
Massive property management companies be like:

For Rent: a STEAL at $3,500 a month. The HEIGHT of luxury. Just 55 minutes from downtown [insert shitty midwestern mediocre city name here]. Washer and dryer not included.


Resigned, Manager Advanced My Last Day to Deny Me Insurance for December

I feel so foolish for giving notice. I knew better but I was worried about my professional reputation. I work in a field that requires an advanced degree and significant on the job training. I have been doing this job since 2007 at three different companies. In my most recent job, I was the second most senior person in terms of handling complex/high stakes assignments. My manager graduated in 2017 and has never handled, and is not yet qualified to handle, my level of work. The work environment she created was not healthy for me. I found another job elsewhere for more money and put in my two weeks. However, the job doesn't start until the end of December. Yesterday, two hours before the end of the day, she told me she was “making today [my] last day.” She said this was “not a termination,” but a cost-saving measure. I'm…


Job interviewing is literally singing for your supper


The amount of people who call themselves middle class to cope is sad, and honestly annoying

No, you’re not “middle class” if you live paycheck to paycheck in 600 sq ft space and your retirement plan is social security and hoping your kids succeed. You are working poor. I know you have a laptop and a phone. It’s 2023. It’s like seeing an Egyptian dude helping build* the pyramids, seeing rope in his hand, and saying “wow look at the technology and living standards he gets to enjoy”. I don’t think it’s ever coming back


What is the worst holiday bonus you’ve received? Mine was a $5 blockbuster card, which didn’t even cover the cost of a rental.


Fuck the mayor of portland.


Zombie uprising!

If there was a zombie uprising and the main source of food was human brains, I am 100% certain my coworkers would survive!


50 cent raise… after one year

I work in the kitchen in a medical facility & have over a year worth of kitchen experience before this as a lead cook at a restaurant. Anyways, I’ve been here one year. No write ups or getting in trouble etc. I work my ass off. I realized they only gave me a 50 cent raise today. With inflation/cost of living and barely making it as is with $17 an hour.. I’m pretty mad about this but what can I do except look for a new job right? Is this normal? A 50 cent raise? Really?


My gf’s boss is trying to pull a fast one over her

Hi r/antiwork, I’m seeking advice about a concerning situation involving my girlfriend’s employment. We live in a seasonal area in California, where she works as an office admin for a landscaping company/nursery. During her job interview in March 2023, it was discussed that she would be on a salary during the winter shutdown (Dec 1st – Mar 1st), which was a significant factor in her accepting the job. In August, due to concerns about the winter period and her boss being somewhat flaky, she had other job offers that she was considering, as they seemed more secure for the winter months. However, after a discussion with her boss, who assured her that she would be on a salary based on a 40-hour work week and would have nothing to worry about during the winter, she decided to stay. Despite this assurance, as of December 1st, her boss has unexpectedly changed…


Trying to make crap benefits look good? At least you get a chili cook off. Do employers really think these are good benefits?