
UAW teaching us by example the importance of intersectionality


Wtaf is this all about?!?


Fired yesterday. Walked out the door and got a job that pays me double by the end of the day.

Yesterday I was told I was being let go for “lack of productivity” That just means I pace myself instead of treating work like it's the only thing I live for. I've seen the manager work one time while I was there. His boss spent most of the day smoking and dropping f bombs. Now I outearn that manager.


My coworker was upset about a fast food wage raise

I work at a local florist, I love my job qnd my coworkers. We generally get paid 15-20 an hour. We were discussing the recent vote on raising the wage of fast food workers and I am in the camp that a win for them is a win for all of us. But she's in the camp of “It's not hard, teachers should make more. Not burger flippers” and yeah okay, teachers /should/ make more but everyone deserves a living wage????? Idk it's just something I've been really annoyed about, and I notice it in a lot of my younger coworkers. That somehow a person providing labor in food and hospitality deserves lower pay.


I was willing to take the consequences but it’s felt too personal

I messed up. I was ranting about my manager to my friend and the text went to my manager. It wasn't the worse. I was pointing out the irony of his internet not working while they were working from home and how he mistakenly lectured me once about my internet not working thinking I was at home (I was in the office building) and threatened to taken away my work from home privileges for having unreliable internet. Basically I accepted my unprofessionalism and kept myself accountable and was going to sign the HR write-up paper without any fight. But then he started bring up other situations that they had a problem with…weeks ago I wore a t-shirt to a casual remote meeting. After the meeting, he called and said I need to be in professional attire even in my house setting, telling me he wears sweatpants and but I need…


A soul-sucking office job



“If interested please send in your C.V”

Oh and fill out all the information that's on your CV, because that's what it's there for, onto several forms of terribly coded web pages, repeating yourself a million times and send that off too. Oh! and also you need to register with our company's portal… meaning you need to fill out and repeat yourself another hundred times whilst wrestling back and forth with our user-hostile web pages. We'd like you to come for an interview, oh and btw when you turn up no-one will have read your CV or any of the useless information that you spent hours filling out. Yes I know we asked you why you want to be with the company, what you have to offer and all of your experience, but that's all there so we look good and everyone's too lazy to read it anyway so just repeat yourself again. Great, so we'd like…


How do you feel about your company asking you to donate to their charitable efforts?

I work for a large tech company. We work, they pay us and now they're asking for some back. I know its not a lot compared to what they give me but it gets on my nerves. I'd rather donate to what i want and claim the tax credit myself. Can they not appreciate that ive been underpaid for 20 years and financially set back by two divorces and i am trying to catch up so my wife doesnt have to work when i die? Why don't they just use their own money? I didn't get a raise last year


There are more slaves now than any time in human history and we all contribute to it. Slavery needs to stop!


Girlfriend has highest sales for the year

No raise but she got a neat certificate I guess