
Newbies can’t take December off

So I’m just very annoyed and need to vent. I’ve been at this company for 9 months and have worked my ass off. Unpaid weekends, first to get to the office and last to leave. Very good KPI scores, higher ups are very happy with me, am getting an increase literally on Monday because I’ve completed my qualifications. (And I get to drop assistant from my job title). Thing is, I know that the work culture is awful but two/three years at this company will look incredible on my CV, especially as my manager is an incredible woman who’s invested in my career growth and is encouraging me to expand my knowledge in this field. Problem is, my team is headed up by two people, my manager, and another woman who I don’t really work closely with but I do help her out occasionally with reviews as I have a…


Broadcomm CEO tells VMware employees to get their butts back to the office.

VMware was a remote friendly company but this sadly changes after the $69 Billion acquisition by Broadcomm


My boss has done some highly questionable things.

I have been working for a fast food diner since 1999 and we are chronically understaffed, its just me (preparing the orders) and my coworker at the front (a cashier). Here are a few morally dubious things my boss has done. Working 24/7: Our competitor across the road began operating his restaurant 24/7. In light of that, our boss made our restaurant 24/7, making us continously work 16 hour days with split shifts. Stealing My Idea: I came up with the idea of dying our burgers into vibrant colors in order to get more sales, it became a hit with the customers. I was not compensated with any money for my idea. Guess it was my fault though, should've been more sturdy with the legal elements Eating An Old Buger And Going Overboard: My boss ate a three day old burger since he didn't want 'his money to go to…


have an interview at a new marijuana dispensary opening at the end of the year. starting pay is $13.50

i’ve worked in retail and customer service for about 14 years. have had management experience for 10 of those years and worked in a larger dispensary for about a year. there’s currently no dispensaries in the town i live in, but the one i’m interviewing for opens in about a month. at my current job, i make $21 an hr with full benefits and this dispensary job offers zero benefits, just PTO. i applied to this job before knowing the wages and i was excited because its very close to where i live (in colorado) and i commute about 30 mins for work right now. i just still don’t understand how such a specialized industry pays their workers less than a fast food joint, when we’re supposed to be educated and able to recommend specific products to customers… im gonna do the interview but i dont think there’s any way…


Too much free time! I will call your boss and let them know they are a jerk off for free!

Give me your bosses phone number and name. I will call him and let him know he is a jerkoff for free! I am on disability and am kooky with too much free time. I apply to jobs with bullshit resumes and have WAY TOO MUCH FRICKEN FREE TIME. I get phone calls and emails all time time. Company name. boss name email address and phone number. i will do the rest Free of charge!


when interviewing and starting my new job my manager was all about flexible work and “not caring where the work gets done as long as it gets done”

long story short I left an amazing job paying 70K a year with the ability to work from home 100% of the time for a new job paying 80K a year and the ability to work from home 50% of the time. When I first started this new job I asked my manager when I could put in a flexible working request for part of the time and he kind of brushed me off as I was in training. I have been at the job for a couple of months now and feeling more confident in what I am doing however, when I again bought up flexible work a few days ago to my manager her attitude towards it changed totally compared to what it was when I first started. She basically said she “isn't sure if I can do that in the first 6 months and even if I…


Employer has directly told me not to discuss pay

I’ve been following this thread for a while and it gets me real fired up about our rights as low hanging fruit. My employee handbook at work states “Discussion of individual compensation among staff members is strictly prohibited and is one example of a dismissable offense. Each staff member is compensated among other things based upon experience, education, and contribution to the profitability of the Firm. Discussion among staff members only creates bad will and can serve no useful purpose.” Additionally, I had a coworker help me file my taxes (accounting job) and my supervisor sent me an email stating: “(Partner in firm) mentioned you had gone to (coworker) to prepare your tax return. In the future you need to go through one of the partners. It is a Firm policy that absolutely under no circumstances will any employees talk or share about their pay with each other. I know…


Would it be considered assault ?

I really hate my boss she a big piece of shit and I will quit soon and I always wanted to take ice and water and throw it on her for my last day before leaving. Would it be considered assault or could I have problem with the law for this? I’m 100% serious it’s not a troll post


Hilarious craiglist job posting


Quitting a Job Because My Manager Thought I Was Too Uppity

This incident happened to me about a month and a half ago, but I felt compelled to share this online. It is quite long, but I think it's worth the read. Unhappy with the conditions at my place of employment, I sought out a new job. I work in the hospitality industry and have been for about twelve years now, and I was looking for a long-term place of employment that offered sustainability and growth. I applied to maybe a dozen or so places and half of those led to interviews, including the job in question. I received separate job offers while doing the interview process for the job this story is based on. This job required three interviews: two with on-premise managers and the third with the director of hospitality. I applied for a bartending position on Indeed and a manager contacted me to set up an interview that…