
Should i quit on the spot or two weeks notice?

I work as a hostess at a restaurant. My reasons for quitting is the manager. He constantly gets on me or accuses me of things that I didnt do and when he realizes he was wrong he never apologizes just moves on. It makes me so anxious and I have to defend myself for no reason when he knows how dependable I am. He is toxic. He has his nice moments but its like he doesnt see me fully as a person. Im a woman and he sometimes gets close to me or will touch my arm or hand and it makes me very uncomfortable. The last shift I worked he sat on my lap. I cringed so hard. Once he held my hand when i was walking to my station. The list goes on. He is very disturbing to me and the other girls have told me that he…


Fire for “theft”??

So this is mostly just a rant. Cause I'm in a shit mood cause of my work(we no longer). I worked in a retail job, as a keyholder. Well Monday I had a shift from 2pm-1015pm. I was asked to put a bunch of stuff into the system so I spend nearly all of my shift doing that. I got to one item and wasn't told where they would be so, I opened a box, and realized it wasn't the correct box. So I closed the box and put it back without moving anything it. I then texted my boss asking where these other things I need to put in are, it was in a box way away from the others. So I grab that box, and the items I need from inside of it, then put then in the inventory. Finish my work for the day, clean up, and…


Fun fact: The government-approved economists and the Fed are touting a strong economy and a decrease in annual inflation; meanwhile, the cumulative rate of inflation is still around 14-16% over the course of the past 4 years. If you are not getting a 15% raise every year, you are getting poorer.


Had an interview at a Japanese hotel for min wage and recruiter showed up 30 mins later.

This recruiter messaged me last night on Indeed about a server position at a Japanese hotel and how training is being included. I have some knowledge of the language so I told her I could come today. I went there and apparently recruiter wasn't around. One of the servers came to apologize herself and kept texting the recruiter. (Who is the manager btw) Server gives me an application being all apologetic. The manager shows up and didn't even apologize for being 30 mins late. I was filling the app and she was in front of me trying to talk to me when I was filling the app. She told me this is a very high end position and I gotta know the menu perfectly and how most of guests are from Japan, etc. Well hotel pays min wage. I guess most Japanese people don't know the tipping culture that the…


Real reason why they want us in office

This article I stumbled across a few days back gives the actual reason as to why want employees back in office after feeding us with bs on productivity decline.


A supervisor took my belongings from my desk for no reason while I was out sick

For context, I work in a large call center where we occasionally have to move desks for different reasons, usually because of a training class, so every time we move desks, we take everything with us other than the computers. We are allowed to have clear bags and other items, such as toys. I have 4 rubik's cubes, a bag with a number of things you may need throughout the day, and items for ergonomic accommodations, including a special keyboard, mousepad, and an ergonomic chair. I was out for two days due to doctor's appointments, and when I returned, my bag was missing. The bag, and the contents of the bag, were the only things missing from my desk, everything else was accounted for. I was able to find out who had my bag, which was a manager, not my manager, but a different manager. I had to wait a…


Wow, my money problems are solved

Great way to acknowledge working more than 40 hours a week, including some evenings and weekends


Wow, my money problems are solved

Great way to acknowledge working more than 40 hours a week, including some evenings and weekends


Am I entitled to unemployment benefits?

To keep it short & simple, I was working through a contract agency and assigned to a large company. I was fully remote and honestly began to hate the monotony. I had intended to quit during the last week of October as I had heard of other opportunities I wanted to pursue. However, but before then, on 10/25, the agency called and notified me and told me my contract would be ending on 11/3. I told them “if possible, let’s just end it now” so that it would allow me more time to seek out said opportunities. During the unemployment application, it asked for the reason of unemployment. The two closest reasons are “quit” or “laid off” and I could see how these circumstances fall under both. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance. the contract agency was based in NJ, I live…


Small businesses aren’t any better

I have been working for a small furniture/appliance store in the southern United States for over 2 and a half years. The people who own the company are pretty much the definition of the typical “good ol' boy”. Conservative, white men, with a lot of money. The drinking culture here is horrendous. The owners and several managers often leave the store for hours at a time to go to a local bar and come back tipsy while “working” (if you could call it that). They recently renovated our conference room and it looks amazing…minus the part where employees aren't even allowed in there. They have a cabinet full of liquor, a minifridge full of beer, and even put thumb print locks on the door so only managers can get in. My desk is close by and I can hear glasses clanking and loud laughter all through out the day. It's…