
Need a new career

Or at least a job I can physically do for the next 20 or so years. I'm currently a house painter and I love the job because it has absolute flexibility which is helpful with two elementary aged kids and elderly mom at home. Mom is starting to lose her memory, so she's requiring more assistance with doctor visits and such. But the pay isn't amazing or dependable year round. At 41, I also know my body isn't going to let me do this forever. Anyone have any ideas for jobs that would allow me to work m-f 8-2 if it is out of the house, longer hours if it is something I can do remote from home. I have a useless associates degree and I'm willing to go back to school for a job if the money and quality of life with said job are good. I feel like…


Please Im Just Trying to Survive

Me (M23) and my wife (F23) live in my gradparents house and we are trying to find somewhere to live because they are selling their house so we will have to move. So we are scrambling trying to find a job (my wife quit hers so she could be a stay at home mom with our son) and im trying to find a second one. Just to make rent and bills, but these jobs man they want a specific shedule, and expirence and ect. Then when you try to meet them halfway they just say no but then turn around and say WERE HIRING WERE HIRING! I just hate how copratized everything is. Idk. TLDR life is tough. Need a second job. Companies suck dick


Wage theft: what do I do first?

I’ve been documenting everything but I don’t k ow what to do now that I have all my ducks in a row. Everybody says to talk to the DoL and a lawyer, but which do I do first? Does it matter who I speak with first? Are there benefits to speaking with one over the other? Do I do both? I just don’t know


Companies are posting Jobs they do not intend on filling. Why?

This is not just some “TikTok Propoganda” it is really happening. We had multiple rounds of layoffs in my Org around this time last year. In the call to notify the remaining employees, they boasted about having 1500 jobs open. At this time, there are about half as many, but the problem is that these positions are not being filled. Posts are sitting for months at a time. When the hiring managers are confronted they give the same story. “Well we are keeping it open for the perfect candidate.” The Recruiters do not even reply, they literally just ghost you. And then, when you ask too many questions, the same position mysteriously disappears and the same position under the same manager is posted under a new job code. Myself and a co-worker went through multiple internal interview processes over the past 2 months and had the same exact scenarios occur.…


How do you deal with boredom and guilt?

I'm working for an NGO and am increasingly finding myself with literally nothing productive to do for hours at a stretch. My working hours are fixed and I can't work from home. It's a really small team and most are very happy to exist like this, doing very little most of the time while the management do all of the interesting planning and decision making. I have asked if I can support other staff, I have done a lot for the organisation in terms of its success in my area, my job is done well, but it's small and not enough for a whole day. Not doing much doesn't seem to be an issue for anyone other than me. I''m already looking for another job, but can't start until my current contract ends in a few months. I feel guilty for being bored, also for complaining as I'm getting paid…


There’s no place for unitaskers anymore

My superpower is hyperfocus. When I’ve got just one or two tasks or projects to work on, I can get them done better and more efficiently than anyone. I can get into a flow on a project for hours at a time and stay productive without getting tired. I find it energizing. …but you can’t say that these days, I feel like. Every job wants to hear about how you wear multiple hats, because all they want is run the leanest staff they can and still get everything done. These days I’m working on several projects simultaneously, plus managing a staff of FIFTEEN people, and taking issues from clients. Nothing I do has any depth of thought and I make silly mistakes way more than I ever used to. All I’m trying to do is respond to that email, get that task off my plate, fast track that project. I…


Pray for me

I interviewed at a place last week. It went pretty well. They said they had a couple more interviews and they would have an answer by Thursday-Friday this week. She said they’d be calling everyone and letting them know if they did or did not get the job. I’m trying so hard to get out of this BS place I’m in rn. I want it so bad. I hope they call in the middle of my day so I can just get up and go home. Wish me luck today.


A considerate leader

This year has been hellish! Thankfully the leadership brought their enthusiasm to pull us together as we ate shit and trained the next batch of transient teammates to linger before moving on. Boss has taken significant leave (whilst we trained the new batch) and feels a little socially left out so has used the staff party to get to know the them. Pity that they voted for the night boss couldn’t make it. Lo and behold Boss has the power to make it right!


The middle class are less valuable than the wealthy (and thus more valuable than the poor)

Look at this fb post i happened upon in my timeline by this fucking wanna be Andrew rate ass fuck.


The Idler article – Work: The Quiet Killer Interesting (albeit short) read. The figures are mind blowing.