
What’s the deal with job postings listing 35 hours a week but showing 9-5 or 12-8 shifts? Isn’t that 40 hours, 5 days a week?

I've seen full time positions with benefits show 35 hours. But then the shift times equal 40 hours a week. What's that about?


[Rant] I don’t fucking get it. Why am I not getting hired?

Like many of you, I was laid off. It was back in September for me. I’ve been applying like crazy and I had an interview with a place yesterday. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t shine in interviews but let me go through their list of requirements. 10+ years of experience in software testing. – 7 years This position requires a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or equivalent. – I just ignore this one Hands on experience in executing automation test suites in Selenium or other automation tools and analyzing results. – Jest Thorough understanding of QA methodology and best practices Experience in testing IOS and Android applications. Experience with testing web-based software. Experience in analyzing logs and debugging using browser debugging tools. Hands on experience with testing, analyzing and troubleshooting communication between front-end and API / Web Services. Expert level knowledge and hands-on experience in creating test plans…


Asked for a work phone

A couple of days ago, I requested if it was possible to have a work phone. My thinking behind it was that I could use the phone for taking higher quality photos, video editing, and increased accessibility while out in the field because sometimes I have to work remotely. My request was approved and my boss told me if I accepted I would need to be available to answer phone calls for support. The calls would be infrequent for various reasons. I thought about it because I wasn’t crazy about the idea. Then, he questioned my reason for wanting the phone again. I explained my reason. He let me know that it was common in our field to use personal phones for work. Then, he said I could use a loaner phone. This sounded reasonable to me. But then he explained that the loaner may not always be available but…


Struggling with Mental Health and Job Search – Seeking Advice

I recently left my current job due to severe depression and suicidal thoughts, and there's a possibility that the government might fund my training for a different job. However, I want to prioritize therapy first, which has a waitinglist time of about 6 months (2 months fulltime therpay). Meanwhile, they expect me to find new employment, as I receive government social aid, (got 9 Months left before it stops, but only if I look for work), but my condition hasn't improved, and I'm sure I cant sustain long-term work like this. Should I take the risk and wait for therapy and look for work after? I'm also concerned about how I'll even find work if I'm away for 2 months soon or just no therapy and start working again? Seeking advice on the best course of action. Thanks alot!


anyone else so exhausted from the grind you just feel like you’re not even alive?

I’m so exhausted from the grind of working full time and having a long commute that I feel like I’m not even alive. I’m completely disassociated almost 100% of the time and I’m constantly so exhausted I literally spend about 80% of my life being so disoriented that I don’t know what day it is, where I am, or whether I’m coming or going. I’m just in a constant state of being so profoundly exhausted all the time that nothing else matters and I invest 100% of energy into just dreaming about going home and going to sleep or finishing work and sleeping. I literally have no life or no hopes or dreams outside of ever just wanting to not be at work and wanting to go to sleep. Anyone else? I just need to know I’m not the only one whose this unhappy with capitalism. I feel so alone.


Boss is literally harassing me into quitting

My manager has been conspiring with my coworkers (who don’t like me bc I reported them to HR) to get me fired or to quit. He’s constantly looking for fault in everything I do. I WFH and he told me the other day that he sometimes watches my activity status on teams and sees that I’m gone for hours at a time. Sir….. if I finish my entire workload early, what do you want me to do? Sit at my computer until 5pm for funsies??? He goes “it makes me wonder to myself…. I wonder what where shes at”. Why does that feel so…. Creepy and inappropriate??? He denied my PTO for yesterday for a trip I already planned and paid for, despite me having put it on his calendar a week ago, even though I ALREADY FINISHED ALL MY WORK FOR THE WEEK. His reason was “due to interpersonal…


Reality is Stranger Than Fiction

I say this because I feel like the work, or quitting work story, I have here simply beggars all possible suspension of disbelief and I would like to share it to see if others are as bewildered by this shit as I am: ​ I work in retail for a grocery store and the last few months have been exceptionally difficult due to the store manager and his rampant incompetence. Constantly flipping and flopping on decisions within minutes of making them, sometimes even calling up the boss over at night crew in the middle of the night to sharply change course and it has been very disruptive to the store's productivity. This last month was especially rough and has severely strained everyone in the store, especially the grocery department where I work. I primarily handle the counting and stocking of any stock that we have in excess but most of…


how much PTO + holidays + sick days do you have?

I'm still entry level and recently accepted an offer with 21 days PTO but little did I know, it's a bucket that covers sick days AND holidays as well. serious downgrade from my current position (14 days + 8 holidays + unlimited sick days) Pay is higher at least. Ugh.


Is it possible to receive compensation for sick leave months after I called out?

For context I work in a restaurant in California and, I've called out of work a few times due to being sick. I definitely qualify for paid sick leave, having worked there just under a year. I just found out that California law required 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, which I was unaware of at the time. I have received no compensation, nor have I been informed of being able to use paid sick leave. Do I have a valid claim? I do plan on leaving soon, and I'd rather not abuse my accrued hours the last few weeks.


It’s the lying for me

So everyone who didn’t hit plan at my sales job for a nationwide company can’t work from home anymore. But we don’t have offices so I have to work out of a retail store . Not at a desk. Not with two big computer screen, but with a laptop at a table in a break room. I’m glad I have a bad back, gonna get a doctors note saying I need to sit at a desk and not at a freaking table in a break room at the back of the store, f them.