
Burning Out? Here’s How to Reignite Your Spark


Refused promotion because I refuse to relocate…

Is it fair that I didn't get a promotion because I refuse to relocate, even though the person who got promoted (my boss now) has not relocated due to pregnancy?


Finally, an anti-work win. My placement realized I had no more work to do and actually let me get out of my contract early.

I figured for sure when I finished all of my work, they'd try to get me to do something that wasn't my job, and maybe I'd negotiate some extra pay or something, but they were actually reasonable. Maybe kind of dumb for giving me 8 weeks to do 4 weeks of work (which I already stretched out to 5), but that's no big deal. I really thought about just sitting on my ass for 3 weeks but decided to try to do a little extra work if I can. Don't worry though. There will be many hours of ass sitting over the next 3 weeks. I only wish I could afford to travel right now, but I have plans for the money I saved. You have to celebrate a win when you get it though, and my job could have easily made me stare at the wall for 8 hours…


boss is passive aggressive after I asked for one day off a week

So for context: I am a handler and guide at a sled dog kennel Usually the deal with those kind of jobs is that it provides accomodations and a small $$ pay. It is my second winter at this kennel, we are a small company that dont do tourism, just races, so I am the only handler there. I live at the kennel and love the musher I am working with (she grew up as a punk in NYC and as an anarchist myself, we are getting along pretty well). The issue is we became good friends, when we are also boss-employee, and I have a hard time setting healthy boundaries for myself in my workplace. We work from 4/6am to 7pm everyday. Sure they are some down times during the day but I have to be ready and at my boss' disposition 24/7. Lately I had a lot going…


Wage slave found on my Facebook timeline

Imagine thinking this is a flex


I’m so f’in tired of being an easy target

I dont know what I'm doing wrong… im so exhausted from it and it kills my mood every single day. I started a new sales job about 6 months ago at a dealer, but its a small town and most people working there know each other from school/college. I'm not from here, and idk if that's what is making me an easy target or what. I get mocked and joked at and made fun of constantly. I can't ask the same questions to my sales managers as others who work here, and I'm always told to wait with getting help – whereas another individual will get helped immediately because they're “buddies”. I cant complain to HR because she has no pull, and my manager is the owners son. I'm tired of being an easy target. I'm tired of getting made fun of. I'm tired of the constant mocking and not…


Lucid dream startup says you can work in your sleep


Boss is throwing me under the bus to a customer.

As title says. I work at a very specialized retail location selling to a specific hobby craft of products We had one customer phone an order in last week (more that seven days). I took the order, wrote it out and put it on the pick pile for whomever was picking orders next. I even made a note that the customer asked for haste as they were going to a market show on this upcoming weekend and would like the product before this Friday (today) That order promptly got lost. It was found again on Wednesday (my Monday) by me. I vaguely remembered the order and put it at the top of the pile to be picked (I wasn't working on web orders that day.) Yesterday I was finally working on order picking and I found the order at the bottom of the pile. I knew it was old so…


What If Americans Are Happy at Work?

“One could make the argument that, actually, American workers are happier than they’ve been in decades” according this article. What is The Atlantic smoking?


A Tail of Too Many New Hires (mass layoff second night or orientation)