
new guy fire after 2 days

I work as off-loader in a warehouse where once a packer done packing box then I put them on pallet. a new guy was hire on the week for black Friday. He work on Monday and Tuesday then did not show up after that so the company fire him. I was happy when a new off-loader was hire because that would take 30% to 40% work load off of me. I hope the next new guy stay longer.


On BS Rewards and Solutions

This was going to be a comment on an image post I saw about a low-effort, crappy piece of paper with generic words, given to a top sales person. TLDR/Summary: Real leaders/people that live in the real world would never give an empty gesture instead of a raise and/or very good rewards. Next paragraph considers a “pizza party” that doesn't suck, bonus no-guilt PTO days, and things like massages and guided meditation to help reduce mental/physical stress. I then discuss how this could actually benefit the company, decrease turnover, save money, hubris of bad managers affecting decision making, and more. Last paragraph asks you what rewards you think are legit, which would bother you, and what it would take for you to feel the rewards/raises were “generous”. Unless there's a tacit understanding of an upcoming promotion (with legit compensation/benefits etc.), then I can't imagine what's going through the head of…


Question for those of you who work hourly:40 hours a week with half our break

Do you get paid for your half hour meal or do you have to clock out? My boss just changed everyones shift to stay a half hour later without asking us, to accommodate meal breaks that are now mandatory. So if you work 9AM-5PM 5 days a week what about you break? I would rather come in early then have to stay late. Thoughts?


“You are wealthier than a medieval prince.” Excuse me?

So, okay, everyone has heard this particular old canard. “The average person today is richer than the royalty of the past all throughout history. Okay, well, then why is it that my wages don't actually buy anything that I actually need? Sure I can get greasy food, poisonous plastic toys that I don't want, and I can buy pesticide covered weed but I spend more than half my money on rent so that I can live with roommates in a molded out, rusted down, tiny little coffin near a busy intersection where I constantly hear sirens and gunshots. I stand absolutely zero chance of ever, ever, owning my own home and I cannot afford college which is exactly what I would need in order to ever possibly get a higher paying job and when I have medical problems (and I have medical problems) I can't afford that either. Are plastic…


Coworkers in the US are highly annoying

As if working conditions are already not bad enough in the US, we also have to deal with 10 year olds in 50-year old bodies who are literal pop-culture wind up toys who just repeat every movie, TV show, and song they hear/watch. Anyone else notice how juvenile the average person is at work? Its like no one left high school and everyone is just addicted to ANYTHING pop culture. If I had a dollar for everytime I was asked “did you see X movie/TV show/song” I would have retired by now. Instead of working together as a team, on average “coworkers” are too busy doing their own thing distracted by some random pop-culture fixation.


Coworkers in the US are highly annoying

As if working conditions are already not bad enough in the US, we also have to deal with 10 year olds in 50-year old bodies who are literal pop-culture wind up toys who just repeat every movie, TV show, and song they hear/watch. Anyone else notice how juvenile the average person is at work? Its like no one left high school and everyone is just addicted to ANYTHING pop culture. If I had a dollar for everytime I was asked “did you see X movie/TV show/song” I would have retired by now. Instead of working together as a team, on average “coworkers” are too busy doing their own thing distracted by some random pop-culture fixation.


Coworkers in the US are highly annoying

As if working conditions are already not bad enough in the US, we also have to deal with 10 year olds in 50-year old bodies who are literal pop-culture wind up toys who just repeat every movie, TV show, and song they hear/watch. Anyone else notice how juvenile the average person is at work? Its like no one left high school and everyone is just addicted to ANYTHING pop culture. If I had a dollar for everytime I was asked “did you see X movie/TV show/song” I would have retired by now. Instead of working together as a team, on average “coworkers” are too busy doing their own thing distracted by some random pop-culture fixation.


Aggressively marketing emails and reward cards

I’ve had to do it and had it done to me today. It’s such a small inconvenience but they can’t say no. Went to a store. I was in a lot of pain and I need pads. The cramps were so bad my thighs were hurting. She asked me if I wanted a reward card. I said no. Asked if I was a student. I said yes. Tried to convince me to get it for 10% off. I said no. I’d loose the card or forget to put it on my phone. I only use that store once every blue moon so it would be with nothing. I was just too tired and in pain to think. I think I must have said no at least five times before I just said I wanted to pay. I’ve had to do think at my shop (granted I’ve only asked once or…


What is the best way to give an ultimatum to my boss to survive financially?

I've been getting really poor hours (under 13 hours) a week for the last three weeks and my pay is reflecting that. (paychecks ranging from $277-$370 ). I made less than $1,000.00 last month total. I've asked and asked for more hours and I've gotten the runaround. Im debating the best way to text my boss to say if I don't have at least 20, I'm walking. Any tips/verbage I should use?


I hate Indeed’s voice interview questions!

You apply for a job and they want you to answer questions like “what type of experience do you think you have that could benefit this job?” Or blah blah blah. Whatever they’re asking. And they want it as a VOICE interview. I hate the sound of my voice, and I have anxiety…especially when it’s a one way interview of my freaking voice. They just want to hear you so they can judge you immediately if you sound weird or not. I don’t sound the same when it’s a one way voice recording verses someone talking to me in person or a real phone call. These indeed phone interview recordings need to get the hell out!