
Any viable healthcare options after quitting your job that aren’t Medicaid?

Cutting the cord with my nazi employer because I've been subjected to retaliation and they're working me to death, I plan on taking occupational hazard unemployment. Trying to figure out what my healthcare options are (need vision and dental too). Medicaid benefits are great, but it comes with stipulations. People generally treat you like a worthless pos when you're on it and not everyone takes it. I'm not broke but also don't want to spend $600/mo for healthcare.


Expected to contribute to the most ridiculous and pompous Christmas gift for the owner

Ok this actually happened last year at a company I thankfully don’t work for any longer. I’ll keep it short but suffice to say it was a nightmare job at a small company. At Christmas they sent an email asking everyone for money (I can’t remember how much but it was a good amount, I think I contributed like 30 bucks). They didn’t say what the gift would be, but that prior years it was a gift card to Trader Joe’s or similar. As it turns out, I find out on Christmas Eve (that the owner forced us to work the full day while he took off), the actual gift was a framed poster of the owner’s face with a motivational quote. He ended up hanging it in his office. I just thought it was the absolute strangest gift and I was like not happy to throw in money on…


Bullied for not volunteering

So I work at a daycare, 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. My boss puts out flyers for a Christmas party for the kids this coming Tuesday. It assures the parents that their child’s teacher will be in the classroom. But then I’m told in the chat they use to harass us with work announcements at home that it’s volunteer and we won’t be paid. “Cool” I think, “I’m not going.” Keep in mind this “kids party” is us standing in our uniform shirts, professional, entertaining the parents every question and their children until each child gets an individual photo with Santa. It’s supposed to last only an hour but there’s no guarantee and since my class has the oldest kids I would be the last to leave. So after 9 hours of work with the kids I would then have to stay my 10 and maybe 11th…


Word yo


Moderate Frustration/Anger

Hey all, bit of a long one, apologies in advance. 32M currently working in a manufacturing setting. Want to start out by saying I have a job, and am very fortunate to have one, particularly on a day shift in a manufacturing setting. However, wanted to share my frustration with recent events at my job. I work as a low level employee, (prefer not to share company/what I do, for anonymity.) In my initial interview, senior manager, (manager of my manger,) asks if I'd be open to management opportunities, as they're looking for people and I appear qualified (4 year degree and 2 years of prior manufacturingexperience.) In early October, he asks me if I'd be open to a 2nd shift mgmt position. I tell him no, as we were having a health scare with my son, and I didn't want my my wife to be alone, (I didn't tell…


Woman stops husband firing pregnant woman



How hard is it for a job to respect my school schedule? Like bro NO I will not go to work during my class time during finals week. Also like how can they tell me they can't give me sundays off if I say I'm not available on sundays? Also knowing it's finals week they give me MORE hours than what I said my limit was? Like yes I agreed to work more during winter break but it's not winter break yet.


I received absolutely no training in all the jobs I’ve held thus far

Why are there no places offering proper guidance? I'm weary of this situation. In all my past jobs, there has been a complete absence of training, and yet I'm held accountable for not grasping company-specific protocols. What's the reason behind this approach? It's unreasonable to provide no instructions and then criticize when an inevitable mistake occurs. It can't be both ways! The same things happened yesterday. How df am I suppose to know the emails of all the people I have to send copies of an email to without them telling me. And then of course my supervisor gets mad at me because I am not omniscient. Situations like this happened to me at every job I have ever had. How can grown ass people like these managers not understand the concept of giving information?


The lamest remark I have seen


HR and Psychopathy

So a psychopath is someone who feels no empathy or ability to sympathize with someone in pain. A lot of times they enjoy the suffering of others. HR is all about lording power over others and arbitrary enforcement of office policy. And ignoring job candidates and lacking the courtesy to even inform someone after three interviews they didn't get a job. Seems like a pretty big overlap, has anyone ever tested an HR person for Psychopathy to see if there's a correlation?