
I don’t want to show up tomorrow

I work in accounting and I’m now with a company that believes printing everything on paper is where it’s at. I want to die at work but I make it fun, highlighting stuff and writing codes in nice handwriting. That’s just the under layer of their code of conduct. These people have literally made me cry because of my mom duties, appointments, etc. They treat me like I’ve killed somebody when I return. I Interviewed for another job and I’m pretty sure I will get it. It’s wfh until they can get any kind of grasp of what they are doing but I’m fine with that. It’s also 10k more than I’m making now. I wish I could quit my job right now. I have so much going on, getting my daughter ready for daycare, rushing her and not having any valuable time with my kids. They have told me…


Suggestions/advice for getting MORE free time at work?

Hello fellow disgruntled workers! I'm currently looking for new office work, and I want to immediately start cultivating routines that will allow me the most personal free time to work on my own projects. I'm a firm believer in “boss makes a dollar, I make a dime,” so I don't believe hard work really amounts to career progress; I'd rather spend as much time as I can get away with working on things that are important for my family. I also just like the sense of rebellion it gives me. So what are your tips for claiming more time back for yourself? I don't want to make life harder for other workers on my level or below me, and I don't want to be a social curmudgeon (although I'll entertain the last idea if really necessary). A lot of my ideas, so far, are the basic ones: Make your presence…


Parent complained about me

So I work at a doggy daycare, and we had a couple of dogs get into a fight. I had just gotten off of the phone with one of the parents when the other walked in to pick up. I walked over and said that I needed to speak with her in the office. As she was walking she said “getting called into the principals office again” and another mom in the lobby said “yeah I got called in there last week”. And then a third mom who wasn't even involved complained about the interaction to corporate. Wtf


Frustrating team

Hi , I recently joined this team and I am not a fan of the team members , but I am just trying to give it a go . Whatever I try to do it is backfiring . On top of all these my manager only says the negatives during our conversations. He never says anything positive at all, I honestly don’t think I can trust him. Over the time I built a rapport with some of the colleagues but with others it is getting worse . On top of that we have tons of work , did not get a chance to learn anything new in the past 6 months , only sharing what I know to the team and others in our department. Any suggestions would be much appreciated


This is my first time saying no. More in comments if you’re curious

I’ve been basically being abused this entire year and they pissed me off this morning and this is now the result


Why so disposable?

Let's talk about the policies when it comes to being I'll and missing work. Obviously post pandemic, people are still highly concerned about getting sick during the winter season especially. But for the LOVE OF GOD why do they have to be so harsh when it comes to penalizing GOOD WORKERS for literally being ill? Someone who otherwise comes in and goes above and beyond becomes severely ill and doesn't have enough pto to cover sick days- and ate literally released from their jobs for trying to a) keep other from getting ill and b) just trying to get better. Why the fuck do companies not have a better understanding that humans get super sick this time of year??


Rest so u can be recharged to work sentiment bothers me

I hear it so often. What about resting for rests sake. Ppl must have their identities so tied into productivity or something for everything to tie back into work. Mine is about having a good time more so like thats pretty normal. Its rlly annoying to hear tbh.


Are we getting “double” taxed? Taxes on what we buy, then taxes deducted from what we make?


HR Director sharing details of HR investigation with employee(s)

I'll try to give the pertinent info here, but please feel free to ask questions so that all can get a better picture of the situation; In spring of this year (2023), I, along with 2 other members of the department I'm in were accused of and investigated for an array of offenses ranging from watching & sharing pornography in the office, misogyny, harassment, etc by another employee in our department. These were wholly and patently false accusations and not a single one was corroborated. No reparations were made by the company or by the employee who made these false accusations, nor were there any consequences for this employee. We were investigated 3 times within 8 weeks and we all felt that this rose to the level of harassment via HR complaint. We had no recourse and had to repeatedly defend ourselves from complete nonsense. We felt as though we…


Canned while disability ruling was pending.

I've previously been on disability and FMLA leave because of some serious health issues that popped up this year. While waiting for a ruling on another round of disability, I got informed that my position was being eliminated. I'll be speaking to an attorney because it very well might be all above board or maybe I have legal options, but my insurance through work probably literally saved my life this year. Losing that is going to be a bastard and a half. Friendly reminder to use up all your insurance benefits before the year ticks over, comrades.