
Thought that I had FINALLY found an actual full-time position after almost a year of looking

But nope! I worked maybe 15hrs on the week of the grand-opening, and then I haven't gotten a SINGLE HOUR since. It's been about two weeks since then. I even double checked that the position would be full-time before accepting the job offer. Oh, and I think it's all due to my disability! There's no concrete evidence, though, so I don't really have a legal leg to stand on. Before anybody comes at me with, “This sounds illegal!” It's probably not, because I live in Texas 🙂 Gotta love the system 🙂


How do I shop for jobs after telling the others I’ve accepted one? More below.

There’s a job I accepted that I start in January. Two other places reached out to me and I’ve told these places that I already accepted another job. But I feel like I should shop more just in case these offers are better. How do I go back and ask in a professional way?


Team Building Events – Out of Employee’s Pocket

So starting next year, as part of the new 'team building' activities, my work is recommending us to go out for a birthday lunch with our group. So basically, we're to go out for a lunch with everyone in our group (group of 8) and the birthday person gets free lunch and the rest of the group splits the bill. The catch is, it's not paid by the company but we'll have to pay it from our pocket. They say it's voluntary, but I will feel left out if I don't go out. Everyone in my group is in different phase of their career (big salary gap between me and top paying individual) and is in different situation. With the current price so high in everything, I stopped dining out for the most part and I pack lunch to save money. My company's revenue is in hundreds of millions and…


My manager ignores my messages on teams.

I’m literally asking questions regarding leave and work holidays and he just doesn’t answer them. But he’s got time to make jokes on the main chat and I can clearly see he’s active. At one point I quadrupled messaged him and that was 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t got a reply. He’s really pissing me off now.


Really hate those “stand up for your rights” in the workplace videos

We've all seen them the person on a zoom call telling their boss how they won't stay late or take their laptop on vacation often punctuating the call with a “toodaloo” How many jobs have they had, because I've never worked anywhere that would tolerate that? I get that they're right, but I guarantee you everyone in the company secretly hates them because they're not seen as “team player”. Again I'm not disagreeing that the employee is right, just wondering where the hell they work that their employer is supportive of that.


“The Fine Print” [Stupendium, «Outer Worlds»]


Upset because you’re forced to do mandatory unpaid overtime? This state GOP rep says you don’t want to work at all, and you want other people to take care of you



Ich hatte eine Ausbildung gekündigt und im Kündigungsgespräch hatte mir die Ausbildung gesagt , dass ich nicht zum unternehmen passe. Auf Nachfrage kam keine Antwort (auch per Mail). Und diese Sache verfolgt mich immernoch. Wie geht ich damit um?


“Great points. Let’s set up a meeting to discuss and connect further!”

I am remote. Is this overused phrase a way for supervisors and companies to have surveillance since we aren’t in the office? For context, I got a request to create a PowerPoint presentation. I said ok this is my draft… Take a look and if there are any key things to change reply and let me know. Now the supervisor replies with this zoom meeting request and CC’s 3 other colleagues who have no relevance or connection to this PPT. It seems like every small request or task that can easily be done by me, always turns into this “wow let’s discuss via a zoom call” and “let’s connect ASAP”. No thanks. Just read it over and tell me it’s fine. We don’t need to analyze everything to death and have endless zoom meetings. Anyone also have a supervisor or company culture like this? It’s exhausting. A 1 hour task…


my manager tells me i’m rude and have a bad attitude.

I work with a small team, and my manager is quite harsh on the entire team except for his few favorites. These past two weeks my manager has been constantly pulling me in the office for things that has nothing to do with my performance or job role. When he asks me a question, he tells me my tone is rude. When I’m quit and just observing during meetings, she pulls me into separate meetings saying i look miserable and like I have an attitude. I was honest with him and told him I’m a little more reserved because i’m nervous to open my mouth during our meetings or other times that are outside my job role itself (for reference i’m a floater assistant teacher). I have spoken to people I consider a safe place at work and they reassure me that they’ve never thought of me as rude or…