
My boss takes shows up late, takes 2.5 hr lunches everyday & leaves 1.5 hours early every Friday

The title says most of it. My manager is infuriating. He shows up 20 minutes late every single day, and takes 2.5 hour lunches every single day. I work in an office of only 3 people counting myself. He is constantly reminding myself and my coworker that there is only 3 of us in the workplace, and that we have to work together as a team to boost sales. But he is never in the office, barely does any work when he is, and expects me and my coworker to basically handle everything. What would be a good way to deal with this? I genuinely like my job and I don’t want to quit over this situation but it’s really starting to bring me down as it’s not fair.


Fuck going back to work

I am a doctor who suddenly suffered going blind but now can see in one eye . I get a decent disability payment monthly from private insurance. It's enough to survive but drained all of my retirement and burning through a refinance right now . I am 55 .. It was pretty brutal as I went back to work about 6 years ago when I regained vision in my eye. I was a bit fucked up as blindness reignited all this trauma – abuse – violence / sexual as a kid .. Kind of hit me like a Mac truck. I was happy to be back and did well but was late three times by about 10 minutes . No fuck ups of patient complaints. In fact 99 per her ' excellent rating ' .. I got pulled aside and said that I should go home . That I was…


Sitting here at work doing fuck all, everyone else has left but I still can’t leave for 45 minutes since I’m not at 40 hours

Seriously fuck this shitty 40 hour a week system, I got nothing to do and even if I did, no one wants to work at 5pm on a Friday when everyone else is gone. I so fucking hate being a slave to this random arbitrary number that was decided on 100 years ago


Pay decrease – what to do?

My pay decreases 15% last year. This year they are saying they might increase it a bit but might not cover the 15% reduction last year. Any thoughts on how to proceed? My salary is paid half as base and half as “bonus” so they can basically decide what to give me at the end of the year after having gotten all the work from me :-/


I worked 42+ years at a large corporation. All I want is some $$ I was promised. Instead I get GFY.

42+ years and when I try to access my promised healthcare benefit, suddenly they're telling me no can do. Yippee. Currently suing to try and get access. Wish me luck!


i’m under-educated and the reality of having to live in poverty forever is starting to settle in

this is a rant about my current work and life situation, i apologize if this is not allowed/not the right sub! i also apologize if im wording things weirdly, english is not my first language. I'm 18 years old, i just got a new job at a chain restaurant and i'll be starting next week. As much as i'm happy that i'll have a stable source of income again, i still feel so unbelievably hopeless. I'll work shitty jobs with shitty pay for the rest of my life. Some backstory about me: I don't have a highschool diploma. I'm a highschool dropout. I had to leave my parents home when i was still 17 and i moved to a different city far away from them, in the middle of my last year of highschool. I started working any jobs i could get and i was getting by, but now that…


Why stop working… ever


Found a hidden camera/microphone in office

Hey all so this is bothering me and I haven't been able to let it go so thought I might get some feedback. I've been with this small business for 2.5 years and believe to be a valued employee. Kicking goals and overall enjoy the position. The other day though we had a visitor hanging out in this room right next to my office, the room is basically a dumping ground for stuff, occasional meeting, etc, but definitely not a room that needs video or audio surveillance. Anyway they ask if I can plug their phone charger in and in me rummaging around behind a desk I find a camera and mic pointing basically up hard against the wall to my office. So not capturing any video but definitely able to catch audio. It was the only spare PowerPoint so I unplugged it and plugged the phone charger in. Anyway…


These are MY Oreos TYVM

My husband's employer has a customer waiting room with a coffee maker and some prepackaged snacks. All employees are aware that they face termination if they are caught taking anything as these are for customers only. I made hubby a lunch this morning and while he was snacking on Oreo cookies I packed, one of the middle managers saw him and DEMANDED to know if he took them from the waiting area. My husband held up his Ziploc bag of cookies from his lunchbox and MM huffed and moved on with a big sour look on his face because apparently Oreos are so rare that they can't be obtained elsewhere and clearly my husband stole them. What in the actual is UP with these people????? Please share your similar “the nerve of these jackwagons” stories here!


My doodle while on a converance call in which I was being terminated.

So yeah. Production is high, great worker, unfortunately I have no filter and a loud voice and an opinion. Silly rabbit. They can fire me and hire three people to do my job.