
Stealing from teenagers is the lowest of the low

My child got there first job working at a restaurant. My child brought many of their friends to also work there. They all made about $5-$6 an hour plus cash tips (10% of server sales) which made their hourly rate to be $15-$17 an hour which is about the going rate in our area. After about a month, new owners bought the place. Go figure after the first opening weekend when it was slammed, the kids get a text message saying “sorry your only getting $12 an hour now, no more tips”. The kids saw servers putting the money in envelopes for them, and when they asked for their tip money they were yelled at and said they don't get that anymore. The new owners brought one of the girls outside, who just turned 16, and proceeded to tell her how he” doesn't Fing appreciate” her complaining about the new…


Last Paycheck Advice

I will try to keep things brief and anonymous. Essentially, I quit my job roughly a month ago due to verbal abuse from staff. I have since found a new job, but they are refusing to give me my last check. Every check previous was direct deposit, but this one is a written check. I attempted to go up to the establishment to claim my check, but I was told that a coworker was holding the check. (They are not formally management) I request for the check to be left up front for me to pick up tomorrow, and I arrived the next day to be told that I can only claim my check from the coworker. (This coworker is the one that was the source of the verbal abuse) I attempted to reach out to the manager, but he refuses to speak to me. I can only talk through…


My job is draining my life

I’m stressed everyday. Even when I’m not a work I’m thinking about it (right now). The team I did have they’ve all quit in the last month( one remote employee and a national account manager). I’m the only employee here running this unit. I’m pulled every way all day just trying to survive. I’m doing the job of 5 people so I really don’t think anyone is going to be hired like the company says they’re trying so hard to do. On top of that I’m severely underpaid. I took the job because I needed work. I was making more money 3 years ago fresh out of college. This sucks. I have just enough to pay my basic needs. I have to budget every dollar and I have no wiggle room. I’ve been applying for new jobs but nothing yet. I know if I get an opportunity I can double…


Now they want us to work while we sleep

How much more dystopian can late-stage capitalism get? This much more.


The owners are taking our tips

We pool tips and split it based on hours worked. I count the drawer and know how much I should receive in tips. After this week I was shorted $140. I asked my coworkers how much money they made so I know it’s the owners taking tips for themselves. I’m not going to put details yet because I want unbiased opinions on this matter. How should I proceed?


Sudan: farming during wartime


My colleague got the salary I’ve asked for but was denied. Aka – director BFF

Hope you are all well lovelies. Long story short – my colleague, one position under me, was hired by my Director ( insecure leader who needs to put incapables manager on the top so they bow down to anything – Nepotism as it’s best – all seniors are her friend ) Issues with performance that probably 8 managers complaint about, in which 2 left because of him. Despite my complaint to my senior, only chat occurred with no changes. Told my manager team to stop complaining about hun as it’s pointless and to get along with it as after the last complaint, my director, senior manager and him came to dine where I work in a birthday celebration – what a joke. We all laughed and moved on. I gave my notice as this place is toxic as hell – anyway. I asked early this year hence my work and…


Presumably the worst PTO policy I’ve ever heard of

Work a retail commission job. PTO is basically worthless as our salary is less than 1/4 of what we can make with commission. And then the 2 hour rule, which this one drives me absolutely batshit insane. The two our rule states, that PTO cannot be submitted in less than 2 hour increments. Therefore, if an employee works 38.25-39.9 hours, then no PTO can be submitted and we are “paid” as if we worked 40 hours. If one of the retail outlets is open on Sundays, it is usually limited hours. In my particular case, our store is open from noon to 5 on Sundays. Managers are required to schedule reps at minimum of 40 hours. Makes sense, right? Wrong. This week I worked Sunday, filled in for another employee and basically worked the whole day on Tuesday, leaving me at 39 hours. I left a little early on Thursday…


How on earth am I supposed to deal with a boss who’s goal is to terrify us?

Unfortunately I have to be a corporate slave to survive because I'm in a shit third world country and im dirt poor with a family to spend money on. I managed to get this job that pays relatively well but my boss is a total nutcase. He's so angry and intimidating. Its like, one day he's a sweetheart and the next day he makes fun of me for the most trivial, most pathetic things. He doesn't let me stick to my main job description (no HR can't help, they'll just rat me out to him if I tell them anything or complain), and he wants to micromanage while at the same time get SO annoyed by all the questions I ask him. Every single task I do, he wants to be a part of it and have me send him emails back and forth asking for written approvals from him…


McDonald’s won’t hire me

I currently work as a sign holder for two years now and shovel snow in the winters for two houses in my neighborhood along with a mascot job in the summer. I applied to McDonald’s and McDonald’s won’t hire me. I’m a 30 year old man and went to college at 20 and graduated at 24.