
Are there any modern or past writers that have written theories on how to dismantle an oligarchy?

I'm just curious. Not trying to spark a conversation on violence I'm just wondering what literature is out there that can provide insight on our current plight.


They want us to work 24 hours a day

A startup is trying to allow knowledge workers to keep working while they are sleeping. They want to double our workloads and y'all know pay won't increase.


I got fired from a job because I was told “I look creepy”? I am pretty vindictive, how do I create a stink about it?

I work a part-time event job on the weekends. I don't super care about… actually rather hate it, so whatever. However, today I was told to go home a couple of hours into the 14 hour event because, and I quote “I look creepy”. I was a little blindsided and didn't know how to respond. I signed out, putting down my full 14 hour shift as in and out times, and left. I don't super care about about the job, whatever I needed some time back, but as someone who is always self concious about his look, I kind of want to create as much damage to this company as possible. Any ideas?


My company has an award named after the ceo that they give to the ceo every year

Let's say the ceo's last name was Holman, well his assistant came up with an award to be handed out annually named “the Holman award”, and every single year the firm made a big spectacle out of handing the ceo the award that was named after him and only ever going to go to him. It was so incredibly cringe to watch that it made me uncomfortable, and straight up made me nauseous when he got a standing ovation after getting the trophy every year. This guy makes more in a week than most employees make in a year. He's got 2 mansions, several vacation properties, and an exotic car collection. People at the firm already treat him like a God/ cult leader, but apparently that wasn't enough. No, he also needed an annual award named after him and given exclusively to him. He'd prominently display it in his office…


Is this sub just about complaining or is there positive goal or movement?

Everyone seems to understand that work generally sucks. Most everyone understands the injustice of having others disproportionately profit off of your labor. Most get that power and privilege of a few is an injustice because there's really no “own bootstraps” in society. Most everyone would prefer to have a life that isn't centered around education to become a cog in the machine, being that cog, making more cogs and die. I would but I play the game because its the only game. What's the realistic alternative? Are there practical ideas behind the “no-work” movement or is it just whining?


Zero Punctuation: An Analysis of Corporate Failure


“Why should we choose you over the other candidates?”

After I offered to do the same work for a smaller salary amount (until I prove myself) so THEY can get a profit, not so I can pay off my student loans After I pointed out possible marketing opportunities After I educated them on how to keep good employees Smh businesses really want to suck employees dry I'm not anti work but I'm seriously starting to hate employers “No OnE wAntS to WoRK” ya for companies who don't recognize good work. ​


Interview task unreasonable

Been interviewing for my dream job. After a call, they asked me to deliver a task. OK no problem. Got the instructions, and it's HOURS of work. Like you would expect someone full time to deliver in a week and they know I'm already full time with another company. Sometimes in the past, I've declined at this point but I really want this job. So spending my weekend on the tasks and feeling annoyed before I even started. Honestly, about half of this task would be reasonable yet a struggle with current employment. Rant over. I'm doing it anyway, late nights this week. But when did this become normal? I'm not even super senior, just middle manager.


Scared, Putting in Resignation Effective Immediately

Please excuse formatting, on mobile. Sorry for the length as well. Backstory: I was a stay at home mom for the past 15 years. My ex moved out of our home in April and I filed for divorce in June. He completely emptied the bank accounts and cut me off the credit card, leaving me with nothing. So, naturally, I went job hunting. I was extremely lucky to be offered a great position with great pay and benefits in August. I have a disability and they were gracious to accommodate my ADA requests. The environment is amazing, the owners are generous and do so much for the employees. However, I am completely overworked. I am unable to keep up with the workload and find myself working 12 hours days. As a single parent with young children, the hours have become an issue. I often don't get home until around 8PM.…


Split shifts question.

My kid works at a family owned GastroPub/Pizza restaurant as a dishwasher and the pay is $15 not including a share tip pool. A few days a week the schedule is to come in at 0900-1400 then return and do 1800-2100 for example. Location: Sparks, NV. Age: over 18 I feel the kid is being taken advantage of since the kid is young and lives the closest out of any of the other employees. Any known or recommended pay bump since the kid is in limbo for four (4) hours?