
The front desk lady hates me

I work for a cleaning company that is contracted with this office building in my town. I’ve been cleaning this place for almost a year now, and was warned about the front desk lady because she is particularly picky, and has nothing better to do. It took about 1 week of working here for the first complaints to come in, she addressed how I wasn’t cleaning things that I wasn’t even aware I had to clean in the first place (ledges behind coffee makers, pipes behind toilets). My employers have worked with her and her company for awhile now so they know what to expect and haven’t taken anything she says seriously. Another employee told me she realized I’m a new cleaner and will try to bully me now. Fast forward about 6 months later and her complaints haven’t stopped, when the fall season started she made an email directly…


was I rude to say this?

I was telling my coworker an anecdote about my car and my dog. My boss overheard me and asked me to keep stories about personal life to a minimum. Meanwhile she and the other women I work with (office is 90% middle aged moms) talk about their shitty kids all the time. So I was like “does this rule extend to people discussing their children at work as well?” She scoffed and left. Am I in the wrong here?


Tall person, extremely short cash register. Having to bend over all day and customers feel sorry for me

I got my first cashier job only to find out the cash registers are literally like less than 3 feet tall. I’m 5’10 and it’s way shorter than me, like comically so. I have to bend way over to put stuff on the counter, grab a bag, get money from the register etc. Customers notice and it makes them uncomfortable, they’ve said they feel sorry for me, that my posture is going to be wrecked and that I’ll need to book a back massage at their spa. A couple of tall customers have said it’s too short for them to put their stuff on the counter. I told my boss multiple people have complained every day and they said the register set up is new and won’t be changing anytime soon but they will write down the complaint. What should I do?


Cant bring myself to walk in to work.

Its the weekend which means its the busiest time of the week at most food places. Problem is, the restaurant i work for has had the highest turnover rate ive ever seen. 8 people left within the month and a half ive been there. 4 of thouse were fired in front of me. I dont have too much on my resume, but ive been at 2 other food places for a whole year. U see a lot of shit go down in a year you start to learn the problems of that business and try to either mitigate or problem solve with help from people who can help and it makes u wanna stay at said company if u see change. That and job consistency looks good on a resume. But in the place im in now theres just so many problems that theres 0 chance for any change and…


An exec told all of us during a meeting, “I’m tired all of all of you caring during working hours, and going home and not caring about the job anymore. “

The audacity of some people to think we need to live breathe and die work, and prioritize work over family or anything else confuses and baffles me. It's not even like we work in some very corporate field where sometimes that can be expected. We work in customer service.


70 WPM: The to a Job

I was invited for an in-person interview after a phone screening, as the office manager confirmed I met the job qualifications and had over seven years of experience. The position involved posting jobs to a job board in Salesforce. She assured me no prior experience was required, as they provided on-the-job training. I had specifically asked about this before the interview to avoid wasting my time. I also inquired about any necessary qualifications, certifications, or other arbitrary requirements, and she assured me there were none. Upon arriving for the interview, I was met by three individuals: the IT guy, the manager, and the company owner. While I was well-qualified and met all the job requirements, the manager abruptly asked about my typing speed. When I replied with my typing speed of around 40 wpm, he declared it insufficient and insisted they required 70 wpm. This revelation came after the formal…


Just found out my direct supervisor is a rapist.

Hi Reddit, I didn’t really know where to post this to be honest. I will be intentionally vague about what I do, since this is public information and you never know who is on Reddit. I work in the hospitality industry. I just started a new job in the past few months. I have a supervisor who basically stays until the end and makes sure everything ing is done and ready for the next day. I always got weird vibes from him but just that he is weird and lonely. I didn’t feel in danger in any way. I believe strongly in my intuition. I trust myself and my ability to read people. Something told me to look him up on the states sex offender website. He was there and the things he has done absolutely are terrifying. There were multiple instances of violent attacks. I will say, I am…


How do I stop covering a task that I have been doing for free for so long that it’s assumed to be my job?

TLDR: VP has a task that I started handling on the hope of compensation. Years pass. Everyone in the chain thinks it's my job now but I have never been compensated for it. How do I stop? We had a team of Account Representatives here who were old and dumb as rocks when it comes to technology. They were each the point-of-contact between our company and the outside business customers who receive product and database/emails/announcement files from us. Even while they were here, they were infamous for being just the “let me forward that to someone else” team of useless twats. That entire team is now gone, either through death or retirement, and the VP who is -on paper- the Team Leader, absorbed all of their duties and accounts, while the company slowly decided whether they even needed to hire replacements. One of the things that they all were supposed…


Fired For Being Upset

I’ll try to keep this short, even if it’s not. I ran a farm. The poultry caught an illness that meant they all had to die (one of those nightmare scenarios brought in by a wild bird, bit hard to avoid.) So, naturally I was upset. I spent $30k of my own money and 3 years of my life building up friendly, beautiful breeding stock. I raised every bird myself, most from eggs. I understood the need for culling on a professional level, but that didn’t stop the hurt of losing them. I was additionally upset, because the org lead and my coworker had been making big decisions without me— so overall, I was feeling burnt out and unwanted. I stayed professional though. I just wasn’t as cheerful as I had been. Then one morning I woke around 5 AM to a group text from the org lead (boss) that…


A little Christmas humor