my 1-day PTO request to pay respect to my son on his death anniversary (I had PLENTY of PTO saved up) Suddenly said he wanted 5 business days notice for any medical appt whatsoever Forced other managers into changing people's bonuses with no reason why (like by several thousands of dollars) Due to timezone differences, expected me to be at 7am (local time) meetings and stay until 5pm…yes, 50 hour workweeks. (This was not agreed upon during the interview process and onboarding, I was…


TIL that slot machines run by the U.S. military earn $100 million a year from service members overseas


Manager requiring sick note despite me calling out being her fault

I work at a Juvie treatment/detention center. I got stuck doing sick coverage which I didn’t know I was on til I got there. I’m then expected the next day to work another pm shift on sick coverage. This is not allowed. I called out cause I’m exhausted and was told I needed a doctors note. The same manager that told me that is the reason I was on something I shouldn’t have been on. Now I’m prob gonna suffer cause of her incompetence. Advice???


Fifteen years for this…

My daughter has worked fifteen years for J*w*l F**ds. They told her they would give her a party to celebrate. She arrived to find that they had started early without her. All the food was gone. All that remained was an empty room and a huge mess, which at least they did not make her clean up. Fair is fair, though – they did allow her an extra break. I wish I was surprised.


You have got to be f*cking kidding me with this

GTFO with this pay. I can't believe those guys think this is an appropriate pay for this job.


Is this normal?? Boss wanted me to work 9 days straight

So I'm 19 and recently got my first ever (part-time) job as a cleaner at a local family owned hotel. I feel it's important to mention I'm a Finnish citizen living in Germany and can't speak enough German to use it at work, so I'm bound to places that'll hire English speakers: my work is one of them. So, I technically have three bosses: the owners, who are married, and their son. There's A (the son) who makes the shift schedules, and G (the owner and wife) who is in charge of everyday work and giving out tasks. My last days off were Tuesday and Wednesday, and I've worked since every day of the week. I got my schedule for next week and it's Monday to Friday with Saturday and Sunday off?!? I'm neurodivergent and can't handle 9 days of work straight. Not to mention G makes me absolutely miserable…


Lying In Interview Presentation

I've got to give a presentation next week for an interview. I need the money and the job seems pretty cool. But part of it is talking about recent experience. Basically the last couple of years I've been “working for myself” – but I've done fuck all. Just been taking care of myself and living off savings, because I was burned out. I need to talk about revenue figures and examples of client work. I'm going to have to make it all up. Has anyone else done this and pulled it off?


What are consequences for ruining relationships with multinational corporation

My company is forcing hybrid work (mandatory 10 days in office per month). But even after wasting 5+ years at same company I will not be able to afford an appartment at the city because i also need to support my parents and have some savings. I am severely underpaid. Like less than half of industry standard. And mostly its my fault. Because i am shy and afraid to even try and negotiate and very stupid on not trying to apply for different company. I am planning to put notice. But my company has 3 months notice period (India – so no regulations from gov to stop this kind of behaviours). So i will try to share room with 3 people for 3 months while look for any other job. But I am having panic attacks every night. Can’t sleep. Don’t know who to talk to. How would i pay…