
Lie about your feelings? Straight to jail


Indentured servitude, how do we break free?

We should be entitled for the value/work that we create, it doesn’t make sense that those at the top gets to hoard most of the wealth. They did not create said value/work, they are not entitled to it. We need laws that protect people from having their value/work stolen. There are way too many billionaires that made their fortunes from the back of others. They own half the world’s wealth simply by leeching off the hard working people. We need to own our wealth, we could then invest where it matters. Billionaires don’t give a sh** about us. If we had control of our own wealth we could invest in our own communities. We have the means to end poverty and drug addiction. We have the potential to do so much more. Also, the government keeps borrowing from the central banks at high interest rates, plunging the nation into deeper…


Fired with pay…why?

A colleague of mine, a non-tenured instructor at a university, got fired recently. She didn't do anything terribly bad (context below) but she found out this week her contract is not being renewed for the spring semester. However the university said that they're going to pay her full salary for 1 year. And I'm very curious why they're going to do that. She's an at-will employee and can be fired at any moment for no reason whatsoever. So why would the University pay her a year salary when they don't have to? Is it because if she files for unemployment the university has to pay part of that or somehow their insurance rates go up? I know there has to be some financial motive behind it because the university never does things out of goodwill and caring for their employees. Context: She teaches a lower level math course with a…


Company’s new holiday card.


I love Obamacare

Thanks to it making the numbers public. Looking at the cost (limits max medical spending to $20,000 per year for individual), I could officially stop working if desired at age 59. Money would be tight but doable. So nice to have a solid date I can financially stop working.


Not All Exercise Is Beneficial: The Physical Activity Paradox Explained

Excerpt: “We looked mainly at professions where people have heavy workloads and you have much less autonomy, such as nursing assistants, office cleaners, childcare workers, and other personal care workers,” he said. “You cannot sit. You have somebody relying on you. It's not all pleasure, and it can be very hard. That's where we find the associations.”


We’re way past that Jerry


If you don’t see it, this is a business owner trying to explain away not properly paying someone as well as not pay overtime. They are about to lose all of their employees.


Anyone else hate these “interviews”

Looking at you Paddy Power you don’t even “interview” anyone you just record yourself in front of a camera and the video gets sent to the employer lol. Kinda glad I didn’t get accepted because i’ve heard working in the bookies sucks.


It’s always been this simple
