
“Thanks for applying, but we didn’t have time to read your application.”


Salary beliefs. Reccomendations needed.

I have a Director at my company who is feeling very pressured about our teams hitting certain numbers. Due to falling behind they stated we should look to have our salaried team members work not just longer hours Monday through friday but their weekends as well, additionally wanting us to encourage our associates to cancel their PTO in an effort to work more. Im hoping to get some reccomendations or advice on articles, debates, studies etc that dispute the quality of work versus the quantity of work put in. I would ideally like to help this director understand the kind of atmosphere and culture this could be creating. Thank you for the help.


Does anyone know of legit online work?

I currently work retail but get extremely burnt out so I’m looking for suggestions for work I can do without leaving the house. Sometimes to help add more work hours not to replace my current job. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Christmas gift instead of end of the year bonus

Love working in education! This was everything in a bag that each of our staff got instead of a Christmas/end of the year bonus.


I don’t know what to say about this one

I work at Recoh Electronics in Georgia State. Even though the company makes millions every year, this Christmas, they gave us blankets. Pretty disappointing, Recoh. Expected more from such a wealthy company


Sometimes it’s so stupid, I’ll post a google review.


Software engineering job let me know they want me to screenshare during interview?

What could this be about? I asked them, and they said something like 'we want to see how you work, ask you some questions about Python, etc'. Why does this require my screen to be shared? I am fine having camera on and going through a coding test, but I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing my screen (I could see them asking invasive questions, etc). For more context, this is a financial services company that is rated really low on Glassdoor.


The job market is so trash

200 applicants to 1 job, jobs paying the same exact wage no matter what they entail, AI going over resumes, it's horrible. Neoliberals and conservatives gaslighting us into thinking everything is great is getting old. This system is only for the fat old greedy pigs. I'm all ready to start rioting whenever the time comes.


Checkers holiday hours


Job postings in 2023 be like

Entry Level: Must have 5 years experience, but 15 years is preferred