
Don’t Mistake Coworkers For Friends!

There is this guy I work with who regularly bitches about our workplace and I usually listen to their rants and agree to an extent and occasionally share my own grievances. Even though I work in the office, we are a small company, so I get asked to go help do random tasks in the plant a lot One day this week, I was asked by my manager to help him out, so I went out there and immediately, he said “don't worry , I've got this.” and I said “No, I will help bro.” Since we are always sharing our grievances, I made a comment about how “they (the management this guy is always complaining about) never help me out when I'm working in the plant.” He says “sorry man” and I pretty much said, “No, I don't mind helping, I'm just complaining about management.” He leaves to go…


saw this at my job (Amazon warehouse)

made me feel a little better for my 4am shift would love if we unionized and glad to see others feel the same haha. solidarity is everywhere ️


I’m confused. If it’s at-will, why do I have to agree to stay for a year?


Which company – or companies – has fired you or laid you off?

I assume that a large contingent of us on this sub have been laid off, so let's hear it. Who laid you off or fired you? I got laid off by Centura Health. Bonus points of you have a good walkout story.


Opinions please.


Just curious if anyone agrees.

The whole system is fucked because of constant hunt for quarterly and annual PROFITS. It’s impossible for a corporation to hit unlimited GROWTH, doesn’t matter what the company is, which is why Capitalism needs to be tweaked, it’s EXTREMELY FLAWED. If we fixed this, everything would fall into place. A company’s payout to employees and executives should always be by percentages. CEO makes lets say 10% no matter what, other executives have a separate pool of 30% while employees get paid out of a pool of lets say 60% of the earnings for that quarter. As the company grows, so does everyone else. (I pulled the numbers out of my ass but hope you catch my drift) Of course no one will ever do anything like this because everyone is a greedy fuck and doesn’t give a shit about their own employees. But this would incentivize employees to work harder…


Got money after i got fired but it’s weird

So basically i was an intern for a company that ended my contract after one month and a half and they told me that they will still pay me on my last month (October) and i got paid as they promised so in November my parent sent me money to survive while I’m actively looking for a job. And now i went to check my online bank account to see if i got my parents money to pay rent and suddenly i see that i received money from the company i used to intern in. My question is can i keep it ? Because im afraid if i dont tell my ex boss i may get sued ? Can i get sued if i choose to keep it ? Ps : the internship agreement was originally 6 months


Becoming a manager means that you have open availability apparently?

To become a manager at Mcdonalds there is a “certification” proccess. Basically just training and then a day of running the floor to show you can do it. I have my managers certification on Deccember 20th, I just got a text from my GM that says, On December 26th, since you will be a manager, I put you on the schedule for 5am-1pm. I need help that morning. I never agreed that because I am a manager my availability is all of sudden open (I am a college student my availability often varies based on that.) I wont be doing anything the morning after Christmas Day but this is already screaming red flags. Any advice on how you guys would handle this? Im partially willing to go in, because I wont have school anyways, even though getting up at 4 is outrageous for me haha, but this is not a…


Work Overpaid Me; They’re Taking it Back at Christmas.

So my work overpaid me in a state raise that I was supposed to get (4%). I noticed that taxes ate up a lot of the raise because it was retroactive to June 1st. Today, I got a call saying that they overpaid my retroactive pay by double, so they are taking it off of my next check (I’m paid once per month, so it’ll be in December). I love where I work, truly. My boss is great, my boss’ boss is great, and my boss’ boss’ boss is great. This job has been amazing. I love going to work. However, this is going to hurt my family in the Christmas season because of their mistake. The two people in payroll I spoke to were less than helpful. I am beyond pissed. Is there ANY legal action I can take or am I just going to have to suck it…


Company told me I will be let go after Xmas.

This is a rant but also to get some opinions on what I should do next. ​ So basically I worked my ass off for the past 10 years to build up my resume and experience in getting a job at a top 4 company in this industry that I wanted to be in at the start. I finally got hired in Jan 2022 at my ''dream job'' and everything seemed to be going well, hoping to be promoted and climb up the corporate ladder for the next 10-15 years. Fast forward to August 2023, the client I am working for is discontinuing services at the end of the year and thus I am no longer needed. My colleagues and my manager abruptly quit after hearing this news, leaving me to do double the amount of work (for me and my manager who left), without any pay raise or promotion…