
Overtime is a privilege. If we call out we lose it for the rest of the year. Only to find out we won’t have it because we can’t afford it.

Sorry for the long post I just wanted to vent somewhere. So, I currently work in retail and this time of the year is the busiest of course. Roughly around the time of late October to early November, I been asking my team leaders if when will we have overtime and the responses have been mixed ranging we'll get it soon to we might not get it this year. One week before Thanksgiving I found out we had overtime and all I had to do was ask (granted it had been a week since I asked but I felt as though they should have announced it to us). There's just one condition, if we call out just once we lose overtime emphasizing that it's a privilege. I can kind of understand why from a business perspective they need people to be there as much as possible considering how busy it…


time for bread


Company hinting at RTO full time next year and “other budget cuts…”

Went to a staff meeting today with the VP of our large global company. She spent half the meeting hyping up RTO and how great it was to see people in person like the “good old days.” Apparently people aren’t meeting the required 2 days in office per week so they’re really going to be knuckling down on that in January. I guess they’re tracking how we’re in office somehow? Like if we’re connected to WiFi? She also excitedly told us about all the new mandatory social events they’re planning like (after work) dinner and drinks. My commute is 1.5 hours and working in person considerably drains me. I hate the corporate bullshit and small talk and not having the 3 hours from my commute. My manager also gave me a light talking to last month about how I’m “quiet” in the office and not coming in too frequently, which…


Hired by a company who never really trained me and they are writing me up a month in

I took a job with a national organization less than 2 months ago. From day 1, I’ve received little to no training. I have over a decade of experience in my field. I’m not talking about career-related training. They never told me what the expectations of the department were. They spent less than 10 min showing me how to use their computer system. They never introduced me to the other staff members and didn’t tell anyone that I was working remote. This company has a 47% turnover rate in the first month of hire. Now I’m being written up for asking someone in another department questions related to our common job duties. What I asked are basic information questions that I would use to determine how I am going to proceed with my intervention. Literally everyone in my field asks these questions to these people in the other department. It…


Employer is deciding to take tips away if we get sick this month

I just received a group text from my job (I work at a bakery) where they said that we are expected to be prepared to work every day in December with longer hours and they will not be honoring the set scheduals because it’s busy. They do this every year but this year they are adding that if you miss any days for any reason then all your tips for the month will be taken away and put back into the tip pool. They specified that even if you have the flu or Covid that you still have to come in and “tough it out” which not only is awful to the employee but absolutely disgusting considering we make food for people. Someone pointed this out at the meeting and it was met with a shrug from the owner and him telling us that last year our lead baker made…


Let go while getting tropical disease treatment

I work in wildlife rehabilitation. Three days ago I left my job in the Peruvian Amazon to return home to get treatment for a horrible tropical disease I caught working for them. I've just been told to not come back, with the only reason given that they dont feel I'm a perfect fit with not a single negative comment on my work for the whole 6 months I've been there. They advised me to go hoke for treatment, then watched me leave with only a carry-on bag and leave two boxes of clothes, knowing they would fire me but not having the decency to say it to my face and let me prepare to leave properly. Now they have to ship 2 bags across the world at their expense… I'm fuming.


The mayor of Portland asked employers to enforce an at least 20-hour in-person workweek for remote and hybrid staff starting on January 1st.


Tucker | Una Bomber | Modern Lives

tucker on ted kaczynski: “uncle ted? i think it's very bad to send mail bombs. i'm totally opposed to that. but i'm capable of separating the two. his books are some of the most interesting things i've ever read in my life. basically the thesis is there's a massive cost to technology that we don't perceive and it's entirely possible, in fact likely, that technology will progress to a place where we can't control it and that it will instead control us. and clearly we're there. it's dehumanizing. it extracts a toll from the physical landscape, the environment. i don't think it's crazy, actually. working at citibank and driving in from some depressing suburb in new jersey for an hour and a half in traffic, to work a soulless job that has no inherent meaning whatsoever, to be mistreated by some disgusting series of supervisors in the HR department, and…


Current salary is less than the minimum advertised salary for my role

Three years in, a year at my current role, and frustrated that my “market based” raise has clearly not kept up with the market. Any thoughts on how to approach this?


Partner Won’t Listen

My partner complains almost everyday that they are overstimulated from work and that their body hurts. We have the same “conversation”, which is basically just me talking at them, to take time off. They never listen. Today, they showed me that their ankle was swollen which makes sense because they worked 6 days last week. They told me that “all they know how to do is work”. My partner lives with their mom, if they take time off it won’t really make much of a difference. It’s really because they think that money/working will solve all their problems. They have their entire life to work, I just don’t understand why they don’t want to take care of themselves. It’s just hard to get through to them.