

Does it feel like you need to work in a trade or as an academic to get a house or wages above the poverty line here in Canada? I want to be a trainer since I can't sit in an office 8 hours a day. But, doesn't look like I'll ever be able to retire or have a home on those wages….


New employer is delaying retirement paperwork and contributions? Any actions to be done?

Posting this for my wife who doesn’t use Reddit. A couple months ago my wife started her first job after graduating dental hygiene school. Her employer offered a 2% retirement fund match, but has yet to provide her with any way to start her account, thus prohibiting her from contributing towards it (and obviously no way for employer to match anything). She was approached by her boss last week who said that she’s been too busy to get her the paperwork, and asked if my wife wouldn’t mind waiting until the first of the year to open her retirement account, to which my wife said a hesitant “sure” because she’s new. It’s bothering me because this feels like a way for her employer to get out of the 2% match (which is already low for similar jobs in the area), let alone the missed out contributions of her own. Is…


Oh boy I wonder why


Capitalism Rots Your Brain

My dad had a heart attack last night, a relatively minor one but still – he was rushed to the ER and is currently hospitalized, awaiting the result of some tests before he can be released. I had a very rough night and logged into work this morning (I work remotely) and after a couple hours of unfocused effort through tears and various phone calls with my family, I paged the main channel that I'd be sitting out of Zoom meetings today due to unexpected bad news in my family. And I feel GUILTY. I feel like I'm somehow lying? Or exploiting my father's health for my own gain – like, he's not dying, it's not that serious. Part of it is, I know my father would himself be deeply embarrassed and upset with me for backing off work. When he called to tell me the news and I started…


48 million workers are paid less than $20 per hour

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Study: Nearly 700 minors were working in hazardous environments illegally in 2022


Why is everything so expensive? Don’t companies need us to be able to actually BUY their products?

Especially the unnecessary stuff, like Hulu, for example… People are having to make choices right now and the first thing they are going to cut out is the overpriced, unnecessary stuff.


A long, pointless vignette of working my first real job. Vent ahead

You're at that age when children are made, money are squandered on instragrammable trips with friends or the significant other, saved for that mortgage payment. But you are not there yet, and the incapability of imagining yourself wrapped in those scenarios distracts you from the tedious scrolling. Back to track: You're looking for yet another job amongst the hundreds of advertisements you're either too qualified or too unqualified for. Your current job at a dark store, the one you have just decided to resign from with a combination of SMS and email to your unresponsive boss, was your first ever incursion into the working life. Ten hours a week, you thought you could manage that. True, you have a newly obtained master's degree and the pay is as low as it gets. Sure, the company has refused to stipulate an union agreement and is known for its questionable working conditions,…


What do I do if my job discriminates against me after LNI claim?

I'm a bit frazzled so I'll try to keep this concise. I went on LNI due to an injury. I have it well documented and everything. They have all the paperwork from the doctor. We kept in communication. But when it was time to return to work they FIRED ME for job abandonment and aren't paying my LNI claim. In fact, I've done LNI with this job before and it went smoothly, but it was for a shorter time out. (I have a blue collar job and injuries are common). I guess they weren't happy with the length of my LNI time off. Just a month ago I had a coworker who got promoted, got sick from covid, and when they returned the coworker found out that they got demoted and lowered pay without being told due to them being out sick. This job also has issues with racism and…


Problem with my boss

I asked my manager to take my PTO because I was sick he refused saying there was a lot of work going on even if half of the office was on vacation, I did not understand why on me who must work , so I went to a doctor to bring a note saying I was sick and I need two days actually (the doctor told me u need a break) sent the note to him and everything was good, returned to the office after medical leave the very first thing he told me when he sees me that u are fired for disobeying me I told u can't take a break there is a lot of work, I told him I am sorry but I was really sick, he doesn't care and terminated my contract( didn't believe i was actually sick )