
Our best chance yet. Motaz and Bisan, two of the last courageous journalists still alive on the front lines in Gaza, have called for a General Strike (Dec 11-12) to force a ceasefire. Don’t go to work. Don’t buy anything.


My boss infected me with COVID while knowing he had it

Tl;dr: My supervisor infected me (which then infected my immunocompromised elderly family) with COVID, even when he knew he was positive, and now this is affecting all of my holiday plans, including a surgery I’ve been waiting to have, friend events before the surgery, and family that were supposed to stay with me for the holidays. My boss was sick and ended up staying home one day. The following work day, they were there and needed to explain something to me at my desk, so they pulled up a chair within close proximity, and that was that. I later feel weird and understand that I’m coming down with something. Eventually, I get tested after an isolated elderly family member tells me they’ve tested positive for COVID and I’m the only one they’ve seen. I then test and find out that I’m positive. So I messaged my supervisor to see if…


Overworked, underpaid, disrespected and scapegoated.

I don’t even know where to begin, other than I’m so miserable and done with my job. I can’t really say where I work with fear of identifying myself but I’m so stressed. But for context I work food service but not fast food. It is a little upscale. The sad thing is, it pays decent which is why I cannot simply quit atm. Not livable, but enough for what I am doing. My coworkers call out way too often, because of this I’m over worked and the managers just do not care. I’m expected to work extra even though I’m scheduled at specific times yet I do it because I understand it’s my duty! If my coworkers are asked to stay longer they outright refuse and get away with it ! But im expected to do it without complaints. I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but it’s really…


What the hell kind of application question is this, and what would you write?

Just came across this question a moment ago, whilst filling out an applications.


I swear, companies are passing on actual qualified employees

First off, let me preface this by saying this post may be a little self aggrandizing however i think I’m well within my boundaries to be outraged at this point. I recently moved to a new city afew months ago and have been looking for employment ever since. In this time span I’ve had far more interviews than I did at my previous city, however with the volume of resumes and cover letters I’ve sent out, I feel like it should be way more. I’m at the point where again I will be looking for part time employment as opposed to a full time career because I’m simply not getting the calls back or even the time of day to interview. And I’m absolutely baffled at how these companies can operate like This, I’m not saying that I’m just “entitled” to employment because I sent in a resume, but most…


My coworker is a bully and no one will stop her

So my coworker, let's call her R, is a bully. She does things like assigning me extra work (she's technically a team lead without the title or pay raise) and then chastising me when I cannot get it all done, she tells me I'm a bad worker, she'll ignore me, she rolls her eyes at me and scoffs when I talk or ask a question. She's a bully. I have talked to two managers and HR, but no one will stop her because she's best friends with one of the managers, who is also kind of a bully. At this point, I may have to give my notice, because she's making me miserable at a job that I actually really like. In fact, I love this job, and I had planned to stay a long time. But I can't do this everyday. She makes me cry, that's how bad it…


Anyone else skip work today for the global strike?


My manager said we are not allowed to call in sick unless we are hospitalized

Has anyone’s manager ever told you that? He wants me to vomit at work rather than calling in sick.


New sign at work… thoughts?

Management put up a new sign last week saying you make $67,000 off of 17.40/hour + benefits. Thoughts?


My For Profit ambulance company is asking for monetary donations to the owner for his Christmas present

Technically this email came from the president. This company has been decent to me in my time here, but the audacity of asking this from an administrator who definitely makes a lot more than I do, makes me want to never work for this company again. Several signs (car, outfits, sons car who got a job there) point to the owner being a millionaire. Absolute foolishness.