
How do I not tell my boss to f**k themself?

Any advice for how you to keep yourself from telling your boss to fuck off and gloriously walk out / quit? I’ve tried going for a walk, nod and agree, taking side actions to make myself feel better (apply for jobs, preemptively write my resignation letter, etc), but my anxiety along with this persons incessant toxicity is lighting a short fuse. I’ve got several interviews and second rounds lined up but need to keep it together for the next few months. For context: I work in the architecture industry in a large city; the community is small and my boss is a terrible human, and more relevant to me, a terrible manager. They’ve been with the company their whole career (20+ years) and are very well connected in the community. If I quit on the spot, it’ll be much harder to find a job and potentially give me a bad…


After working 32 hours a week for a year now

I can safely say my American bros, you are being screwed royally. I work 4 days a week and 3 days off, I make about 85% of my 5 days a week salary. Never been happier honestly, i work monday tuesday, and then Wednesday no work. Getting to work on monday and realizing that in 2 days I will have a day off again makes me go to work with a smile on my face. Using that day off to either (kite)surf, boulder, snowboard or spend time with my little niece in the afternoon. Then when I get to work on Thursday I smile again because only tommorow left and then weekend. On saturdays I do my household chores and then Sunday completely off again without any responsibilities. It has been an utter godsend and such a psychological boost for someone already struggling with their mental health. Fight the system,…


What the manager REALLY wanted.

(Not my story but someone close). A few years ago, they were working in a bit of a hostile environment. The workplace was professional (suits) where they were required to submit products on schedule. In this environment, if a due date was Wednesday it was a standard to be done by close of business Wednesday. After 3 years of grumpiness and sharp remarks from the team lead, things finally came to a heated discussion. Apparently, when the team lead said 'Wednesday' – they REALLY meant 'Monday'. So, my friend asked, “So, for 3 years, according to you, I've been turning in my work 2 days late.” Team Lead: “YES” LOL


New tech startup promises to induce lucid dreams, so you can work both during the day and at night while you sleep


5 people have quit my job within a week

For context I’m working at a university and almost half of the staff have quit including the supervisor and head chief another manager and 2 employees. The turn over rate is ridiculous not to mention that since the manager left I am supposed to work even more hours and was even asked to come in on my off day I want to quit as well and am debating on going in today I left early yesterday due to the new supervisor having a bad attitude while trying to give me instructions on a job I’ve been doing since before she got there hr called me but I didn’t answer if I go back I’m sure to get a write up or something but idc and this point I wanted to wait until after the holidays but I just may quit it’s too much extra work being put on me


Stock = slow

Someone who isn't me replied to this comment on a bathroom stall. “Picker” complaining about “stockers” not working fast enough. I just learned that they apparently lost money this year…but whatever. It's probably just growing pains. I work in a huge warehouse they opened just a few months ago and that only operates to support their big holiday seasons.


I quit my job finally today you guys. I don’t know what the future holds but I haven’t felt happy for years due to severely understaffed, overworked, and lack of communication.

I quit my job finally. I don’t know what the future holds but I haven’t felt happy for years due to severely understaffed, overworked, and lack of communication. Everyday I was crying due to being drowned in work. I didn’t realize how this job affected me until I realize I haven’t seen people or talk to anyone since I started working here. I didn’t get any communication. It was so nerve-racking to wake up unhappy. Everyone wanted me to continue working there, gave me more money, counter offers and not leave. I couldn’t do it anymore. I left today. After I quit, I started feeling light and happy again! I don’t know what the future holds but I’m happy again finally!


Ontario to do away with mandatory coroner’s inquests on construction site deaths


Not advertising only posting this to show the vignettes of bad work environments (English subtitles)


Florida: just got laid off within my first month, not sure why?

I was unexpectedly called into a meeting where they gave me two options: “we terminate you” or “you resign”. I picked the resignation option, but I just don’t understand why they’d let me go this quickly? I was never in any disciplinary trouble. I came to work on time. Never left early without boss’s permission. I asked for feedback constantly, I made myself completely teachable. I took notes, asked questions, was professional 100% of the time, and was always polite/respectful. I always finished my work before the deadlines. I asked more than once for the reason(s) why they made their decision. And they kept telling me “this isn’t going to work out”. You’re automatically on probation for a year once you’re hired. And they….let me go? I just don’t understand. I had been only working there less than a month