
Rich people is more class conscience than working class. They protect their interest , lobby and protect their class


Being an employee makes me feel like a modern day “slave”

I find it odd that so many companies can get away with paying minimum wage or underpaying their employees. This despite the fact many of these companies have millions ( if not billions) in profits every year. But instead of distributing this wealth fairly, employees have to work unreasonable amount of hours, just to make ends meet.  While a few people at the top are getting richer and richer, without really having to work as much.  I don’t even understand how it’s humane to be working 40+ hours a week. This barely gives anyone time for their families, friends, hobbies or else. What kind of life is this?  The fact that you're required to pay a substantial amount of taxes on your income (even when you have a low/average wage). Where I live you also pay 25% VAT for foods, clothes and other goods. So even though many people are…


Why I left a $54k salary job

I took a 2nd shift supervisor position at a smallish automotive factory. I got paid almost 900 a week. Supervise, fill in on machines when needed. Cool… A new HR came in & things changed. I didn’t have a backup tow motor driver; when mine was out, I was to material handle and load trucks those shifts and supervise. One night, quality left & a girl ran 65 bad parts before it was found out. I got a verbal write up. That’s fine. I understood then that I could’ve checked on her more in depth at her start and let the trucks wait. A month later, a girl on my shift, Spanish speaking high school student who is the only driver/worker for her family, loses $300. ((I understand she shouldn’t have had that large cash easily lost but that’s kinda not relevant)). HR says if someone comes clean they won’t…


Reporting employer for constructive dismissal and stealing tips?

Just discovered that whats been happening to me has a name. My employer has recently taken me completely off the schedule, going from 25 hours to 0 over the past couple months. I'm not the first person this has happened to, as 2 other employees were treated the same way when I first started. Neither me or these other employee's have ever done anything to warrant being fired or taken off the schedule, and if we did do something it's never been communicated to us. I don't want to sue my employer and I'm not really looking for much, if any, money. I'm just wondering if there's any way to report her somewhere for this, especially since it's a pattern of behavior? It's a small business, so there's no HR or higher ups to report her to. Also, me and my other coworkers are also pretty sure our tips are…


General Manager taking pooled tips

As I type this I am working as a barback at a bar in Portland, Oregon. Our General Manager who is on salary, is filling in as a bartender. Our tips are pooled and tipped out at the end of the night. Our Manager is taking a cut from the pool each day/night he bartends and had been doing this multiple times through each week for the last month or so. There is no way this is legal right? When I confronted him about it he told me to talk to our head of HR if I have a problem with it. For the record our head of HR has had a history of answering conflict with the age old response of “if you don't like it then you can just quit”


Non-productive income, voting, and taxation.

Am I the only who thinks all shares from passive investors of businesses should actually be non-voting shares, and that the only people we should be taxing are those that obtain large amounts of income non productively like those passive investors/landlords? A business shouldn't be serving its shareholders because those people are completely disconnected from the experiences that inform the decisions that make a business a success, except for a small minority that actually work like the founders or the CEO. A business should actually be serving all stakeholders, but with those that are not productive not getting a say in anything at all. Passive shareholders shouldn't get a say on how a business adjusts to new labor saving technology or methods, only the workers (and perhaps first and foremost the workers that own parts of the business) should be deciding on that. It's probably the main reason why we…


It’s your fault, you just didn’t work hard enough. So we’re told anyway.

I am 37 years old and have witnessed multiple stock crashes in the last 15 years. I would say Covid really smacked me over the side of the head to finally knock some sense into me. I think for the better part of my twenties and my early thirties I genuinely believed hard work, training and experience is truly what dictated the amount of compensation I would receive. The dollar amount my social contract was worth. This is the textbook belief system we are all taught growing up. So what happens when those models are actually flawed, obsolete or legally changed through policy driven procedures? You get asset value protection safeguards. Inflation, product appreciation, hoarding of goods. Solid wood, oak, high end raw material furniture pieces, glassware, ceramics, decorations, designer goods, video games, comics, toys, trading cards, housing. On and on it goes. The assumption would be the speculators are…


New problematic GM

Had a new GM for about a month and he’s been rubbing everyone wrong since he started for multiple things. Today though, I was doing bar paperwork and a server came in and had forgotten to clock in from break for almost 2hrs and the gm said it was either a write up and time modification, or no write up and no time change… which is 2 hrs of no pay!? It rubbed me so wrong, Isn’t this basically extortion and wage theft, all in one?


Anyone else grouchy around the Xmas?

At work there's parties that were expected to attend. I have to spend my own money for the gift exchange. Or we're forced to plan holiday activities and I also have to buy some supplies myself. I try not too spend much but still… If management wants to have a good time they should just let us leave early for the day. And let us decide how to celebrate ourselves. Or am I being a scrooge/Grinch


We must rise up!

I escaped the matrix long ago you see… in high school when my pears were graduating i escaped the matrix and dropped out, i am now 33 and have never worked a day in my life ! Today if my anniversary, soo suck it biden!