
Oh snap a free sub?


My boss wanted me to use a sick day to use the bathroom.

I work from home and stepped away from my workstation to use the bathroom this morning. Halfway through my 8 minute bathroom break I got a voicemail from my boss telling me that I either needed to call in sick, take pto or get back online right now. I reiterate, I was offline for 8 god damn minutes and they wanted me to use a sick day. I frequently skip breaks and work past when my shift is set to end. I got this job my second year in college because I was sick of working retail. This job has slowly gotten much worse than retail. The customers are worse, the supervisors don’t care if they verbally abuse you, your schedule can get changed without any notification, they give people work that they legally can’t be asked to do because the company won’t foot the bill to give employees proper…


Can my boss make us come in and not pay us?

I do construction in Michigan, my boss is trying to tell us we have to come in even if it rains but we arent allowed to clock in until they find us something to do? So basically they want me to come in at 7am and sit around for hours for free, then MAYBE get to clock in for a few hours later??? Seems shady to me.


Boss told me being on time is late and being 5 minutes early is being on time.

Fuck that. I show up when my shift starts.


Quit this hell hole wfh call center job on the day I returned for a 3 month leave of absence and Im grinning ear to ear

The call volume was inhuman, they told us not to use the bathroom unless its an extreme emergency, they were hesitant to let use our benefits often convincing us there were certain things to be met in order to use them which was not the case. A LOT more wrong to be honest. Too much to type out. I came back, my manager is on a leave, another manager I DESPISE asked me to call them on teams. Im starting another job in a couple days so I just said “No, I quit.” I dont want to talk to her and I dont trust a one on one with her 🤷‍️ she wouldve been the management I was reporting to since my manager went on a leave and hellll no. She then asked if I can email her my resignation. “This is my resignation. Heres my email for the shipping…


Junior coworker crying from eating meat

So in my workplace we have a junior who is fully vegan, one time we went to a fancy noodle place and we each ordered our separate dishes. Like usual the same junior starts to ask the waitress what dishes doesn’t contain meat or eggs or milk or butter or cheese, what vegetables don’t grow in the ground etc., after about 10 minutes of back and forth (language differences) he settled on a plain noodle dish with veg broth and tap water. Soon our dishes get served to us and the meal was amazing, conversation was enjoyable, everything goes smoothly until during mid meal, the junior starts sobbing uncontrollably for some reason. Naturally, all of us get concerned for him and our manager asks him what’s wrong, to which he points to the inner side of his bowl where there was a very tiny speck of meat, even I had…


“employee happiness is not a goal”

The title is a direct quote from my company's CEO in a profile someone wrote about him that was meant to be positive PR. He was actually bragging about it. 🤣 My happiness is not a goal, so no one should be surprised when my productivity shoots rapidly downward. Everyone knows that employee happiness and productivity are related, right? I don't know why, but seeing that article (I would post it but it is behind a paywall ) was the nail in the coffin for me. It was just a confirmation that no, the shitty culture is NOT a byproduct of moving fast or whatever. It isn't even up for change, it is 100% by design. It feels like shit to work there because they want it to. So toxic. So I'm quiet quitting until I get fired or hired somewhere else


My tolerance for bullshit is decreasing by the second

I’m still on probation, this is like my almost 2nd month and I already wanna quit, so many things are wrong in this company. They want me to enter new markets in mid December which means my probation wouldn’t even have ended. There’s no direction or planning and I’m expected to do it bc “you already have experience and this is what we expect from you” – mind you my title is assistant manager so that shit is beyond my paycheck and just bc I can do it doesn’t mean I should bc I give what I’m paid for. While I’m expected to do that I’m also expected to do intern work like packing up boxes to send out like excuse me I’m not a fucking warehouse staff tf. They also just set a ridiculous target without even discussing or setting an incentive system and I obv don’t give a…


My job is officially forcing us all back into the office 3 days a week

I work in IT at a University in Central Florida that's been primarily remote since COVID began. As of January, we're officially being forced to return to office 3 days a week with some outrageous new guidelines. Monday is supposed to be for meetings and prepping for the weekend. Wednesday is for meetings and training. Friday is for end of the week wrap up. Upper management is so separated from reality that they think this is what work looks like. They're pulling us away from WFH where we worked excessively on projects and customer support to do meetings and prep work. It's an absolute joke. Our department has been losing people left and right since the “Great Resignation” began and leadership has taken it as a good thing and constantly praises that we “do more with less”. None of the positions have been backfilled and we're absolutely drowning in work.…


Pay rate changed to minimum age for quitting

This is in the US, state of Georgia. Where I work if you quit without notice your final check is changed to minimum wage rather than your actual pay rate. No one agrees to this prior to employment and there are no signed documents for this. Legal?